General Discussion

General DiscussionI got matched with people who thought Kaolin was a carry?

I got matched with people who thought Kaolin was a carry? in General Discussion

    Both of these:

    What are the odds of not getting one decent player on my team? One game I was drow being farm contested by an earth spirit? Can I please be matched with some decent fucking players please? Every game I have won recently my team honestly didn't deserve to win and the rest are idiots that throw games etc. Maybe if I spend more money in the store Gaben will show me mercy.


      They were playing him as carry yet they only got 35 and 36 last hits respectively? Anyway, I feel like any time Kaolin is picked his team is at a huge disadvantage right now. He's tough to play and not very strong. Dat 30% winrate.


        Btw I dont wanna seem mad, I wasn't mad haha.


          Lol nobody knows how to use kaolin


            I see that it's such a shame, he is so unique. But I don't get where they see him as a carry?


              But he's a carry! Look at all those skills! He's got an orchid that does upfront damage, he's got an aoe abyssal, he's got a super force staff, he even has a radiance that he places on the enemy instead of himself xP


                Ach I just lost another match cause of these retarded spirits... Trying to get my invoker winrate decent but no chance with these morons.


                  You suck balls, stop blaming others. You lost mid to a Pudge, you have 37 cs as Invoker in a 30 minute match. Get over yourself.


                    Oh hey its that guy again. Gonna have to ignore that bait.


                      Aw dude I sucked so bad again
                      I shouldn't have made that Skeleton King disconnect. God that was so ball suckish of me to do that.


                        1 deny with OD against a team that doesn't even have a mid hero. Nice.

                        Looks like you managed to land no more than 2 attacks on towers too.

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                          Aw dude I forgot you would go to the end of the world to make someone be in the wrong aw man that is so bad of me for forgetting that and replying to you regardless. I am just the worst!


                            @SamMcC Your stats show that you suck. Get over it and start improving yourself instead of throwing the blame around. You have much room for improvement and blaming people for picking spirits won't help, half the time they'll be on the opponent team anyway.


                              You are horrible and you continue to blame your allies when your game is far from perfect. There are definitely situations where you play well and your individual performance far exceeds anyone else and yet still yield a loss, but if you get 1 deny with OD, then clearly you are doing more than just a little wrong.

                              even in half your wins you have almost no impact whatsoever, and get your ass carried by other people, even when you are playing a #1-2 position

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                              Quick maffs

                                I have no idea how to play earth spirit, personaly if i dont know how to play a hero i dont pick him ..... but you know a lot of people dont give a fuck and will just try to learn how to play him on pubs.


                                  "but you know a lot of people dont give a fuck and will just try to learn how to play him on pubs."
                                  I have so many friends that do this's also the same friends that hit random even when they're the 5th pick. Infuriating.


                                    I went 22/10 today as ember spirit but still lost.....I think team doens't know how to play with him causing this retarded winrate


                                      Well, everybody gets bad team once and then.

                                      Although, I've played against you before where you cried about your team yet you didn't play any better yourself. I think you play earthshaker. Everybody has bad games now and then. Go 5man stack if you can't handle having one good game yourself whilst ur team doesnt have that good of a game..



                                        1. You were on my team
                                        2. I don't all chat
                                        3. Sniper & Medusa are dead weights vs that team
                                        4. Read the title, this thread isn't about me having "one good game myself whilst my team doesn't do well"


                                          @Terrible: At the time denying a Rubick who ended the match with 59 cs wasn't a high priority to me in that game if you have a look at their lineup


                                            kaolin is arguably one the strongest support in the scene right now.
                                            Singsing plays a decent earth spirit, and how i think he should be played.
                                            Both ember and Espirit are broken at the moment. They are too overpowered and will get alot of changes. There already was a nerf to Espirt from dota 1. his pull normally scales damage up to 180? but yeah.
                                            Its a hero that has 2 repositioning skills, 2 stuns, an Aoe teamfight ult, a silence and a 5cd second 2000 range movement ability.
                                            That on paper is freaking strong man.
                                            It just takes alot of skill to play.
                                            You can bane grip someone and pull bane out and continue channeling? you can kick a cm mid channel ulti into a fight. same with SK/sf anything, even blackhole...
                                            you can reposition your blackhole.

                                            He's not a carry, and not really a solo killing hero. hes alot more of a "fuck-u-up" hero


                                              People complain how those 2 new heroes sucks. Nah, they can't play them decently.

                                              And people who can only blame others as if they made no mistake is what i hate most.

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                                                Yeah Peekaboo I watched singsing play him, it was good.


                                                  I think SamMcC is a douchebag.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    recently ember has been getting buffs in dota 1 so I really dont get where people think he is overpowered. He is like slark in the way he can destroy unorganized pubs but balances out when people have a brain


                                                      Valve labeled him as a carry/disabler, the players are just looking at the card.