General Discussion

General DiscussionFail Hero Thread! With what hero are you basically just bad?

Fail Hero Thread! With what hero are you basically just bad? in General Discussion

    I am freaking bad with Batrider, qop of pain, Storm, clock. Bad is beign nicely said.
    However I started playing offlane for reals now so I am trying really hard to learn clock


      Bad? I am bad at too many heroes lol too many to count
      tiny dk omni husker alchy panda tree wisp chainsaw piggy sk pudge magnus undying
      morphin sa ta luna drow druid naga troll sf razer void pa spider spec meepo fishy medusa bs sf
      puck storm lina tinker bamboe chen sil skymage enigma qop dp pugna ds bat invoker od visage

      lol too many to count lol

      Ples Mercy

        invoker YOLO


          There's heroes that are bad innately; Medusa comes to mind.

          Then there's heroes that are really, really good. And I feel like I'm doing stuff, helping my teammates, and we lose.
          These heroes for me are Shadow Demon and Rubick. I love you two guys but I just don't have it in me.


            I just can't win with RNG heroes, no entangles, no multicasts, no axe spins and so on.

            and I can't micro shit, so no Meepo/Chen/Enchantress/etc.

            Woof Woof

              meepo, visage chain stunning with familiars+being aware of whats going on in team fight just isnt working for me, my last hitting with itemless broodmother is really bad too, Io, and maybe tinker but i am not sure about him because i didnt play one game against good players as tinks and beastmaster my playstyle just doesnt fit to heroD;

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                Medusa? Bad hero? In the current meta it's probably the best option for hard carry going late, several teams have pulled it off very successfully, Liquid against Alliance for example.

                I'm bad on any 5 in general, especially if the hero I'm babysitting can do well in the lane on his own; I tend to have not much of an impact on the game when that happens.


                  I'm bad...BAD at heroes which require high skill in micro-management and the need to follow a long and fast button-pressing sequence PLUS positioning to play effectively. Namely heroes like Invoker, TA (well, I just suck at positioning with her, but that's SO vital on her), get the idea. Also Windrunner, Dazzle and SD apparently.

                  I prefer heroes with a simple playstyle but which require BALLS to be effective. I hate pussy Vipers and initiators in my team :/

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                    who the hell is qop of pain? queen of pain of pain? sounds badass


                      deja vu topic


                        I can't play PA or Pudge. Look at those winrates. Scary stuff.


                          Meepo and chen
                          And i tend to not pick sven because i usually get stuck with pl in lane if i do


                            Oh man I can't play Sven for shit either, and he's such an easy hero to. But I literally almost never do good with him.




                                Morphling - I can't really use him properly in team fights;
                                Weaver - Just not my type of hero;
                                Pugna - Really fun but I got only up to 14.29% win rate since I'm tend to always dive right into the fight;
                                Bloodseeker - I don't know;
                                Night Stalker - 0% win rate, I suck big time;
                                Meepo, Spirit Breaker, QoP, Slardar, Shadow Fiend, list goes on.




                                    Rhasta I always feed with him


                                      I can play sven for shit, I just dont like him as a carry, or gyro, 0 percente winrate with him.


                                        Any hero with a vowel in their name...or any letter for that matter.

                                        Yes, any hero with letters in their name.

                                        LUL REKt

                                          Well i can micro and it looks like the RNG god likes me BUT i am the worst juggernaut EU


                                            Lone druid, Meepo, Chen, Visage.

                                            I wish I could play Chen. :(

                                            bonjour, gentlemen

                                              Invoker, Mapo, LD druid, Furion.
                                              Escpecially bear, I just can't play him to save my life.


                                                Timber and meepo :D


                                                  lone druid


                                                    Storm spirit for me. I don't think i'm that bad at him, maybe it's just because i pick him at the wrong times.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      I'm bad with bounty and brew. 44% and 37% respectively and they're my 5th and 7th most played heroes.

                                                      The reason is I was a noob and used to always play them as farming carries. I would battlefury on brew. Painful yes I know. I think I played him like 10 games in a row real quick and lost most cus I haven't played him in a while. I think playing properly now I could get that rate back around 50% without too much trouble.

                                                      Bounty on the other hand is a mystery to me. First I know I was playing him poorly, not ganking enough, farming too much, I blame myself. But even when I do buy the right items and gank, if I go bounty in an allpick my retard team always goes all carries or picks nyx/riki and other team sentries. Or other team counter picks with slardar or they just don't pick pushing heroes that are susceptible to ganks. I dunno, I feel like bounty runs a very specific role that doesn't fit on many teams.

                                                      I'm 1-7 on shadow shaman somehow. I have no idea why. Every time I play him I'm out of position and feed. I'll shackle, hex and my teammates stand there and do nothing lol.

                                                      I also have really bad luck on Sven. 8 games played and I think 4 of those had 10 min abandons on my team.


                                                        clinkz and sven. I guess I can't really last hit really well with clinkz, and then when I do get an orchid (after sucking so bad for so long) I get focused down when I try to go for solo or teamfight kills. It's like when my team is playing against a clinkz, they won't kill that guy and he'll destroy my team, but when I'm playing him everyone knows to just turn on me the second I'm on the map.

                                                        Sven is fun, but I can't really farm well on him either and I find that there's just too many heroes that can just walk the hell away from him.


                                                          all of them



                                                            Vanity  ツ

                                                              Support heroes that are very passive or defensive in the laning stage

                                                              Penis Monkey

                                                                furion, I detest that hero and everything about him

                                                                bum farto

                                                                  But do you even prophet? Invoker, Puck, Tinker.

                                                                  (I am not a mid player)


                                                                    I don't know why, but for some reason... Clinkz
                                                                    Look at my DotABuff, you'll see I'm decent with heroes 10x harder than Clinkz, yet I can't win with him ._.


                                                                      idk sf? check my last game fuck i failed so bad


                                                                        On the top of my head im going to say 1.Elder Titan 2.Invoker 3. Clikz Kinda Elder. (For some reason) is a big nono for me


                                                                          Storm Spirit. Timbersaw. Wisp apparently. I also can't win for shit with Dark Seer even though I seem to do pretty good with him in games (high KDA, good farm etc).

                                                                          I play mostly support. I can get wins on Chen etc. But can't get wins on Wisp/DS.

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            Wisp requires cooridination with teammates to keep the link up and good ports. So it's sometimes hard to win pubs even though he's amazing.

                                                                            Dr. Knees

                                                                              Bane. Just.. cant win man

                                                                              Sexy Vicious

                                                                                Huskar, Doom, Bloodseeker, and Juggernaut. to play but not good at all


                                                                                  Puck and Wisp I'd say. I have had crap experiences with other heroes but I think with those two it is all down to me.

                                                                                  SMELLY APE

                                                                                    teach me qop plz


                                                                                      Lion and Centaur ... I just can't.


                                                                                        Sometimes when you play support so much you forget how to last hit :P LOL But me? any micro type hero that requires constant control. I have fun playing Visage until he gets to level 6, lets just say that =D

                                                                                        bitch syndrome

                                                                                          Oh, i'm always doing my best Shadow Demon, but i lost 70% of games. So sad.

                                                                                          bitch syndrome

                                                                                            Playing supps and microing are the most fun in the dota 2. :D


                                                                                              Even worse - when you get completely steamrolled by the hero you're bad at.


                                                                                                Bad with morph, puck, visage, meepo(ofcourse), wisp, troll etc..


                                                                                                  Really really bad with qop watched many games with her so i know how to play her but i jump in squeel and die , faceless void i tend to get ganked alot when and never ever get him strong and pa never seem to get those crits

                                                                                                  Low Expectations

                                                                                                    Arka after watching ur strim I think you should add Io :D


                                                                                                      I fucked up as Treant pretty bad yesterday.