General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat role am i best with?

What role am i best with? in General Discussion

    Look at my dota stats like look at everything and tell me what my best role is im getting into compeditive soon so i want to know wat role im best with



      i mean position 6 XD

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        low tier noob
        srsly top played heroes drow, riki, sniper? wtf


          -_- thanks for the help i barely play drow,riki, it says i have played them alot because i played them alot when i started played for sniper yes i play sniper alot because he is fun

          Papa Het

            if you think sniper's fun, you should't play competitive. Believe me, it's not time.


              -_- i love how every comment is negative i just ask a simple question and i get crap back


                Just take the advice gracefully and stay far away from competitive Dota. Your hero choices are pretty low tier, you farm when you play carry is not great, your KDA outside of Riki isn't particularly impressive, and nobody is impressed by owning noobs with Riki.

                Don't take it personally dude, there is nothing wrong with that, not everyone is great. I'm pretty shit myself. The sooner you understand where you stand relative to the "good" players, the sooner you can improve yourself. Keep playing another 600 games and think about competitive then.

                Two positives that I can say is that you are playing a wide variety of heroes, and your win rate is on the up. In the bracket you are in right now, you are doing well. Just keep playing.

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                  Ok i will take that...still unregarding conpeditive what is my best role?



                    Papa Het

                      no, it's not really crap what you're getting back, you just don't like the answers.
                      They are maybe rude but nontheless true. I don't even dare to imagine what you think "going competitive" is, but if you're talking 5v5s and you like heroes like sniper because "they are fun" you will get crushed, badly.
                      Play some real heroes (your winrate with useful heroes is mostly dreadful, even your favourite hero is negative) and then you could maybe, MAYBE play a 5 or 4.


                        Ok i guess i will take that too lol...still kinda want tp know that one role im slighty better st then the rest


                          Sniper isnt my favorite hero

                          Papa Het

                            Like I said, 5 or 4 role would suit you best imo


                              Oh i just saw that


                                Just judging by your last two pages of games, you seem to do well with hard carries. There were quite a few very short games that you won as hard carries, but I ignored those because I can't know if you were just fed or someone on your team just raped someone. I'm just judging by the long games where your play would have the most impact, and it seems to be pretty positive.

                                Granted, someone would have to actually watch your games to know what wins and losses can really be credited to you, but that's my best guess based on your match page.


                                  Yeah wat my friends tell me im horrible with hard support which i guess i can kinda agree with im not that freat with hard carry bur im ok and im ok with semi-support


                                    Hey stop bashing OP.

                                    @OP, ure probably an excellent #1 or #2 player. I heard DK is looking for a standin, how's ur ping on SEA?

                                    edit: typo

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                                        My ping?

                                        Papa Het

                                          Atum tried to be a funny fuck and troll you, just ignore the kind Vandis.




                                              No offense man but you are not ready for the competitive scene in any capacity. In your top 7 heroes, the only respectable ones are Tinker, DP, and Clock. Sniper is probably the gayest hero In the game and is never used competitively btw. You probably think hes fun because hes easy and all you have to do is right click. You need to get better with supports to show that you have true understanding of the game. Don't quit your day job bro.


                                                If you really want the answer: whats your best role

                                                I would say: play support. because your GPM as carry is not good. to be a good carry You need at least average GPM 500+ (in your last 3 carry win matches. just above 400). You need to practice LH more (maybe in vs bots).
                                                You can learn quite a lot from playing supports. Game mechanism, map control, map awareness, skills sets from different heroes, etc.

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                                                  Τhe highest game impact u have with support heroes, on the other hand ur games with support heroes are too few. Play some more and then come here again for advice


                                                    Couple things 1.i said disregard the compeditive thibg amd 2.(not that i would play sniper in compsditive but) but in the first international not international 2 but the 1 before that( i forget wat it was called but it was a dota 2 offical toury) they used sniper hard carry


                                                      Still ur question is no valid since u play carries the most. The few times u played some of the supports the game impact was high. U need a higher variety of heroes and way more games so we can tell u clearly


                                                        Ok i take that


                                                          Just try playiing 10 games as a support, 10 as a solo mid, 10 as an offlaner and 10 as a hard carry, u ll be able to see on ur own (wont need our advice) what role is suiting u the most after more or like 100 games.

                                                          NOTE: Try taking ur roles seriously tho. Dont go in as a support and say bah thats boring etc u wont reach any conclusion like that

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                                                          Vanity  ツ

                                                            Huskar or serial killer is the best role. This is also known as the 666 role


                                                              -_- sometimes i feel like no one takes me seriously


                                                                So so far my best role is Semi-Carry but it could be support(hard and semi i guess) but i would need to play more supports to see


                                                                  in my games you would be the typical ruiner
                                                                  as of now you don't ahve a position because your skill is too low
                                                                  so i recommend you to play a lot more and to master a few heroes. You can start with heroes like lich that are very OP now


                                                                    Ok then...


                                                                      Iv mastered a few heros iv mastered Dk,Weaver,Tinker,Skeleking,DP and thats about it


                                                                        And clockwerk

                                                                        Vanity  ツ

                                                                          Honestly, your tinker looks decent so you should play him more often and maybe watch some gameplay by merlini or singsing. I can send you some links


                                                                            Yeah he is orobely. My best


                                                                              Work on last hitting. A lot.


                                                                                Yeah i do a bit

                                                                                Woof Woof

                                                                                  ignore stats and play role you enjoy the most unless you want to make dota 2 a path of underperformance and mental strain for yourself


                                                                                    me too what role am i best with

                                                                                    Woof Woof

                                                                                      clearly you do really well with junglers like templar assasin and bounty hunter

                                                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                                                        This shit is hilarious. How about you learn the god damn game before you even think of getting competetive?

                                                                                        -> Iv mastered a few heros iv mastered Dk,Weaver,Tinker,Skeleking,DP and thats about it
                                                                                        Made my fucking day. Srsly, if you rly think you 'mastered' a few heros with those shitty ass crapstats and no experience whatsoever on n00blevel of d00m, then i feel sorry for your brain, if that thing had a face it would drool 24/7.




                                                                                            Dont listen to blunt he has nothing better to do with his time than troll on forums , he thinks he is funny when he really inst


                                                                                              Oh well i reported him gg


                                                                                                Hahhahah same

                                                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                                                  You 2 should make a nice couple, you both suck, yet you think ur amazing. This should be comedy gold.

                                                                                                  Woof Woof

                                                                                                    whats wrong with competitive dota against other 2/3k rated players

                                                                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                                                                      That they begin to make threads on forums and try to show off their pathethic asses with 200GPM and 10 LH's after 5hours. Then start calling everyone else noob because they won 2 times on a row.


                                                                                                        Have i ever called someone a noob on Dotabuff? No i havent blunt your a sad cunt
                                                                                                        Point proven about you not having anything better to do than be a annoying troll