i know i did not do so good, but i still don't understand why did witch doctor want to report me, i only picked that since i had to mid...
winning your lane /= winning the game. There are times you have to sac your own personal stats to win the game. For example when some random idiot picks a carry last pick after I picked a carry alrdy I will go semi support give the farm to him and do what I can to make up for his dumb choice. What most players will do is fight for farm and cause havoc and ruin a game that 'could' have been won because of their own ego
^The thing is if that person whas so blind to pick a carry after you already picked one there is a good chance that he will have nothing late game, because he is bad, and you will have nothing too because you went for semi support.
match maker will only get worse for players with +50wr% that are otuside of top pages
i checked ixdl open eu and it had like 200users yesterday ! it seems like its getting more and more players each day
not really in pubs from what I have noticed some people just dont give a fuck about what other people pick and play what they want to play(I have done this as well from time to time). I have won plenty of 4 carry games and even if they suck with enough support you can pull a win out of your ass. Losing a match in which you are 20-0 just shows that you are a horrible team player and in dota which is heavily based on team play shows you are bad at the game.
^Sometimes Sampson that its not true. I already lost game when i was 24-3 with troll warlord and could not won the game because they team fight and push power was really superior. We probably didnt lost because of my team mates but because of picks. I just felt like i coudnt do anything.
And sometimes if you throw your life away trying to help your team when you are playing a carry or snowball kind of hero it will only stop you from snowballing hard.
In other words, i dont think that one person can won the entire game for a team, no matter what.
what is the point not taking the 25% chance of helping your teammates to take the underdog win rather than protecting your KDA and just casually giving up. No matter what picks you have the other team wont have better teamfight, ganking potential, split push AND counter push you just need to take advantage of what your lineup has to offer.
Our lineup could win late game ez if ench and es didn't decide to go carry and luna actually laned with es to get ez kills
We lost because of my team having 0 brain potential
If I wanted to protect my kd ratio that I achived mostly in mId game I would stay at fountain instead of jumping 1v4 and killing everyone but AM who blinked away everytime he saw me until he got basher and butterfly
My team was bad and you can't justify it in any other way
I will take the time to watch the game and if I do not see you 4v1'n the enemy team I will just pass you off as another delusional pubstar.
It happens. Queue up again and move on. At least they didn't drag the game out beyond an hour duration.
ok I watched 20mins of it and I got the general idea of what is going on.
You last picked TA after your team alrdy had luna and PL which means at least 1 lane will ruined
Your 4v1s you spoke about is nothing more than you getting the last hit on heroes that your teammates set up for you
You fought a tiny in mid as a TA a bot could win that lane.
Get off your high horse you made as many poor choices as your teammates
I just lost 6 games in a row becouse I'm somewhat bad ( 3 of the games were in Saturday night, so...).
I literaly lost the game for my teammates and i felt so sorry for them.
BUT, 96% of the other times i loose, I do it becouse of my team that sucks. And i can't complain in that, it is just HAPPENING.
You must take into accound that a very little percent of people are smart in this planet, so do makes so many dumb people playin' this game, which results into bad dota2 players.
The only thing you can do in a games like this ( believe me i got at least 100 of them on this accound ) is just try to minimize your OWN mistakes, and think about what you should have done better.
- just take this game as an example, 1v5 with more than 50 kills diffrence, i succed to drag the game to 51 minutes, but not any longer.
And i still think that i made a mistake(my team made 100) becouse i wanted to splitpush to win, and didn't get the bkb which resulted in me getting crushed by the enemy in the last fight (even i tried to not fight). I don't neseciarly think bkb would have won me the game, becouse they were so damn tanky and far ahead, my dps was so low and i would died before i can kill them for sure, its a 1v5 game rememeber? :)
as you think TA is a carry im not going to argue
but im just going to point out that you should pick TA against 3 heavy nukers and a mana drain
ok if you want to avoid all the points I gave to you(good dodge you would only dig yourself deeper) I will give you a new question what exactly do you consider TA's role to be?
regular carries cant go mid? regular carries cant snowball? what is the difference between a semi carry and a actual carry. You wanted to play the game of semantics so you will have to define these for me.
a semi carry may have abilities that help during laning phase and mid game but late game get useless like TAs refraction. some consider lina a semi-carry/support but her 3rd is OP late game if you play her as carry so i always play lina as 1st role but TA as 2nd or 3rd role because refraction is just 1 second late game
and no SNOWBALLING means that you get too strong for some time because you are outleveling enemies or your ailities for allow ez early/mid game kills but your strongness decays as enemies farm more items like you shit on everyone as qop early to mid.but late game you are not that strong and your hard carry should do most of the job.
i snowballed for 25-8 minutes but coulnt do anymore because AM attacks were too fast
i expected Pl or luna to get decent items from the kills i was getting around them but they failed so hard early that they couldnt actually carry
TA's refraction is useless endgame?(blocking a 1k crit endgame does not seem useless in my books) naix has a strong mid game and can snowball extremely fast if given the kills does that mean he is not a carry because he will lose to PL end game? I watched the whole match and the reason AM was so much stronger was because he got full freefarm all game(you didnt once attempt to gank bot lane). You made a bad assumption when PL had a solo lane and could not get any farm because of KoTL protecting his AM's farm. The AM was building a butterfly and you chose to build a s/y instead of going for a MKB it is no wonder you could not handle him. I know you want to believe that nothing you did during the game was wrong and it was all your teams fault but that is not the case you chose to play selfishly and it hurt your teams chances of winning
sure read the inb4 at op please
Luna cliff jungles = my fault
es carry = my fault
ench feed hard and carry = my fault
and the fact that you think naix cant win from pl late hurts me
You keep trying to blame everyone but yourself. I am not saying that your team was perfect neither was the other team(you had the luxury of fighting a tiny who got a first item bottle). Your last pick TA made it so that one of the two lanes was going to be ruined (the PL could not touch the creep wave bot which is why your pick was selfish and hurt your teammates). Try improving your own gameplay before you cry about everyone else. If anyone on your team came onto the forums crying that their team is holding them back from going pro I would tell them the exact same thing
Darkness I used the example that a 6 slotted PL should beat a 6 slotted naix going toe to toe to refute your argument that because AM was able to beat you in a manfight TA is no longer a carry.
more MS to chase tiny + more hp than manta and slow passive + bf AM kills illusions in 1sec
S&y more viable
if i picked lets say dazzle to support pl, who would mid? cliff luna or feedchantress or carry es that most are insta kill with tinys avalanche + toss. i could pick other heroes but made my decision to go TA so the heavy nukes wont hurt me that much
i love your 2pro strategy every game same lineup lpq 5 stack
get out
Like I said before your pick was selfish and in no way helped your team you picked it purely to boost your own KDA. You did not know the skill level of anyone on your team prior to the game starting so dont try and make some BS excuse that you HAD to go mid for everyone's benefit because you are a superior player. Had you picked what the team needed luna or enchant could have gone mid and dealt with tiny fine. Your own massive ego is your biggest hindrance by far.
s&y is crap on TA. U turn ur yasha into manta and u have same and better bonuses than the ones u mentioned. Same hp pretty much illusions more agi. That AM with that farm would kill you as fast as he did with the sange but overall manta is a better item by far
avalanche: 300 damage
toss: 405 damage level 6
tiny auto attack : 130
800 damage level 8-9 in 2-3 seconds
luna HP level 900~
so basically tiny is the best mid hero because he can kill everyone who walks into his combo.......
Maybe he pick was selfish. But there is no way that he could had won that game for his team. You cant argue with that Sampson.
Just to make you feel better. My team was decent, they did their best. We managed to lose this game cuz twice some of my teamm8s got picked off solo. The first time (i think it was me)we lost one side of rax. The 2nd the game. Just get over it like its a big deal
Dorkly his PL was a fairly competent player but he had 0 access to farm that is a HUGE loss. If the other teams AM was in the same boat his team would not have been able to win
^The thing is ..... would his team be able to think on sending luna mid to let pl free farm ?
Maybe .... just maybe ... they would just still send pl bottom and luna top. Maybe is because i am playing on normal braket but the lanes are really ramdon.
But yeah i dont think TA was that good of a choice. Too many semi carries/carries.
1. don't complain about solo queue that's like asking someone for a glass of water and rejecting it because it wasn't sparkling bottled water.
2. to remedy the fact that you get retards on your team suggests you want better ppl, so add them.
3. be friendly to ppl and play well each game so ppl will be down to accept your friend request .
4. either stop complaining about solo queue because this is a problem in all brackets and take my advice or just stop playing dota because valve doesn't have control over how ppl feeling like playing on a game to game basis.
Midas isnt a bad item on any carry if you can get it fast enough and your team can handle you not being useful til later
^In this case they coudnt, i mean they had a Pl, they needed luna to fight early.
But yeah take the nublets com hither advice, dont expect nothing from solo queue.
well it is a low MM game you kinda have to expect that everyone is doing everything wrong :P a 6min midas just isnt reasonable
when people do good it is because of you when the do bad it is not your fault. I havnt seen someone with such a massive ego in a while......
ok that was 1 particular game, you won with your carries doing their job, they "carried" you and you might get the last of the credits, i mean look at that, Viper had an SB and so are you, if the other team does a better job at warding you might end up feeding
but you cant blame your other teammates in your other 602 games youve lost. you have your own faults why youve lost. just play again and move on!
you are lucky you can still play dota 2 unlike me when i fucked up my video card, cant play for a week and counting.. just enjoy the beauty of the game, keep calm and lower your ego ok?
fucking amazing play you micro'd both your char and jugs(while he jerked off) and did another 4v1 just like your TA game
lookin' at your lasthits...more farm could've made you way stronger,especially on lanaya that farm is really really weak
considering your kills,with even more farm you could've just won the game alone
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I dont even get it how my team can be so shit? obviously i shat on tiny mid when luna was CLIFF JUNGLING meanwhile PL was solo against kotl and abaddon and ES was solo too
ES and ench both went carry
and the whole game ench was saying "gg report ta please" when she goes in and auto attacks the heroes 1v5 and im supposed to jump in with her
how the fuck i can do more than this when im playing 1v9?
ur just bad
haha noob l2p
lol u suck