General Discussion

General DiscussionMM system is way too good

MM system is way too good in General Discussion

    Wondering if it was valve trolling me, or that dusa.
    Medusa picker said, "I farm, I farm, I farm" like ten thousands times, spamming the chat box, then farm the ancient, push the lane, but 19lh in 21min.
    We tried to drag the game, but dusa got her 35min linken. (Medusa bought Midas at around 25min mark)
    I remember when I get into dota2, I get big item in 30~40min, and all I did is auto attack, and cast all the spell when I see any enemy.

    Is this some kind of traps volvo made?
    I think mm system is way too over.

    Primordial Soup

      Welcome to DotA.

      Woof Woof

        welcome to valve mm even if u have 5 solo on both teams players rating difference can go for sure up to 1000rating and maybe even more

        next time you get 5x5 solo game in mm look up everyone stats wr% kda and take a look at their past game
        its pure comedy how rubbisch mm in this game is

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          6 matches apart
 - god tier allies

 - check these opponents. I played like shit (although against a dual stun lane that had sentries from the first minute, so its not like I was expected to do much), but come on? One moment I'm in the normal bracket, the next I'm playing these guys? lol?


            Well, your picks were ridiculous enough. Spectre and Medusa is the most idiotic lineup I've ever seen..


              ^ Word. Spectre & Medusa together should never win.

              Woof Woof

                its not about picks but skill difference between players on same team


                  For last week I kinda' feel like either my MMR dropped really bad, or there is always a thrower in the opposite team...

                  Their abaddon was activating ulti when full hp, farmed midas in about 20 min. I palyed like shit, but the opponents were worse.

                  Offlane lich, solo killed luna twice and balanar once in the first 10 minutes. Few minutes later their chen left.

                  We had solo lane enigma because lone druid wanted to jungle (last pick LD of course), I picked omni (look at my winrate with omni), clinkz got 11 min orchid, slark free farmed and somehow we won.

                  Their jungle bloodseeker lvl 5 at min 11, lol.


                    Cant complain about match making when hero comp is bad. I do agree that it only takes 1 veno dying 20 times in 40 minutes to ruin a game. I love when my team wipes and i run away with <20% and get yelled at for not staying to fight. Or even better. Noone buys sentry wards to remove enemy teams observers. Or even better, not buying tp scrolls. Either way when i win i love the game. When i lose i learn from the loss


                      You can try to get 20lh in 20min as medusa, then you can understand how hard it is.

                      In that match, venge roam a lot, spec got her diffusal and vanguard at around 20min mark, I got my core, I believe disruptor joined every team fight. Then I saw medusa with boot at 20min mark.

                      That's not how to lose a game.

                      Pick was bad, that's not the point.
                      Medusa once rush into ancient and die, auto attack pushing lane, push Tier 1 tower by herself when our T1 tower already fallen, what was that. If she was spy, I'll take that.

                      I know mm system can let you lose in a row, but not happened like this before.
                      I heard searching time does matter, that match did took a bit longer to search than usual.


                        can you send me matchid/replay of this? As I'm new to DotAbuff I can't really find a place where I can find match IDs.

                        I'd like to see how exactly played.

                        Vanity  ツ

                          I played a game with some Russians that took lvl 1 rosh, and then threw the game on purpose.
                          They also blamed me and my team mates for losing the game. And btw, the ursa player is friend with some of the russian exploiters that got banned from dotabuff.


                            1. dota isn't a solo game where you can dominate everytime you play
                            2. don't blame others for mistakes especially if they are pubs (they don't care)
                            3. to mitigate getting retards on your team be friendly in games and add ppl you think are good
                            4. buy that tp always (if you don't know what i mean it means you need to watch more competitive dota if you're trying to win)
                            5. buy wards/dust for supports if you're on a farming position. it helps out the team a lot.
                            6. don't complain about solo queue (honestly you can't do shit if you get idiots for teammates)
                            7. repeat 6 until you decide to either follow 3, or quit dota


                              That's pretty bad, i tried dusa acients but i had my midas pre 10 min and a manta/bfly pre 25 min
                              still lost though, team was autistic



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                                Woof Woof

                                  ^ great post


                                    1.create account
                                    2. serach russia server RUSSIAN language
                                    3feed and laugh and say cyka