General Discussion

General Discussiondiretide :'( ?

diretide :'( ? in General Discussion

    someone knows about a OFFICIAL info ? , or something ? , is comming ?


      What the f*ck are you even asking?


        Not until tomorrow, expect some kind of announcement from Valve soon.


          new player detected. No shit volvo isnt saying anithing ... :'(


            What is this diretide?


              no diretide = gee gee valve


                why why volvo pls why :'(


                  Chill, don't expect anything until 10/30/2013 pacific time.


                    im on chile bro , here are 30 already :/

                    ANeMiA GRaViS

                      Expect some event in about 13,14 hours ... relax ... And btw i think brood will be good if they make diretide again :D

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                      Woof Woof

                        diretard will be here relax u may not believe me but that event brings a lot of extra income for valve and as u know valve never let any $ slip through their hands

                        Woof Woof

                          i bet they will release diretide keys and chests today too


                            They released a huge halloween update on tf2 yesterday.

                            Maybe they'll release diretide today.


                              some1 posted it in a steam discussion... lets hope for it to be released the 31th


                                that image is fake so don't get your hopes up


                                  ye just saw tobiwans twitter :((...


                                    so... no diretide right?
                                    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :(


                                      gg volvo disband


                                        this is not gonna happen guys :'( , it was fun delete doto , gg vilvo vulva volvo Kappa Keepo BibleThump n' those shits :'(


                                          lazy ass valve
                                          keep on doing these shitty thing and lose more player
                                          my friends started moving
                                          gl valve


                                            I actually tried lol today


                                              no bug fixes, no new heroes, no diretide.

                                              I get that there would be different people working/processing shit from the workshop and putting them in the game, and then a separate group of people working on the stuff I mentioned above, but can I just ask what the fuck they are doing? I mean really? You work 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, what the fuck are they doing? In any other organisation there is progress and deadlines. You don't meet them, maybe not the first or second time, but if that continues, you can say goodbye to your job. Fuck valve. Take the best game, make it visually awesome, and then don't even try to finish the game? Are the employees all just sitting in some meeting room with a picture of Gaben on the projector and masturbating to that quadrupled chin wizard in HD?

                                              inb4itsfree, that doesn't mean that we can't have expectations, and they are making a fuckton of money from dota as it is. valve are legit swimming in cash right now. I guess that's what they are about, they have 0 respect for gamers, they are just a less retarded but more evil company than $2

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                                                I'll be so sad if Valve does not launch some kind of event today.


                                                  couldn't care less, half the world is not even celebrating that stupid ass holiday as it is.


                                                    LOL even maplestory has made the effort to create Halloween events. What is VOLVO doing damn it...


                                                      ^ xan , k++


                                                        I'm pretty sure that both images are fake


                                                          "Tonight is the night before Halloween, have fun while going out. Even people who need to go to work tomorrow don't need to worry, play some rounds of Dota2 with your friends tonight, when you finish work tomorrow, be prepared for huge waves of pushing."
                                                          translated by /u/xie0022


                                                            Expect Holdout tol be launched today.

                                                            Woof Woof

                                                              i can push dota 2 devs team off a cliff

                                                              dookie daddy

                                                                Valve have been known to withhold info till last minute, its not really a surprise if you know about it months in advance so just wait. If it comes, it comes. There will always be other events happening.

                                                                The Man Who Cant Be Noob

                                                                  My brother says that our neighbor was playing diretide already but I`ve got no update.. I think he was lying.. xD

                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                           doesn't this confirm no diretide?
                                                                    Volvo disband


                                                                      So there is no update for halloween this year?

                                                                      So boring..