V-GOD is like a Spartacus, for dotabuffers. I'm happy to be by his side in his matchmaking journey, like his right hand, his eye in the crowd. Thank you, V-GOD or so called Frogsnak, you're a true riot maker, a true inspiration for all of us.
#hardwork #dedication
Nooooooooooooooooooo why did you bring it up. INB4 LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
And about the movie, im still trying to figure out how i will beat my old video :{
Thats odd, i was watching a match yesterday i think, and i recognized vroks name from this forum. Was Tinker i think and lost match, had someone(maybe skywrath) feeding an army of cour.
Truth: I played ap with some friends and on of them were in Lowprio because of reports. So yea i did!
Silencwillfall : you mean this ?http://dotabuff.com/matches/362748651
And can everyone laugh with me since my mate internet failed and he got abandon on his 98winstreak xDDDD
http://dotabuff.com/players/146122532 xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
They are doing this.
Just report them and move on.
Just realized they are doing it while playing in beginner modes, that's so sad.
abandons dont matter
bump this thread when u reach 500games so i can laugh at your wasted efforts :C
I can't be fucked hunting down cheaters atm but I remember looking at some of your profiles and noticed you lost 10+ times in Least Played, AP and so on so stop editing your pictures.
Maybe when I have free time, I'll continue my research.
can dotabuff plz fix my profile ? i am so pro pls look at pic ! its 100% real not photoshop i swear))))))))
Lol vroksnak 5man stack dodged when got matched against me in least played :D Also they have a guy playing with a fresh account. Stahp thread maker, stahp. This cult is making me laugh so hard. The funniest thing is that only vroksnak can play dota properly in that whole 5-man stack, meanwhile baddies like van-art get to brag here on dotabuff forums xD
EmptyJar F12 it next time >:!O
i didnt see that url at first
SRSS 100%
Top lel, implying KDA on old accounts matters. I'm already dying inside because of shame and laughter that post gave me, though xD
Wtf man how do you dare to question V-God ? if he dodged there must be a perfect rational explanation for that.
Dorkly: I know it myself, it's called "Spider" in his words :)
jollerr: I didn't come here to flame like you just did. Btw, how dare you talk in these threads with a winrate below 50%? This is rhetorical and you do not have to answer it.
one of these days we gonna end up playing vrok. that will be the day you abandon dota and switch to lol for good.
one of these days..
http://dotabuff.com/matches/363822199 How did you find a way to dodge this mr.VOICES INSIDE OF MY HEAD aka Vroksnak?Teach me pls ty
dont trash talk empty jar homos hes good player despite low kda just go through some of his games if u dont believe me O:
v-god wins even when he loses.
emptyjar ofc I dodged you, you're the new E-sama.
here's the photoshopped picture http://i.imgur.com/83ytyxD.jpg they made
can a Dotabuff admin update their stats? I'm curious how many losses they actually have :')
since he lost here http://dotabuff.com/matches/334766795
he told me it wont happen again-true story good wins streak
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v-god pls teach us