Only accounts that had the DotabuffRating can be in the top 50 :/
so you will never be top 50 with that account
How is it useless you inbred fuck? People want to see who the best player for X hero is so they can see how they build and play the hero. The only useless thing here is you.
It doesn't even matter if they are the best or not, they will still be one of the best players with the hero.
Top 50 list = High MMR players with a little above 30 games with the hero and high winrate. Real skill is experience with the hero you are playing. Grimorum is not top in that list but he is arguably the best Invoker out there.
No he isn't. Not even close. I mean if he played other heroes often, so say he had an account with 1,000 matches and <10% were with Invoker, then you could say that other heroes dragged his MMR down making him "ineligible" for the top 50 list. But given that something like 90% of his matches (on his main) were with Invoker, if he was truly that good with him, he would be right at the top of MM and have his name somewhere in that list.
He really is just at the level you would expect for any half decent player that plays one hero an absolute fuckload, and is no where near the top 50. A player doesn't simply just drop all their dota knowledge/skills as they change heroes. I'm sure you would know this only to well.
um...if you play 6k+ games on one hero and only a few on other heros...yeah you kind of do drop nearly all dota skills playing anything else.
Grimorum is amazing on invoker, but although talented he is really pretty bad at all other heroes. Often he doesn't even remember what their skills do. Grimorum has lower DBR because he so rarely stacks. Nearly all his games are solo. That is why he is not on top50 fact when DBR was frozen I had not even played 1 game with him and I probably have played with him more than anyone else.
He wouldn't be in top 50 invoker, not even close. You know what else goes with his low (low enough to make him ineligible for top 50, not low as in bronze tier) DBR, lesser opponents. Anyway, have you actually watched anyone else play Invoker? Go watch just about any pro, most of them play Invoker a fair amount, and then there are a lot of other pub invokers like Cook around too that are extremely good at the game and play first page games very often.
Go watch players like iceiceice, EE, Beesa, Singsing, dendi play any hero and you'll see what real skill is.
Look at sam, he plays mostly solo queue and his win rate is higher than grimorum's main account.
Then again, not sure why I'm arguing with a person who thinks grimorum has 1 account and the last time he had a KD>1 was 37 matches ago.
Yes, you do drop. I can tell this because I play Tinker in a different level compared to my other heroes, and I have 40 times less games than Grimorum with the the hero.
But I agree that, even though Grimorum's Invoker is awesome, he's not close to being the best around there. Just watch a game from Ferrari's POV.
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And can some one explain me please,how hero score counts?