General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help/tips about roaming

Need help/tips about roaming in General Discussion

    [So, I'm still bad... I learned most knowledge-based stuff about supports, like stacks, pulls, wards, I buy dust and place it to ganker teammates inventory when enemy has invis heroes, place sentries on lane if needed, deward, etc... I don't die in every teamfight due to bad positioning like I used to, so I improve, hehe. (It's my first MOBA, started playing this summer.) ]

    But still, always mess up roaming, usually it leads into a death.. mine on my teammate's...

    I don't have a recent replay to check, I just stopped trying and hug my lane (usually safe-lane pulling) until lvl 6-7.

    My heroes recently are: Venge, Lion, Bane. Also: Lich, CM, Jakiro, WD and DP eventually.

    So, lets concentrate on... Venge and CM? Can I go roam with any other or do they really need levels? I think Lion needs but what about the others?

    Lets assume I'm lvl 3 Venge (skillpoints in Q W Q) or CM (3 points somewhere in my Q and W), and I'm in a dual lane, couse it's normal bracket all-pick. Also, my lane-partner has escape, so I can leave him alone.

    What's next? Buy tp? Buy smoke? Run? Grab rune? Check if lanes are pushed/pulled? Check my teammates mana and skill-points? These in some order?

    King of Low Prio

      there is no at lv 3 do 'X' at lv 6 do 'Y' I will check one of your losses and see what happened

      Jay Ashborne

        I somehow knew you would post in this thread.


          Don't pick a random game, I'll link one where I was trying and still lose.


            I usually play support and I rarely roam around the map creating ganks and so on. I will try to carry a TP scroll if I'm in position to farm the jungle due to pulls and will usually try to rotate if any of our lanes is getting ganked or is pushed so that the enemy team does not see me and we're in position of getting a kill or two.

            It really depends on your teammates a lot, to be honest. Multiple times I've asked my team to stop pushing a given lane so that I can come from behind and try to pull something off or to get the mid to join me and so on, but it's rarely working. :(

            King of Low Prio


              I just viewed the early stage of game

              Try making more attempts on either killing a solo or at least pushing him out of exp range(he had no wards and he was pushed in fairly deep) if you had gone around gotten one stun off he was dead (I realize you did this later on but this should have been executed much sooner against a solo viper)

              Pulls are executed for multiple reason which include
              -gold/exp for carry AND support
              -denying gold/exp from opponent
              -keeping the creep wave away from opponents tower and making it easier to gank

              PS dont be like Melody who flips out when he gets criticism (that is why he is still in the normal bracket after so many games played)


                Thanks. That game was a 6th lose in a streak, so I felt really bad, still it's no excuse, you are right. I watched that replay (just the early stage) and realized I wasnt checking my lane partner too often so once he even died...

                I just solo queued now just to have a replay to show, but it went so wrong I thought I'll delete dota after game immidiatly. So dota dropped me this:

                Dota wants me to stay. :D

                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                  i can teach you but that wont be until thursday next week
                  if you're okay with that add me


                    Added you :)


                      you can roam mostly whenever. say ur vs a Bh or clinkz and you didnt buy sentries or dust early in the game and your carry isn't retarded and knows how to play safe, you can leave them alone and go roam to midlane at 1-2 then. most supports think lvls are important but honestly it is the presence of your ccs to whichever lane you bring them to that is more important. being active in the first 1-8 mins of the game can really set you up for your mid/late game. honestly in early game mid lane is usually easy to gank and you can avoid buying smoke if you assume there is a rune ward (depending what late you are) and pathing accordingly

                      King of Low Prio

                        why would you go to lane without sentries when you know they have invis? Coming from a BH player not having detection early will hurt your team ALOT because I obtain my lvs / items fast enough that I can get my team to snowball too fast for my opponents to make a come back. The most common example is when I play in the solo lane and they have no early detection I get phase boots and magic wand by lv 6 and people start dieing and my team gets rich

                        bum farto

                          Warlock and Lich could use a little work :/

                          Add me if you wanna and we shall have some games.


                            this is normal bracket and ppl tend to not lane accordingly to hero choice sometimes you might see the classic 2-1-2 style of laning or Bh might take safelane because they think they need farm to be effective and carry, who knows each game is different man

                            King of Low Prio

                              well yea but he said he wanted to leave the normal bracket :P


                                :) Added you, but I'm so desperately bad with warlock I think nothing would help...

                                Dire Wolf

                                  In pubs honestly securing your lane farm is more important than roaming. Roam early you might get a kill but if your carry is last hitting in lane and you are denying their carry it will probably net you a bigger advantage. CM and venge are both pretty good at harassing. If you do want to roam and gank though you need to wait until the enemy has pushed the lane up enough you can come in behind them and also try to avoid walking through ward spots (rune locations). Generally it's easiest to gank the safe lane by walking around your middle through jungle and avoiding the rune wards. Make sure everyone knows when you are going to init. If a gank fails it's usually because not everyone charged at the same time.