If you guys lost a 52 min game with 4 carries then you fucking suck. Really.
lol why complain. if ur so good then u should be in high skill pool . valve did a good job . so stop complaining
3 Desolators on same team.
Antimage with no tanky item (unless you call bfly tanky?)
Naix with no Phase Boots
You built the drum instead of a carry
No mek
No pipe
Your skill bracket is trash and you are trash.
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So it started badly from the pick, 3 melee carries. But the game was ok really except for SF was outplaying PA quite badly. Then their Troll Warlord rage quit and I immediately knew we'd lose because the same thing happens every time. The carry complacency kicked in.
- "I can solo their entire team" carries all go farming jungle even though there are creep a plenty in lanes.
-- Meanwhile the lanes get pushed and everyone is out of position
- They have no focus and wander off all the time.
- Push some lanes up to T3 then TP to other lanes to stop a few creep attacking a T1 tower. Taking a T3 for a T1 is not acceptable! Rinse repeat not actually going anywhere.
- Don't carry dust so you ganked over and over again by a 3k shadow blade. (Their slots were all full apparently, even though 2 of them have poor mans shield at game end)
- Despite getting shadow bladed over and over and over and over again, don't buy one yourself.
- You gotta do Rosh to because having an extra man isn't enough advantage.
-- Make sure the guy that is 0/15 picks up Aegis too.
- No life-steal item on anyone
- No satanic, no Boots of Travel (see below MOAR DPS FTW). (2x mega creep lanes and still lose
- Keep buying DPS items, because DPS > *
I'm glad the other team won because such arrogant, "I'm a carry I can't lose' play deserves to be punished , but at the same time I am not naive enough to think that AM or PA will actually learn anything from this. I created escape paths for them and they just run back in because they have a few items and think they can just take an entire team.
Probably the worst game I have had to play a support in.