General Discussion

General DiscussionSo, has a new pubstomping strategy come up in the last few days?

So, has a new pubstomping strategy come up in the last few days? in General Discussion

    Just saying because Space cowbreaker's winning rate (at least according to his page in here) has lowered to 56% and Elder Titan's increased a whopping 3%, going from a 55%ish winrate to 58%ish in a couple of days. He isn't picked much, but that's still a significant growth, much like Treant's and SB's a couple months ago.

    So, what are the pubstomping line-ups including ET? Are there even any, because I haven't played against or with an ET for a good while, or are pubs just learning how to use him correctly now?

    Discuss :D


      SB is getting picked less in lower-level pubs these days. I played a couple of normal-ranked games with a mate on my smurf, and we had 5 games in a row without any SB pickups. This is a stark contrast to games about a month back, where he was picked in almost every game.

      As far as ET goes, maybe the shift in win rate is due to people maxing the aura early, courtesy of the hype generated by the pro scene.


        what ? I saw 4 sb in my last 5 games LOL


          et, ds, gyro, alch is a good pub stomp lineup


            @先知和白牛 Then clearly you got the shittier deal lol. Contrary to popular belief, SB is incredibly easy to counter - just don't solo. Pubs rarely communicate well, which is why he tends to stomp.


              I remember the days in DotA when alche was never picked and was considered worse than sh*t, now what you just gotta do is:
              1. play in pub
              2. have a pro teammate play alche
              3. ????
              4. Profit


                You see SB with worse WR because those noobs who are addicted to sniper, drow, and riki decided "oh SB looks like easy stomp hero like my other 3 noob heroes, lets try this" Then they feed.


                  Spirit Breaker is a hero you learn to counter easy, after getting stomped by him a few times you learn what to worry about.

                  I wouldn't call any hero a noob hero, it is more of a testament that you lost to a "noob" hero than it is that they won with it.

                  waku waku

                    picking lich and someone with a good group stun or slow like magnus is a good pubstomping strategy


                      Its not really good to trust the winrates unless their organized by brackets.

                      Supports have a much higher WR in Very High than in Normal and certain heroes have different WR too.

                      @Dunning–Kruger effect,

                      SB comes online way too easily. Countering him is not as easy as you think because it requires a bit of coordination. If your supports don't back you up really quick with TPs early game, its very easy for him to snowball (he doesn't even need to snowball to cause havoc). When it gets to that point, wards don't even matter my dear.

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                        Just pick a one v one hero like Ursa or SB and then watch the team with the CM who rushed Shadow Blade and never got wards call OP.


                          Shadow Blade CM is the OP one


                            How do you even counter Shadow Blade CM? That shit balls out of control every time.


                              Whenever I have a competent team and I see a Spirit Breaker, either I ask them to pick a hero with an instant Hex/Stun, or they are smart enough to pick it immediately. People learn.


                                ^This is what I meant.


                                  How did this topic evolve into another Spirit Breaker one :c ?

                                  Moja Moja

                                    ET + Enigma + Jackiro


                                      I still see space cowbreaker all the time, sick OP hero that goes on a rampage with bkb mom. Tanky, OP dmg, ultimate goes through bkb and a sick right click carry lockdown. Ghost sceptor works but doesn't really work that well (since he still can use ultimate that still damages you, and the greater bash really wastes your 4 second duration), invisibility can be countered with dust. Only way is to stick together so you don't get owned by getting caught out alone somewhere.

                                      Quite limited ways to counter him, either immedate stun/hex before he reaches you with his charge (before his bkb is up). Or those fiend's grip, dismember and all sorts of other bkb bypassing skills / abyssal after bkb's up.

                                      Really irritating hero to deal with, and he hardly needs farm to make a big impact. Just 7.2k gold for treads mom bkb (1400 + 1900 + 3900 = 7200) and he's going to be quite unstoppable in most cases.

                                      I've been playing ET before the competitive scene hyp, but I haven't went to watch any of the competitive games with ET yet.
                                      Anyone can tell me how do they play it?

                                      For me I find that getting a soul ring and spamming astral is ridiculously strong for controlling lanes, it does decent damage, has armor/resistance reduction and is almost impossible to avoid. (at least if it's kotl illuminate, pudge hook/potm arrow or what not you can position yourself properly so it's harder for them to hit you, astral has ridiculous long range and you cant really run from it)

                                      It's good for defending against pushes (astral n stun) and slowly grinding down opponents (astral) ANYWHERE, even in the comfort of their own base. the problem i have with titan is getting the stun to land because unless there is a prior setup with the help of teammates, or if the enemy is in a bad position (eg. narrow passage way) I find it really hard to land the stun because of the long cast time. Sometimes the stun also doesnt synergize well with teammates that deal AOE damage n maybe some targets are woken up unintentionally in the middle of a clash.

                                      Would be helpful if anyone shares how the good ET players play it.


                                        Pick ET with any other aoe stunner, team fight lockdown hero, and you win. Assuming you aren't retarded, your spirit damage+Aura+Ult is going to win you the fight. He's an absurdly strong hero that fits into most team lineups.

                                        ET wins games with coordinated teams. Almost instawin if your other lanes don't lose hard