General Discussion

General Discussion[Share] How to Flame in your languange

[Share] How to Flame in your languange in General Discussion

    Let's just share flaming in your language.

    I'm from indonesia (SEA server) and here is some of the flame
    cupu : noob
    goblok : stupid
    bangsat : bastard
    kontol : dick
    anjing : dog
    beban : burden


    Afrikaans (South africa)
    Hol naaier: Ass fucker (Basically calling someone gay)
    Yo ma se poes: You're mothers pussy.
    Piel Bek: Penis Breath.
    Ek sal jou donder : I'll fuck you up.

    Danskjävel! = Danish fucker!

    Cyka : BITCH

    vai se foder = fuck you
    vai tomar no cu = fuck you as well
    filho da puta = son of a bitch
    você é um merda = you're a piece of shit

    Asshole: Sale con / Connard
    Fucker: Enculé
    Mother Fucker: baiseur de mère
    Son of a bitch: Fils de pute
    Suck my dick: Suce ma bite
    Piece of shit: sale merde
    Fuck you: va te faire foutre
    Cock sucker: suceur de bite

    in Vietnam
    DCM = DMM = fuck your mother
    ngu = ga = noob
    cho = dog

    Now share yours :D

    Primordial Soup

      You're goblok :D


        noob never means flame, it means disappointed lol
        stupid is for feeders, that's not flame
        as far as I know bastard dick dog better suit your enemy than your teamate lol

        flame is simple: Fuck you ! then welcome to the silent hill :D

        Ples Mercy

          I only need the ruski flames plz


            Afrikaans (South africa)

            Hol naaier: Ass fucker (Basically calling someone gay)
            Yo ma se poes: You're mothers pussy.
            Piel Bek: Penis Breath.
            Ek sal jou donder : I'll fuck you up.

            waku waku


              It's alright



                  suce mon bite

                  Vanity  ツ

                    Jævla kuksuger= fucking cocksucker


                      arabian: nik mok


                        Swedish: Danskjävel! = Danish fucker!

                        Kanye Best

                          cyka is universal by now


                            if any BR is annoying you

                            vai se foder = fuck you
                            vai tomar no cu = fuck you as well
                            filho da puta = son of a bitch
                            você é um merda = you're a piece of shit

                            I hope this helps



                              Asshole: Sale con / Connard
                              Fucker: Enculé
                              Mother Fucker: baiseur de mère
                              Son of a bitch: Fils de pute
                              Suck my dick: Suce ma bite
                              Piece of shit: sale merde
                              Fuck you: va te faire foutre
                              Cock sucker: suceur de bite

                              Glad to improve this community :D

                              One Man Army

                                in Vietnam

                                DCM = DMM = fuck your mother
                                ngu = ga = noob
                                cho = dog

                                Ples Mercy

                                  Danish: Svensk lort = swedish shit


                                    we have a couple of words that describe "retard":konjina,debil,šlapa(shlapa)
                                    dick: kurčina(kurchina)
                                    fuck you-jebi se
                                    fuck off-odjebi
                                    son of a bitch-kurvin sine

                                    there are many more, i cant think of them right now


                                      What language is yours?

                                      @ba van dao
                                      So, can i use "gagagagagaga" to say "noobnoobnoobnoob"?

                                      Guys, please add the translation. I will sort these flaming based on Server if the flaming list is comprehensive enough

                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                      tough coockie

                                        sohai ~ stupid, crazy
                                        it wasnt my language tho,


                                          LOL typical indonesian wanting to flame again, I don't understand why would anyone even want to contribute to this thread, the only purpose this serves is more flames. Its extremely hilarious when I play against indonesians or generally moronic foreigners who don't know english and to me their 'flame' is just a bunch of gibberish LOL.



                                            "you're a fucking shit cunt"

                                            Is mentioned in just about every losing game


                                              @poo tank
                                              In fact, i rarely flame anyone even if there is a super noob in my team. Most of the time, i only whine sarcastically.
                                              And it's difficult to detect indonesian whose english is proficient enough. If someone's english is good, you won't know whether he is indonesian, pinoy, malaysian or the others unless he speak his native language.

                                              Now, why should you contribute to this thread? Well, why not?

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                                                Cantonese: Pook Kai - Verb: Drop Dead; Noun: F*cker
                                                Tagalog: Putang ina mo - Mother f*cker or your mother is a whore
                                                Japanese: bakayarou - Stupid shit

                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                  I guess I'll never understand this whole flaming/swearing, all-chat in every second game goes like this:

                                                  [anyone] *random russian characters, even when there ISN'T any russian in the game*
                                                  [anyone] cykacyka
                                                  [feeder guy] my team noob
                                                  [feeder guy] report them
                                                  [enemy ganker] you noob feeder haha
                                                  [enemy] *random stuff about someone's mom*
                                                  [feeder guy] ********** ******* ***** ***** *******
                                                  [enemy] i have 310 0 20 haha noob
                                                  [feeder guy] you just fed my e-penis is still bigger!!!!
                                                  [enemy] no mine's bigger
                                                  [feeder guy] but mine even bigger nigga
                                                  [enemy] report him racist
                                                  [feeder guy] you russian shit cykacyka
                                                  [someone else] **** ***** **** your mom *** **** *** noob **** **** cyka **** ****

                                                  and so on....

                                                  WHY? Someone please tell me what makes it enjoyable, I can't understand.

                                                  Even worse when someone starts swearing on voice chat, on his native language, for WHOLE MINUTES. I can mute them, okey, but when my friends do it (they rarely go that stupid, furtunately) I usually just stop playing with them for a while, so they learn this isn't what civilized people do...

                                                  Before anyone misunderstand me, I'm okey with "oh shit" or when you are chilling in the jungle, the birds are singing and you're just farming some creeps and then a nyx comes from nowhere and onehits you, it's okey to type "well, fuck you too, nyx :D" to all chat. Anything but pointless swearing all the time....

                                                  Could someone enlighten me?

                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                  It's alright

                                                    those chat so much win :))))



                                                      Hijo de puta = Son of a bitch
                                                      Chinga tu madre = Fuck your mother
                                                      Eres mierda = You are shit
                                                      Pendejo = Dumbass/Stupid
                                                      Mamahuevo = Nut sucker
                                                      Mamabicho = Dick sucker
                                                      Maricon = Faggot/Queer

                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                        You suck big fat penis = you suck big fat penis
                                                        Fuck you = fuck you


                                                          kotl gib me chakra magic ples =