General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for decent players to help me get top 50

Looking for decent players to help me get top 50 in General Discussion

    As topic said..looking for decent people for pub. I wanna try get top 50 winrate at 200 games..I know i m too far away with mine 63% but if i get decent ppl who want to play serious we can do it. Like stacking , yes.

    Feel free to add me and we can play


      I played slark like 80% games on this acc and all games I played solo..I m at very high mm always top pages. Think is ok. 63% with solo queue after like 70-80 games.

      Ples Mercy

        arent you the whiny russian faggot who makes all those shitty threads about how hes pro and all other people suck?


          Wat? No.

          Ples Mercy


            yep, thats you, same heroes n shit.


              Are you dumb? Is that russian flag? HAAHAHAHHAHAAHAH
              Btw. where i said I m good and all others suck please evidence? :)


                Elite DotO 3300 mmr neat


                  you trash

                  Autism is great

                    waste of time mate


                      DJ Jussi: I played with rl friends who are in normal bracket all..we played for fun that`s why is 3300..cos their mmr is bad.
             Check this game at teamm also,we faced 4357 rating team and win?

                      Team mm is based on average mmr-s on all 5 players , you are really dumb or just trying to troll unsuccesfully.

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                        @XZoNeDota Ok. kido

                        Ples Mercy

                          Never said that the 'flag' is russian, i just think that you are russian. The dota logo which you have on your main account isnt a flag you moron, it does have the same color as the serbian flag though.

                          My point is, your anoying and why the fuck are you begging for people to stack? Because you suck, thats why.


                            Flag is at my teams, so you can see there is not russian flag. Not my bad you can`t make a difference between red,blue,white and white,blue,red. Next thing..why are you so unmannered kid? Are you virgin,don`t have friends or just parents don`t like you? Tell,it`s not a shame.

                            68 games solo queue 63% win mm, can you do that? Oh no,you can`t. Better go out and find a girl faggot kido.


                              you so good teach me pls


                                Ok. kido

                                Ples Mercy

                                  im kinda impressed how retarded you are. I still think your russian trash, and i never said that your 'flag' is russian, learn to read kiddo.

                                  I love how 90% here think that your nothing more than trash.

                                  And before you try to 'dis' someone, grow some balls before that, i can imagine your high pitched voice while your shouting like a little girl because you feel so insulted.

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                                    90% = one troll guy said. hahahahahah
                                    `Grow some balls before that, I can imagine your high pitched voice while your shouting like a little girl because you feel so insulted` What? Hahahaha do you have dawn syndrom dude? <Hug> For you . I m always nice too poor mentaly crushed kids like you. I can donate you some stuff.

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                                    Ples Mercy

                                      yes, i have 'dawn syndrom' :'D

                                      If your really are trying to 'dis' me, then i shall inform you, that you fail at it.

                                      And yes, i think you sound like a little girl while you rage at me, because you feel like an emo atm. Your welcome. Now lick my feet and call me sensei you trash!

                                      and pls donate me stuff, its awesome when fans do that! After that you may start to worship me again!

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                                        I really think you need some proffesional help dude..


                                          I love reading this shit, people are so retarded it makes me feel way smarter

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                                          Ples Mercy

                                            aw, cmon your already done? Is the mental challenge 2 hard for you? Cmon show me your russian spirit, you can do better.

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                                              queue as a stack of 5 with someone currently in Low Priority (so you get leavers and rage quitters on the enemy team)

                                              have someone abandon at loading screen if your team is not on the Dire team (#5 explains why)

                                              only check "Limited Hero Pool" (game mode designed for new players)

                                              play in Europe West, East, and Russia

                                              pick Lich for Ice Armor buff and do level 1 Roshan (not saying it's a bad strategy. it's just sad as fuck if you do this every game in a game mode intended for new players.)

                                              Dont post on forums until you get to #1 or you get noticed and banned


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                                                Not interested in that, with acc with already 70 games and 63%. I want play games at top pages and somehow try 73-74% win rate after 200 games. If i want to play broken games like you show than is goal 90% + win (with new acc) and not like 75% .. = ) + I don`t know ppl who want go low priority and play same heroes like these guys.. it`s a lame for 99% ppl.

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                                                  I love your example Darkness. That pretty much sums everything up.


                                                    Darkness why should you play on EU West? That is the server with the highest skill level by far. You would be better off playing on US East/Russia if you want easy games.


                                                      Dj Jussi I think is kind of a same.. cos russians are everywhere.

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                                                      Sōu ka

                                                        no you're a retard if you think Serbians or any other nation for that matter are better than Russians

                                                        one and half gun

                                                          limited hero pool is now against the rules of dotabuff apparently

                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                            Bro, why are you so upset?


                                                              PaintingAPictureOfMyself Nice manners. No, Serbians sucks at dota alot..even same as russians. The thing is Russia have alot of more players that suck because Russia have like 25 x more population than Serb. And for some reasons Russian players refuse too play on just Russians servers so they are everywhere. Eu west/ Eu east.

                                                              Sōu ka

                                                                yeah because Serbians would be playing on their own server exclusively if they had one because they are a lot nicer and better human beings overall


                                                                  cause russians rq way more so it works better on them
                                                                  no offence to good russians

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                                                                    exposed lol


                                                                      Paiting why you so mad dude? Are you russian? 99% russians are bad but 1% can be very high skilled same for all others country maybe you are in 1% np. don`t be mad it`s a game.



                                                                        He went brown boot - dagon 2 lol

                                                                        Sōu ka

                                                                          christ, you're such a fucking retard
                                                                          look aren't that the best Serbian dota players?
                                                                          and my np that game was v-god (not vroksnak)
                                                                          and no you won't be in the fucking top 50 unless you exploit

                                                                          and no your slark won't be in the fucking list either because the games you play are way too low MMR
                                                                          you'd need at least 80%+ to get into that list with your shitty MMR


                                                                            Omg, why you so unmannered? You have some irl problems or you just 12-13 y old? Fucking faggot.
                                                                            Wtf you showing me with that game? O.o Ofc they are not. don`t you see they are bad?


                                                                              My mmr is shit,I m always at top 10-20 pages and in top 1-3 pages for heroes. So explain how is my mmr bad? O.o
                                                                     Loda and EGM bad too if they played vs me? So explain how is my mmr so bad , top pages and played vs pro players?

                                                                              tveni tveni

                                                                                im serbian too pancakes wanna fight!!!!!

                                                                                Sōu ka

                                                                                  only if you bring your girlfriend to fight with you!

                                                                                  unmannered? you call Russians shit while they actually are a whole lot better than you and your proud countrymen from Serbia
                                                                                  the people in that game i linked are part of the only Serbian dota team that actually plays competitively

                                                                                  earlier in this thread a certain person called you a Russian, for no apparent reason and you got really upset about that
                                                                                  seemed to me that a smart person would see how retarded that is to assume such a thing, let alone to think that it has any implication whatsoever

                                                                                  oh you got professional players in ONE (ironically the name of the only Serbian dota team) game while they stacked with their girlfriends, wow
                                                                                  you must be a real good player man
                                                                                  you know if you have a decent MMR, chances are you actually recognize people in your games or that i would recognize them, which i don't (except for that one proud moment when you got matched with female gamers and their boyfriends)


                                                                                    Russkie Pro Ingrish skillz. Don't bother playing with this trash


                                                                                      It`s seems like you are atacked cos I said smth about russians. Well first of all I didn`t say at start nth bad just that Russians are everywhere. Is that bad? I hate that Russians play at all servers cos 50-60% of them don`t want to talk english and if they start bad game they just talk at microphone ` sosi,ebal,syka idi na xui etc.` and that`s main reasson why alot people don`t like Russians at dota. Cos they are unmannered when they feed. Also as I said Russia have 25 x more population so is ok. for small country too have 1 competetive team.Same is ok. for Russia to not have 25 competetive teams cos 25 more population right? If want be real, alot Russians and Serbians players sucks..same as for any other country. I more hate russians ppl at dota as I said their talks when they play bad they flame everyone else for that at their own language,why? I never saw any russian said . Sorry guys I played bad and we loss cause of me.NOOO ebal syka,sosi etc. w/e .

                                                                                      Well my mm is decent, is in very high I can give you link from pubstats if you want. As I said I m always in top 10-20 pages not like top 5 always..where Purge,SingSing and other guys play always.I didn`t said my mmr is like Loda mmr..just said is decent. And I m trying to improve everyday.At my BogiDotO acc I will face more pros I m sure in that. I know they played with girlfriends but anyway is nice to face international dota 2 champions in pub game. Their gf have decent mmr at dota too, you can`t say I m so bad and lucky and I face them like a lottery.

                                                                                      Sōu ka

                                                                                        yeah not everyone of my Russian comrades can be as good as purge xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa


                                                                                 Sad solo queue matchmaking with 3 leavers.


                                                                                            Omg Painting again you talk smth totaly inconsistently.. when I said Russian can`t be good like purge omg?? Purge is not even pro,is like semi pro.

                                                                                            Sōu ka

                                                                                              it's called rhetoric

                                                                                              one and half gun

                                                                                                you wont end up in top 50 anyway on the dotabuff ranking

                                                                                                i got banned for playing in a five man stack in different game modes and the funny thing is, i was the only one who got banned from the dotabuff ranking and not rest of my stack so yehh strong personal vendetta if you ask me ~ this is what i've been told by dotabuff :) so remember kids,
                                                                                                five man stacking = ban ban exploiting the game etc

                                                                                                not to mention there are like 10 ~ other stacks doing the same exact thing in random draft, CD, CM and LPH and they are still doing it while im writing this post


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                                                                                                  based dotabuff


                                                                                                    meh none of you 0 skill fagfaces shall be in top 50.
                                                                                                    even if you do you'll get reported and banned the next day

                                                                                                    now go cry in a corner.

                                                                                                    Sōu ka

                                                                                                      well i actually think they'd remove the top 50 but for some reason abusing cunts like you are a lot more likely to buy dotabuff+ to feel better about themselves
                                                                                                      and if you want justice go ahead and report your friends
                                                                                                      i bet you have enough accounts to get them banned lmao

                                                                                                      one and half gun

                                                                                                        "you will get reported and banned if you appear in top 50 because i'm bad at the game" - xxxDarkness420edgycuntxXx

                                                                                                        oh god he has exactly 50% win rate :') you're the same guy who said games in EU are much easier too :^))))

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