General Discussion

General DiscussionUS East [Peruvians]

US East [Peruvians] in General Discussion

    Why do i get Peruvians on US East ? Simple as that, each time i get someone on my team i usually check their steam profile, each time i GET 1 only 1 Peruvian on my team is definately GG for the other team.




        We are legion! You will ALWAYS see us in your games!

        Heh, you just have to be lucky to get one of the good ones :D Tough luck if you only get scrubs.


          South Americans in general suck at dota, and just about anything else besides manual labor and being poor. Doesn't really matter what country they come from, their excessive lack of intelligence and ignorance to the fact they are playing on US servers and spewing their ugly languages they ASSUME people will understand when they are playing on english speaking servers proves this. I think it's valves way of keeping people at 50% win rate, by throwing dirty mexicans at you when you're playing well, I'll get thrown in a "high" bracket game like 1/20 games out of nowhere and get put with a premade of dirty mexicans or w/e country they might be from. They all play like shit, feed non stop, dont buy wards, and then blame you for not carrything 4 people alone while they do literally nothing but feed and spam their microphones they got at the dollar store (actually prob the peso store)

          Welcome to the internet, if it were upto me they would be forced to be quarantined on their own servers based on IP, same with asians. 99.9999% of chinese players are fucking horrific and play like selfish little cunts only interested in KSing and keeping themselves alive even if it means throwing the game.


            Well I'm south american, im from Dominican Republic, and trust me i can play any role in dota2, is not about region matter, is about Peruvians and their Spirit Breaker, all they do is run all over the fucking map and blame the team, i get thats what eating pigeons do...

              Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                Someone has bullying issues.

                Kẻ Buôn Hành

                  This thread and whoever creates it is retarded.
                  Peruvian? Dominican Republic? Who cares?
                  They are all players and I've seen many good Peruvian players.
                  You can't just consider their whole community is bad. Many of them communicates well.
                  And to the some Americans out there: why foreigners join US server?
                  Because it reduces the wait time and we are living in America god damn it.

                  Dire Wolf

                    I think the ping on us servers is lower for most south american players than the ping on the Brazilian servers. It sucks when they cannot speak English, but I get why they queue, shorter waits, better ping.


                      I had a Peruvian Tinker on my team yesterday, and he straight up wrecked shit. I got lucky I guess.


                        I have played with quite a few decent Peruvians. I actually played with one yesterday who played well and he could speak English.

                        Quick maffs

                          I never had problems with peruvians. I get people from all countries doing shit and speaking in their language ( brazilians, russians, spanish, etc ... )


                            what are "normal" level player complaining about?
                            YOU ALL SUCK ANYWAY!

                            as i say in nearly every game i play when a fucking cunt tells me smth: LEEARN TO PLAY FUCIKING NOOB, L2P. Then talk to me BITCH (or smth like that)

                            Quick maffs

                              I think this guy is peruvian ._. .....

                              No need to be mad bro


                                I'm sure 90% of the people who complain about other nationalities suck
                                mostly because 90% of players suck, but w/e

                                and it's nice to remind you guys that Artyk/Denial is from Peru and they play at the top US competitive level


                                  i could pwn artyk but whatever still artyk > these ranting bitches

                                  Cebichito en Bolsa

                                    Yeah there lots of good players that happen to be peruvian, there are lots of brazilians that happen to be good players, and there are some chileans that happen to be good players, and the same with all nationalities. Although, I do agree that the average skill level in Latin America is lower than in USA, you are simply exaggerating things. I can bet that even in your skill bracket you have met many south americans that are way better than you.

                                    I also doubt any of the posters here can beat any of the top south american players, and that includes Benao who claims to be able to beat Artyk, but is considered low skilled in his home country Chile.

                                    Quick maffs

                                      lol benao did you really got mad because of this thread ? I am brazilian and i completely understand the flame and the shit that people throw at my country and his people ..... because the majority of brazilians happens to be assholes, but that doesnt mean they ALL are assholes.

                                      When they are saying that peruvians sucks they arent speaking about you ... they are speaking about the majority pub peruvian players.

                                      Personally i never had problem with south american players ( pretty much because i play on EU ) ......

                                      And plus one of the problems are that they are playing on a english server and they dont even try to speak it ( i mean my english is terrible but at least i try ) .... ignoring all they team mates making the game harder for no reason .... something like the majority of russians do.

                                      P.D: Holy shit meow i dont know what south americans did to you man ..... i just hope that someday you may recover from that tragedy :(

                                      Sōu ka

                                        skill level on the South American server is rather low, so it's easier to get a decent MMR
                                        +most of the decent SA players play on US servers for that reason, too

                                        then people with decent MMR play on a different server and they're getting matched with people with equal MMR despite their MMR being rather inflated due to weaker servers + added additional ping of 100-200

                                        i usually lose when i get 4 Americans on my team, especially when it's heavy microphone users


                                          Dorkly completely understood what i posted.

                                          one and half gun

                                            ive met a few peruvians in europe, absolutely disgusting.

                                            their ping is 250+ and somehow they think its acceptable, and the sad part is i've never seen brazilians so far

                                            Neotokyo Dreams

                                              80% of the US servers are Peruvians. At least 70% of those don't speak a word of english, and just spam their mics and chat saying "noob"

                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!