you sound like those irrelevant people who refuse to watch a movie or series because "the fanbase is shit"
get gud son
Trust me, I'm good. Not the best and far from it but I'm pretty sure I'm good enough.
There comes a point of time where you can no longer solo carry an entire team of shitheads, nobody how fat you are.
Well, i have those type of teammate too. batrider that feeds 0/6 early game and abuse us thru voice chat most of the time. They do not deserve report, they deserve a ban
or you could just fucking mute them,
get used to the interwebs and you may not need to cry yourself to sleep every night
Im the best player in the world, fuck you guy whose name i cant write because he has a stupid smileylikemonstercookieeatingthingie as a name.
Get better and then i might allow you to lick my boots
I honestly don't know how you consistently get players like this. In my games, mostly all of the players know exactly what to do and never ever complain about wards cause wards are always up. They also know that when there are one too many carries, they'll have to play their carry as a support.
@way2high, I have no idea. I seem to get streaks of escaping these idiots or somehow winning with them but theres always a loooooooooooong streak of getting them.
Like I said, these people aren't that bad. You'd have to know basics and pretty much have a good game if you're in the Very High bracket. Its more of a dick personality of NOT wanting to do that. They don't want to play support even if theres 3 cores chosen, they don't want to get BKB and instead whan that rubbish whatever SNY.
This is your retarded attitudes believe me i dont have any problem about wards or other things.U just cant see your own mistakes and come here like a kid and blame all players are bad im very good bla bla bla.I just dont give a shit, randoming as 1st pick and play it.But u guys have to carry or go mid cuz u are the best never support ;)
actually, every second thread is about these dickheads, noobs, cocky whatever versus I'm good
now what
@imbaPower, didn't I say 90%. Is someone getting offended for the wrong reasons here?
If you had comprehensive skills, you'd be able to understand I do play as support.
^ This explains your mega dota pool.If you dont want such 'dickheads' which is % 90 as u say (what a joke),start to play stack with ur friends or find friends while playing solo.But u can keep whining like a kid here no problem;) And if i had comprehensive skills i could see that u play storm,pudge,sf,ta,am(ur most picks) as a support(again what a joke u are ...)
Well someones angry. Rofl.
It's quite clear you don't play support. And no, using a support hero does not necessarily make you a support. Don't know why you're so butthurt if you consider yourself a good player but w/e.
So you can't play as support unless your most played heroes are support?
"I don't want advice from people."
"I have the better score thus I'm the better player."
"I respond to people pointing out my mistakes by pointing theirs out + vulgarities."
Sounds like you alright, don't be sad you don't know proper grammar and stuff. It will be okay :) *pats head*
Yes ,its clear that i dont play support but i dont whine like u here ;) And just loled hard that u explain urself like u are listening other people's advices or other shits at all .Did i say something such as im better than u or anyone here?And u say im butthurt but im the one who opened this topic and whine here right?About grammar stuff if u can understand what im tellin to you,then its enough for me idc.Grammar has nothing to do with our argument,its only poor self defence .Now go chill somewhere okey ?:D shhhhh.Also if u dont like that community or dota 2,just leave and play Lol noone is holding u back nap;) (no more answer for u,enough bashing and waste of time,we wont listen each other anyway)
Difference is that op mostly plays in high/very high and has a way better %win and KDA
@imbaPower, isn't the thread about people NOT playing support? What do you have to whine about, considering you're a prime example of the people I'm describing? Anyway all you're doing is proving my point. You sound like one of those carries that when fucks the game when being caught, brings up his KDA and shit like that.
Poor defense? All you pretty much said was that I'm whiny and came to this thread to thrashtalk for no reason.
Why so much hate dude?
the guy is just expressing his experience and i might understand where he comes from. Playing as a support mostly myself i feel his pain.
I also try to stack with friends when i can, but they don't play as often as i do and sometimes i queue solo.
I had different situations where i get insulted because i wasn't supporting enough especially vs stealth players but i simply couldn't buy observer, sentries, dust and gems all the time by supporting alone with 4 carries
when i ask them to help, the flaming starts to rain
the community is really polluted and you seem to be a prime example, adding some extra ";)" on your comments wont make it look better...
The most annoying thing about the community is the refusal to accept criticism.
We're a losing game against a stun heavy team and the Huskar builds a shadowblade, I ask why, he diverts the topic and asks why I feed mid then proceeds to call me noob.
The Rubick flames the carries and asks why is everyone so poor and rambles about it being hopeless trying hard as a support. He bought 1 ward and 1 courier in a 45min game. I as an OD carry bought 2 sets of wards for myself. He then asks for report when I said he didn't support at all.
The fact is, everybody in the community thinks they're good. The MM is setup in a way that everybody more or less gets a chance to own but these ends up disillusioning everyone into thinking they're actually good which leads to all these egoistical people.
@yoshi Look who talks u little bronze player go play LoL.More popular in Turkey u know ';)'
First of all where i come from doesn't matter, but since you Like to know obviously, I can tell you that I come from Switzerland.
That Being said, I don't see what my skill level ( that is not bronze) have to do with Being an asshole of the community Like you are now.
It looks Like you are easy to get butthurt son. The point still stands, and I'm sure that outside, in the real world, you try to be a better person than the one you are being when you post here, so much hate for nothing.
Time to grow up and pay less attention to where people come from, we are all humans
In the end I'll just redirect you to your avatar picture.
I just don't get why everyone is flaming the guy that started the topic. 'Cause he is actually right.
Most of the time, i do play with friends, so i'm quite fine about those problems, but almost every fucking time i play solo queue, i need to go support because 90 % (stat is good), people doesn't want to do it. Well, i do enjoy playing support, and carry isn't really my shit, so np about it. But i know that if i don't do it, almost nobody will.
But eh, even like that, people blame you for whatever reason:
"You aren't ganking, please gank" when i'm playing OD mid, that requires farm.
"Dont feed pls noob" when the guy that says that is farming the enemy jungle and feeds a kill just after saying so.
You know, it's just annoying stuff. And i 100 % agree: those guys think they are good. Or, no. Let's say it in a different way. They think that it's not their fault. And when you play with those guys flaming non stop, the right thing to do is to let it go. Don't answer. And just report, because it's pretty much all you can do.
Indeed, just Like I stopped replying to them here, pointless.
The thread replies are already proving a lot
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Thats pretty much dota 2.
You can say what you want but its the truth. 90% of the community are dickheads, arrogant noobs, cocky wannabees and whatever. Worst thing is most of them aren't that bad, they just have that stupid stuck up attitude.
"I play selfish."
"I want to do things my way."
"I don't want advice from people."
"I have the better score thus I'm the better player."
"I respond to people pointing out my mistakes by pointing theirs out + vulgarities."
I have seen carries throw games or act all cocky when they win. If you got fat my friend, you probably didn't get fat on your own.
I have seen people spam like fuck at others to buy wards and die 4 times in the process and still not buy the fucking 150g shit themselves.
I have seen retarded fucking items on some people, I see the naga go carry when we have 1 hard carry and 2 semi already and I'm like why the fuck are you playing dota.
I have seen people BLAMING their lineup or teammates when it was obviously their gameplay that cost them.
You know the most pissy part? All these people think they're good. Lol.