I guess I could try. However, I get really mad if my teammates aren't up to par and at my expectation.
I must say I am not interested in joining your team but I've just watched a bit of your last game and you need to learn how to manage Tower Aggro.
Good Luck with your team. :)
I know how to play mid and tower aggro,i fbed Storm btw. Game was outpicked and hard..I didn`t played perfect but was best in my team. i Had btw. naix with bkb at very high so gg wp. = )
And ofc worst player on this post talk more than everyone else. ludesign you are 49% and your best hero razor is 2.26 k/d/a I don`t ever need you in my team like never..
Maybe ur graphic video card is fucked in a way u can't differentiate between a bottle and boots of speed
Just my thinking
Dudes I just said what I saw... attack me as much as you want. I don't mind and never said I am "pro" "very good" "playing only in VH"; just gave an advice I thought would worth it based on the 3minutes of the replay and I never said BogiDotA was a bad player. Wtf community. Yep I play Razor cuz I like it a lot and I am not aiming at being the best but having fun. :) Fuck that community.
@Mapz0r - yeah I see only 4 pixels on my screen... haha
Still good luck with your team.
I am not offending u, just wanted to tell u bottle isn't that much of an essential item on EVERY hero, it is to be taken as choice when u r going mid, still don't get it as a starting item, u buy it later to be able to spam lvls on enemy mid and control the lane, hp reg is welcomed, still, not too astonishing.
ludesign ok. Sometimes when you mid goal is to get fb. more than have good position on creeps..cos with bs farm is not problem and haras is not problem so fb. is more usefull than positioning on mid first 3 min. If your mid is harder than you need to work on that what you was saying.
He is noob don`t listen to him! We just played 3 games together 1 team mm and 2 pub all 3 won cos I carried his stupidO ass !
Are u a liar too?
From ur game history, u played only 2 games, one pub AP, and one pub TMM.
And he somehow carried the team, 5.0 KDA with Rubick, and 5.7 KDA with Visage
^ s4, can I ask, how much does each of the players in Aliiance get paid after winning the international 3? is it just the prize money divide by 5? or the money goes to the sponsors?
valentefdz and Benao sry i nicely said just very high bracket..you guys are normal and high..
How did a retard with a <50% winrate get verified, DOTABUFF STAFF!!
wuahahahhaha he called me a high player OMFG!
pls dont add me u fucking piece of shit i dont need to play with fucking noobs like you and your scum team
Benao don`t be mad it`s sad. I just random clicked on your game with Puck where you was high I didn`t checked all your games.
Like I m going to add you lier? I have full team already and i don`t need to add unmannered stupid virgin kids like you.
i love you idiotic some people can be.
basicly what your saying:
i dont bother check properly so i can make an assumption so i look like an idiot, btw your unmannered you fucking piece of shit.
you motherfuckers will all be ashamed of yourselves when he's in Seattle next year winning ti 4
good luck in all your future endeavors
I just played vs Lod[A] and EGM I must say,I was so confused that he is real I didn`t even played normal , but not feed at least too much haha http://dotabuff.com/matches/313687840
^ check player stats in that game Lulz valves mm
loda and akke both 60+% with tons of games and even increased rating due to stack while enemy has 48%wr player lool
Yee, they was playing with 2 girls with 52% win rate, That`s why i played vs them cos of girls mmr was a bit lower so it was like 6-7 total page, not like 1 or 2. But still very very high mm. But the fact i don`t understand like Stop right there russian said we had 48% win rate in team lol..and we all was like 52 and 53% why don`t we at least get one player 55% or 60% win rate? When play vs them..
Melajnen is lodas cousin, its not girl, he is playing really good. I watched a lot of his games. ;)
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Hello everyone my name is Bogdan. I have 20 years old and i play dota like 6-7 years.I improve alot last 3-4 months at team games and worked really hard to be better.I need 3 mid++ high skilled players(2,3 and 4 position) to complete my team roster so we can start practice team mm.
TEAM GOALS: 4000+ team mm rating minimum(That`s why everyone who join must be in very high skill bracket) , to join next Eizo Cups and be top 64 minimum and try top 32 etc. , more weekly leagues and tournaments etc. when we grow inaf. as a real team
18+ years old
-Manners on high lvl
-Know your role well and not be boring to play same hero 10 times in a row if is that needed for practise etc.
-Be in very high skill bracket on dotabuff
-Minimum 51% win rate and 500 + games
-Listen to cap
-Have time to practice at least 3 days per week
-Experienced player
----> Proof I m in 92% games very high http://pubstats.me/115641779
----> Dotabuff http://dotabuff.com/players/115641779
----> Steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075907507/
Cheers :D