General Discussion

General Discussion[SEA] High skilled Guild looking for players, read info inside

[SEA] High skilled Guild looking for players, read info inside in General Discussion

    i mostly play support, and i try to do it as best as i can, I am usually really unlucky with teams so i'd like to have a good community to play with.

    If you feel like, add me up.

    Steam: Yoshimitsu88


      i might be interested im a carry player hit me up if its enough to join


        add me

        Can't see brackets anymore but i usually play on high/very high and my stats should confirm.

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          me me me


            How about me sir ?


              Add me please


                Add Me?


                  Im up for some games, usually play solo queue. Looking for some experienced players to imrpove my game with


                    Hello, I'm playing Dota 2 for 2 years or so, almost 1700 registered hours, 600+ wins.

                    Since FB patch I can't check my skill level, but I was consistently in high skill level. Anyway... I was down to normal for a time and I really don't notice much difference between normal or skill level, there are noobs in both "ranks", so I don't think that really makes you worse or better. Good/high skill level games are weird to find.

                    I mostly play solo queue, so it's hard to go up that way since this is a team game and you relay on your teammates, so I mostly play just for fun. That's why I'm looking for a guild or team where I can play with skilled players, since I'm tired of playing with noobs and playing games that are low skill level for me (I usually put 1 star to my matches).

                    I'm back at streaming since yesterday in this channel and you can check my play there, also I'll be streaming later today:

                    Edit: Oh sorry, I just noticed that this is for SEA and I play on EU West :(

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