> I deserve this win
I lol'd
This is what wrong with this community. Just because you did well does not entitle you to win.
if your winrate is high and if it says it's free to leave no stats will be recorded = you will get a lose
"welcome to forced 50% mmr" - valve
If dotabuff doesn't give you a loss when you leave, then everyone will just leave when they are losing and everyone gets 100% WR
Stop leaving games like a faggot. You leave in the middle of the game and your team wins? In my opinion you should be banned for leaving in the first place. Or at least low prio forever.
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so, I had to leave 1 game today and another game a few weeks ago
valve gave me 2 wins for these, dotabuff didn't
what's the point of giving you a loss when you leave?
-I rarely leave games
-I won't stop leaving games when I really need to
-valve alredy punishes you when you leave games
-on today's game we had alredy taken 4 barracks down, and I helped my team on that. I deserve this win
-on the other game I had an unexpected problem on my computer, that never hapened before. that's not my fault
why dotabuff? why?