General Discussion

General DiscussionThe fail is strong on this one

The fail is strong on this one in General Discussion

    Note to trolls: This is normal bracket. go away.

    So, I knew i was gonna lose my first game today since i was on a 5 winning streak yesterday. Ever since i got to 7 win streak I am cursed by the MM gods and always lose after 5 win streak. I think i got there at least 7 or 8 times.
    Anyway, Go find match knowing it's a lost game. Game pops nothing special, -No russians-, I say hi and everybody including captain reply hi.
    And the fail begins. I wish it was possible to read the allies chat in replays.. The captain is not banning. Was he afk? nope. He said "hi" before.
    Turns out our super captain has no idea how ban/pick. You read right, Not "WHAT" to ban but "HOW" to ban. it took us 2 random picks to teach him just how to click the hero icon then click the big fat red button. And ofcourse, no surprise he bans sven when we wanted him to pick it. Not that we had any hopes of winning.

    Anyway game begins with our gyro being afk. We pause for him until he comes back. I'm gonna skip the game, Just sayin teh game wasn't going too good. Bad play by everyone, including me.
    Also note that gyro was not participating in fights until min 22 where we were trying to hold the fort with 4 mans. He was free farming the whole time. Look at his cs. 49 creeps after 22 mins of free farm. I mean, Really, I can do better than that with sf mid no item no skills in 10 minutes of free farm. And im not even good at carries. Infact i suck with carries.
    How am i supposed to play this game? The game got so boring that i had to go just kill myself so i dont die of boredom.

    Now i feel better after making this ranting thread. Thanks ppl
    Troll away

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Maybe you shouldn't play CM in normal bracket? It's the most retarded idea ever.




          I'm glad you feel better.

          No one should que for CM mode. I think they should just remove it for regular public matching. CM mode is for teams. The captain needs to know what you can play...if he doesn't know what you can play then nothing he thinks he knows about drafting matters.

          If the captain doesn't know you he does not know what you can his job is impossible. Don't que for cm.

          If you want to play a captains game...that's great. This is the full version of dota 2 - the way the game is really supposed to be played and it needs a team. So you have to get a team. Find people faster by looking at the list of 150 thousand teams on dotabuff.

          Try sending invites to people from your region who are at your skill level. These are the people who will want to play cm games with you.
          Sure they already have a team...or did at some point. But most of the time they can't play with their team (many people have several teams) and some of them will be happy to add you as another option.

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            CM as a four stack can be bad as well, especially as both 'stacks' have a 50-50 chance of being the one with the captain. Been there done that. Not the funnest of all times.

            Never solo que CM....ever. God no, not in normal bracket, not in high, No NO No No nonOnOnOnONoNNoNonoNoNOnONonOnonO.


              So much hate for cm.
              Most of my memorable games were in CM
              While it's true that the fail games rate in CM is high, But there are also a lot of close games played in captains mode.
              People play with strategy, Trilaning, warding, dewarding ganking and working together
              And ofcourse captain doesn't know who can play what. Personally, when i am the captain i assume everyone can play everything. Atleast that is what one should be able to do if they are queuing cm. Although i always ask before picking harder heroes, like invoker, LD, batrider etc.

              But this game on the op was one of the worst games i ever had in dota 2. I mean, How can one not know how to pick heroes? How can they be on my mmr range?
              I used to be on 52% winrate, But mm forced me back to 48% after a few losing streaks and im trying to catch up ever since.

              Sadly i don't have friends to play with. I tried making a team once, but finding people who want to play as much as i do (over 5 games in a day atleast) is hard.


                There's nothing wrong with CM, just play it with friends, preferably on voice comms such as mumble or teamspeak or something, then you can play the game 'properly'. Just blindly hoping you get some decent players and a good captain might be asking too much on a solo que is all, at least consistently anyway.

                But hey, whatever floats your boat.

                Penis Monkey

                  Add me if you want Viruser, I have been known to play 15 games in a day.


                    Unfortunately the fact is people can't play everything. Sure everyone can pick any hero and click the buttons...but to be good at any hero, even the easy ones take practice. This is true even for the most talented players in the world. If they just pick up a hero they have not played much and have not played in the last few months...well they will fail to perform at a level anywhere near what is required.

                    You can become more versatile after having tons of experience...but you still will be a huge amount better at your best heroes. I play all of the heroes a little bit because it's fun...but even with over 6,000 games of dota there are some I have not really learned.

                    I've got 12 heroes at 70% win or better, these I understand very well. I have tons of practice using them all in dota 1 even though dota 2 games appear to be few.

                    Then I have 8 heroes between 62-70% win...many of these I am really uncomfortable using and have not really mastered...but I played them in few easy games so I won.

                    Then there are 16 heroes between 54-62% win that I am very confident using and often pick in difficult games and win more than not.

                    Then there are 20 more heroes above 50% that I may like to play, but I don't really have them perfected enough to win difficult games consistently.

                    Then there are 21 heroes from 40%-50% win that I have some significant problem with, either lack of experience or understanding...that prevents me from winning consistently using these heroes.

                    Then there are 27 heroes below 40% win that I feel like I'm out of my depth playing, can't decide the right item build, can't decide where I need to be when, can't figure out how to adjust to any kind of problem....

                    You are going to get an entirely different performance from me if you tell me to carry with (Lycan 85% win) than if you tell me to carry with (Faceless Void 15% win). If you want me to support and pick (Lich 87% win) we are almost certain to win the game no matter what...I can squeeze out a win despite a feeder team with Lich and Lycan...but if you want me to support with (Visage 11% win) we have no chance.

                    As a captain you have to know these things. You have to know which heroes your team can play. If you just pick whatever you think is a good strategy and it's not the teams best heroes...well you are going to lose. The strategy won't matter at all if the team cannot execute well in their lanes and in team fights and don't get the right items in a timely fashion. And they must know their heroes to do well practiced on them. People cannot just play any hero.

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                      i played alot public captains mode, and i rly enjoyed, it was like 1 game out of 4 being retarded
                      fine for me
                      @relentless why remove -cm?
                      if they removed it how other players are supposed to try learn some different dota?of ur answer will be "watch competitive games,replays etc"
                      ofc u do, but still u need to practice,to try to apply what u have seen and so on.

                      and for
                      i play around 5 games/day

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                      I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST

                        Normal brackets nuff said


                          No I think everyone should play -cm. I'm sorry if that was confusing.

                          I just think that it needs to be given its proper respect. If you are going to do a draft then you have to know who is good at which heroes.
                          You need a team, not just 5 random people. You should discuss heroes before entering the que. I think if you actually make a team, and que into team matching it will give people the idea that this is the real thing and you will take the time to properly prepare before the game.

                          I've done 41 -cm games so far in dota 2 I guess. I don't play them much because there is usually not an appropriate group of people. Maybe I should set up something to fix that...provide a better way to find people, or at least try out an idea and see how it works.

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                            Perhaps you misunderstood me when i said I can play anything.
                            First, Note that there aren't really big pools of heroes being played in CM. This is mostly because people like to copy pros and think they are pros!! and also because there are some heroes that are actually bad (Riki comes to mind. in a cm game, usually supports buy gem 10 minutes into the game, leading you with a hero without usefull ultimate skill). And some heroes just don't give the team good reputation (Mostly right click heroes. Drow ranger comes to mind. Pick drow ranger and watch people blowing "tryhard n00b" at your face in cm mode.) This leads us to pretty much about 50 heroes in the pool.

                            Also note that you aren't playing alone, There are also 4 other players in the team and you are not supposed to be able to play every role. Just playing 2 roles is enough to land you the right hero that you can play in captains mode.
                            Me for example, specialize in supporting. I always try to get the support hero is possible. And i am confident that i can play any support hero thrown at me (Except enchantress to some extend. But i'll play her if i have to). I also can play quite a few mid laners if i have to. Puck being an example. Even though i don't have excellent winrate with her. Some of them i can't. Like batrider.
                            I can even play as an offlaner if i have to. But i ask my teammates to not expect any exceptional plays from me on that role.
                            And finally, i can NOT play as carry.

                            Now let's say, There is a cm game and everybody pick everything except the hard carry. First i politely ask for someone to swap with me. If it didn't happen, then i just try my best. is an example of such match. I got slark and even though i asked for a swap it didn't happen. But luckily we won anyway

                            Now let me give you an example of an AP game. 4 allies pick every role except hard carry. What would i do? Ofcourse i pick hardcarry even if i know i suck with it. Then i ask for a swap. If anybody agreed, great. If not then i just try my best. If we lose, i know it wasn't my fault, since I warned my teammates that i couldn't play this role and they didn't do anything

                            So, what's the difference between CM and AP again?


                              You "warned them you could not play your it's not your fault"?

                              This is not about who is blamed for a loss. I am trying to explain to you how to play -cm mode. You seem to think its just some other way of getting 10 heroes from a pool of 100.

                              If you play with random people and care so little about the game that you only think about it "not being your fault" when the roles are improperly selected then you are right. There is no difference between carelessly picking up heroes one way or another.

                              But dota is supposed to be an organized team game. Maybe you don't care to learn how it is really played. Maybe you think of football as just kicking a ball around a field or basketball as a 2 v 2 pickup game in the park...That's fine you can have fun doing whatever you want. But you posted here being frustrated with a crappy game where people had no idea what they were doing and I'm just trying to help you understand why you got yourself into that situation and how to avoid it.

                              Captains mode is nothing like AP, if you don't have a team and captain who knows what heroes you can play its just silly to do a -cm game.

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                                Hey Viruser, just a piece of advie: You don't NEED a hard carry to win a game anyway. If you are the last pick and don't have a Hard Carry in your team, don't pick one if you know you can't play it with other people yet (practice with bots first, then in private rooms with people you know), doing so is an attitude similar to the far too common problem of new Magnus players feeling the need to complete the RP + Skewer combo even though their team is right next to them and they end up pulling the enemies out of the Black Hole, Chronosphere, other-really-strong-follow-up-utli's range and get counterinitiated.

                                For example, you could complete a heavy-pushing team or a strong-ganking oriented team with a lot of early-game power to finish things quickly instead of dragging the game unnecesarilly with a hero you are uncomfortable with...ok, this is for AP games. I can't really help you with CM games. I don't have much experience in it yet, but yeah, playing with people you know helps a lot.

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                                  Yes yes, Good luck convincing pub players they need to finish the game while they can and stop farming or they loose.
                                  I have had this situation with a team of non carries more than i want to admit. Most of the time, players want to keep farming a won game: letting the enemy carry to farm and they make a comeback.
                                  It's pathetic really


                                    It may be difficult to convince random people to do this. But if you get a team together I think everyone will find that going for the quick win with early to mid game heroes and a push strat provides a much more exiting game of dota. Many carry players even will enjoy just getting the first dmg item up and then attacking.

                                    When you do this as a carry you want to adjust your build. Instead of getting a farming tool like a battlefury, Hand of Midas, or Radiance...go for a mid game damage dealing item first like Manta Style, Armlet, or Desolator. Don't wait to have bkb to fight...instead delay your attack just slightly. If you position in the back and wait 2-3 seconds to engage in a teamfight you will find the disables are on cd and you will have about a 10 sec window to attack with no stuns coming at you just as if you had used a fresh bkb. Kill the disabling heroes first and then there will be no one left to stun you when that 10 sec window ends.

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                                      Yes, It's true that gathering a team will enable use of lots of exciting strategies. Because teammates are more likely to follow each other in a coordinated game.
                                      Thanks for the tips btw.
                                      Anyway, This was a ranting thread and i think it's better to go down.

                                      Tzu Gaming

                                        If u want to play a good game, what u need to do ? u need to improve your dota skill and your wins.... so you can join high level game.. there are fun and tryhard.