didnt watch game yet but from what i recall io+troll is op as fuck
Yep there he goes. I was waiting for Relentless to show up with a thread like this. But Kaipi is doing their best to throw their lead.
So far its back and forth although KP is ahead 24-9 on kills.
Empires teamfight is stronger IF they get it right...but it is proving to difficult to get enough dmg off fast enough to kill troll...and then KP wins a 10 sec teamfight easily.
AAA is also playing Abaddon+Slark combo vs Mennace using Troll+ SF
lol now bone7 "accidentally" gets divine rapier...hmm...
Gryo counters with his own DR. This is the first pro game with 2 DR in a very long time.
Roshan died in less than 4 seconds to DR on naix and troll!
Game 3 Final coming up.
I really like the way KP out though Empire on the lanes sending Enigma to an aggresive jungle and pre-emptively dodging the aggresive tri-lane Empire had planed. I've seen several teams send the support mid to just secure SF first set of lasthits and get those soul assumption charges...it really eliminates a lot of the risk of a running mid solo SF because it means you can't gank him right away and he will get his bottle quickly.
So Troll wins the Bigpoint Battle 7...and a bunch of other less important matches this week. None of the Troll games have been loaded into dota academy yet though. Still winning 2/3 games for the finals and being banned the other game Troll will make an impression in the minds of drafters.
I hope people get a chance to watch the Evoplay vs Empire game at the EMS cup for the mass bmail kills of Tinker and NP. There should be VODs of that up soon.
You can watch these games with the in-game client using the ticket for EMS One Fall and Bigpoint Battle (actually I can't find a ticket for the Bigpoint battle...it seems there should be one?)
Anyway....you can also watch live streams on joindota, some VODs will be posted too.
Most of the games from today are up now. http://www.joindota.com/en/vods
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KP picks up Troll Warlord in the 2nd game of the Bigpoint Battle Finals vs Empire.
I think this is the first game where Troll is given safelane farm. EE is playing Troll as a 1 position with wisp support.