General Discussion

General DiscussionSo I thought EU Dota was like...really bad?

So I thought EU Dota was like...really bad? in General Discussion

    I've seen a lot of people on this forum calling EU Dota bad. Top of each group guys. BOOYACKERSHAWN!

    Let the Intercontinental trash talking....begin!

    Ples Mercy

      EU Dota is clearly better. Dignitrash and team shitlick are not 2 bad but they cannot reach the level of fnatic, alliance & navi.


        russian doto best doto


          ofc europeans r best


            the finals are gonna be between 2 eu teams as well i think


              noway #igdotoroadtoti3 return of the champions


                who said usa was good at dota they sux dick, most of them queue in eu for practice

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                  Never queue on US west server, worst nightmare of dota players lol
                  Don't know why, but US east seems ok, as relentless guy said. lol


                    why not ? u want easy wins que for us servidors


                      easy wins, easy loses too lol
                      I don't have good luck with it. I always got stacked trolls (yes stacked trolls, not just a troll lol ) feeding flaming then abandon the game lol


                        ^ there were a lot of them in the US in dota 1. I bet they are starting to come into dota 2 now. People in the US would stack to throw a game together.

                        I don't know why US east dota is so much stronger than the west, but its been that way for years. In dota 1 the east was a lot stronger also. Part of it is that EU players play on US east, but its more than that. Maybe its just the population distribution. There are a lot more people closer to the USeast server.

                        I expect the grand final to be Navi vs Alliance and [A]lliance to win it. This was already the most likely scenario going into the tournament and the group stages have just confirmed it. I doubt [A]lliance will drop a game to anyone but just can't draft against them. They are too good at too many heroes. They can beat anything you pick and can do it 3 different ways so you can't ban them out.

                        Maybe Fnatic could beat Navi, but none of the Asian teams can...and I don't really expect Fnatic to do it either.

                        Half a dozen teams have the talent to step it up and reach the high bar Alliance and Navi set for hero diversity. But they can't do it magically in a few days. They will just have to re-group and change how they play and next year be prepared with a larger pool of heroes.

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                          Relentless post is looking more like Azarkon's now.
                          If its just matchmaking, obviously US server is bad, EU servers are pleasant if not for russians, SEA would be nice without pinoys. So arguably China is still the strongest for matchmaking.

                          In terms of TI3, Alliance NaVi and Fnatic are all doing very well, apparently Fnatic almost exclusively scrimed against Alliance, which obviously brought out results. So yes, EU is doing greaaaat.
                          TL and Dignitas were doing so good at the start of the groupstages, but when the last day came they were knocked down to bottom 4.
                          With 5 of 8 in the winners bracket being from the East I would actually say the natural order of things has been restored.

                          Anyone rooting for MUFC to win? xD


                            MUFC vs liquid, they have no chance lol
                            A team that lost all games ... wtf lol


                              im never counting out the chinese but alliance is playing flawless and navi is super unpredictably good


                                Behind all this Alliance and Navi hype people seem to forget that there are 5 east teams in the winner's bracket. Also people seem to not realise that eventhough Alliance went 14-0, they can still lose games against the best teams fairly easy. That's just the nature of dota. All it takes is 2 bad games from either Alliance or Navi.

                                My point is the outcome of the tournament can be very different from the results of the group stage. It would be crazy to count out the east teams.

                                I root for fnatic by the way.


                                  eu doto best doto
                                  gogo [A]lliance


                                    say whatever u want but ig will be one of top 2 teams

                                    that game with finol pause they gave a run for alliance bigtime

                                    fnatic is lookg really stronk 2 0'd the navi's if they ban weaver xbox will show the true meaning of throwing


                                      IG dropped a game to Orange, dropped a game to, they lost 2-0 to Tongfu...they are only in the winners bracket because Liquid stupidly decided to aggressive tri-lane against KotL and gave Korok his worst hero that they pick for him. There is no way IG gets near the finals. I would not be surprised if they fail to make it to into a money spot...maybe they get 7th-8th place.

                                      IG was losing nearly the entire game to Allance, since min 1. They were making a desperate risky attempt to claw their way back into it over the course of 4 consecutive long range infest-ganks and the one at 42 min they finally got caught. Everyone had already reacted to the gank 5 seconds before the Finol pause. Bulldog had already outplayed them with the force-hex-port. S[4] and Loda were already attacking Zhou and YYF, who were already a full screen away from any help because of the risky ganks they had been doing.

                                      The pause was a bizarre misclick, but had no impact on the fight. IG's cores were already certain to die and their "come-back" at an end. It was just a matter of time before this happened as well because they were so far behind on map control and item progression and had no chance to win late game with DK+LS vs Naga+TA+NP+Weaver...they were getting outscaled on dps massively...which is why they desperately turned to risky infest pick offs. The fact is Alliance beat IG early game with a stronger late game lineup. That is why just losing one 1 gank meant gg directly, IG was just one mistake from losing already at this point.

                                      YYF dies in less than 3 seconds. Zhou less than two 2 seconds...Chaun dies so fast he fails to even click his ghost (about 0.5 seconds full health to dead). Even with a defensive disruption and SB escape attempted Ferrari's DK dies in 7 seconds. IG had no chance to win that game. They were just dodging fights to make it take longer.

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                                        lets not discuss before the end of the tournament

                                        Also, its always have been between EU and china.. so you cant say eu > china or china > eu
                                        some get better than the others at times but its goes around

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                                        Sōu ka

                                          china doesn't even have a real playerbase because the game isn't actually accessable to most people and still they are holding up rather fine
                                          if you have to play the same 4 teams over and over again that's probably not the most motivating thing