General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there a counter to Tiny+Centaur lane?

Is there a counter to Tiny+Centaur lane? in General Discussion

    Me and my friend have been doing this lane, and we have a 100% win rate. Farming tiny, pulling centaur. Once we hit 3, the enemy can't come to lane or else they just get destroyed.

    Is there a counter to this lane? The closest thing we've seen to a counter is that they just give up and sit by tower


      Don't counter them in lane.
      You play this, you must be on your safe lane. The enemy can well have one jungle + a trilane and crush your suicide lane easily.

      If they are not fed, they are not that strong ...
      KIds suck at dota becasue they feed ! :D :D :D


        Yes, There is a counter.
        1. Smoke gank the tiny
        2. If the centuar is pulling and the tiny is only in lane - A Lion/Slark Dual Lane would win or another semi-carry w/ a support with strong disables.


          Tiny tosses centaur for the first stun?

          That's pretty hard to deal with. But you still can if you have an absurdly strong dual like...

          Windrunner + clockwork...clock fronts, has the potential to kill tiny with battery assault and the help of wr at low levels, can prevent the tiny-centaur combo with cogs and positioning, meanwhile windrunner harasses tiny so he can't farm and clock farms

          Also you ward block the pull right away. I try to ward block the pull nearly every game I play. The question is when to do it, which of the 6 spots I can use to place the ward and whether I spend a sentry or an obs on it. But I'm going to block the pull unless supports get their early and guard it correctly.

          90% of games I am offlane the pull is blocked and is not dewarded correctly.

          or most offensive tri-lanes will crush two melee, even something as good as tiny+cent.

          A third option is to just use Darkseer ionshell spam. It is very hard on a tiny to try to lasthit against double ion shells.

          A 4th option is to abandon the lane and jungle instead. Many good offlane heroes are good in part because they have the option to jungle at low levels if the lane is to hard.

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            omni + anything


              tree, bb pig, slardar, abbadon, morph, dazzle, sd, jugg might all work as well

              oh yea, naix good too

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                Tiny tosses Cent at Naix

                Naix presses Q and thanks Tiny for the free kill


                  solo darkseer

                  Woof Woof



                      @ (s) and nothing happens

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        1) Tiny's crap manapool.
                        2) Centaur's crap manapool.
                        3) The good old Naix.
                        4) Blink, leap.
                        5) Leave the lane alone and just trade farm with Tiny as a better carry like AM Gyro etc.


                          I would hardly call a 3-1 tiny-centaur combo a 100% winrate setup bro.


                            omni + Any hero
                            "A range hero"

                            Tiny has shit all armour, Put him in lane by himself tanking creeps under tower while the centaur pulls, and he is kindof free gold.


                              Axe may be good too, lol


                                Aggressive mana burners(Nyx/Am), Dark seer, Omni, Niax. Constant gangs.. Map awareness. The combo can only kill one hero at a time.

                                Believe it or not my score was 2-7 on drow at around 25 mins, Because of this combo. So much so that Silencer even rage quit.

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                                  od and another support can beat this lane, since both of you guys have crap mana pools, nyx as well if he isnt dumb


                                    naix+wisp shits on it