General Discussion

General DiscussionSupports R' Us

Supports R' Us in General Discussion
Jay Ashborne

    I play the 3-5 in our usual composition. I've mained visage a lot lately but more recently I've been trying to wisp and do new supports.
    Can I get some tips for shadow demon and wisp?

    Some Information that might help. Our usual team comp, is 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 4. We feel that it is only possible to have a 5 slot if you have consistent 35 minute GG's and we would like to attempt to prepare for the late game in some manner. So we run two 3 slots instead of the 5. The 4 wards, usually the pull in the trilane, or some manner. We run our three mid or offlane usually, or the two. The other three is the lane option in the tri, and the one is self explanatory.

    So in light of things, what can I do to make my wisp / Shadow demon better? What should my items start like?
    I normally get Tango, 3 GG branches, then Sentry + Observer, and a 3 buys the courier.

    Any insight?

    Edit: Also generally looking for other's to play with.


      If you play wisp you might need more consumables than just tangos, same for Shadow Demon (his disruption costs a lot of mana).

      Clarity would be a good choice in both cases.

      Jay Ashborne

        A three normally pools me a clarity but thanks for the input I'll change up my build.


          BTW your system... it doesn't work that way. You have 5 heroes in a team, you can't have 2 '3' spots. Even if in your heads you think you are somehow running a 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 4, the truth of the matter is that one of the 3s gets a little less farm than the other, and thus becomes a 4, and the 4 becomes a 5, as there are 5 heroes in a team.

          And being a shadow demon or wisp usually means you are, at most, a 3 so... why would a 3 pool a clarity to a 3? And anyway, you can't have 2 3s...

          Anyway, I see what you're trying to do, it's just the interpretation that's wrong. The system is 1 2 3 4 5

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          Jay Ashborne

            Im aware what the system is. However the true five role has only items such as boots and stick at end of game, and in my mmr we cant afford that. So instead we run two as if they were both in the three slot.


              courier > salve > bottle > sr > boots > dagon with wisp

              waku waku

                I'm curious what these numbers mean, could someone enlighten me?


                  1 has the biggest dick and 4 has the smallest dick


                    its priority to items in numbers

                    1 is hardcarry who is obviously needs shit tons of items to carry

                    2nd is solo mid who needs like blink bottle and some other luxuries for his game

                    3rd/4th/5th usualy ends up supporting those 2 + trying to build up sme supportive items like mek/pipe/vlads/wards/etc/etc


                      seriously if your 5 has boots and wand at end of game he's a bad support end of story. Part of being a good support is finding farm where it's hard to get, even if you're a 5


                        I disagree. In almost every single one of my games, I play the 5 role (sometimes being the only support on the team). However, I still manage to get the farm I need to build up my basic core items. (More than boots).

                        I see what you're going for though, and it's good that you try and distribute some of the supporting roles (e.g. More than 1 person getting wards/allowing others to get the courier).

                        Jay Ashborne


                          Team liquids analysis on the 1-5 system.

                          @ Pilot, it makes it a lot easier on the lower priority members to obtain items.

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                            @mango: nah, it depends on so many factors. like, do they have invis heroes so you have to buy loads of sentries? are you already a tanky support who doesn't really need that much more survivability? is there someone else who can use the gold better who is ready to take the farm you are going for?
                            you can lose with boots + wand in the end and still be a good support.



                              Added you, maybe we could stack together sometimes.

                              P.S. Your profile pic... DEM FEELS



                                I agree that it depends on the type of support. CM is so squishy you'd need some str items to compensate whereas treant is already tanky enough usually a few armor items and it's enough.