pretty straightforward hero, farm and gank with shadowblade, then farm more and outcarry the enemy
You ended the game with the power to kill a rax in 2 seconds and clearly had opportunities since you are 31-2-5...just do it and stop diving for kills. Killing towers and rax so you can kill the throne is how the game is won. Killing heroes means nothing if it does not set up killing buildings. That is why you lose on alchemist...greed for stats.
Also skadi sucks, get bkb.
you got fat because of support kills. but left AM without any attention. those kind of hard carries easily outcarry someone like doom and alchemist even with great net worth difference. At certain point you should have pushed hard and not let the game take so long.
I kinda started playing this hero recently and I like getting unstable concoction. when you start charging it out of enemy vision they don't hear anything . so get into trees, start charging, get back to farming like nothing happened and then throw it when it's 0.5 secs. It worked pretty well. if you get acid spray early, it reduces their armor and makes unstable concoction hit harder. greevil's greed should be gotten early in terms of freefarm. because he is not getting tons of last-hits early and getting those two skills may have greater impact on the game.
Well with 577 LH you could have ended the game much sooner. We had a drow who did something similar and ended up throwing the game cause all that farm means nothing if you are going to be the only one left alive
If you have the opportunity, finish the damn game.
"If you have the opportunity, finish the damn game."
This is something pub players never seem to get. You win a fight...they think about that next 5k item they gonna go farm up. So many games lost that shoulda been won early do to pub players not knowing how to finish.
P.S. If you try to explain it, they report, gotta love these kids.
just broke my GPM record with Alchemist. Early game maxing unstable concoction is really great, also if you take someone like centaur as a lane partner, it basicaly guarantees won lane stage (almost). also getting acid spray is reasonable ( at least one level) , as it boosts damage done by concoction. IF you won your lane, and other lanes are doing OK. try rushing battlefury. after level 11 you can clear whole jungle within a minute. which means an average of 514 gold + 450-690 bonus gold from greevil's greed if you are keeping it at max 30 gold constantly.
thanks for feedback appreciate the criticism i guess its just that tunnel vision of "look how fat i am i stomp u" and then i make 1 bad decision and team crumbles. and just saw a game with na'vi predicting a hard lane for alc so they took the acid and concotion max so i will start using that to see if it helps the early game push so shadowblade bkb? after those 2 would u go for attack speed or dmg next? like an a.c or mjol or str8 to basher then abyssal? i really like the hero with the greed but just cant get over the hump the reasoning i had for not going bkb this game was coz my team wasnt tanky so i wanted the spells to be focused towards me so they could move freely what i hoped for anyway
it depends
BKB isn't actually core in alchemist because he is very resistent with ult, but it's still necessary sometimes
Alc tutorial - get big in 30 min - punch the towers and don't care about the enemy attacking you.
Than you will end up like this ..................................................
unfortunately :/
this is what happends when u play solo offlane alchemist against bat & ck.
And one more thing, when meepo plays in a tri lane, and ends up killin' small camp in 3 min into the gamez due to boots first.
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have played this hero a few times and they dont usually end well is anybody experienced with this hero? what items are best for him?(which items help him fight early or which items are best to rush if ur getting good farm)
ive seen alot of pub builds and they just destroy and when i go for late game i lose
the last game i played was with a stack of irl friends who arent that great so thats why the scores like that