General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
The Wok

    G: winrates on most played is good

    B: dat invoker winrate tho

    kvasius # KSVM

      G: Support player, VHS, good.
      B: IDK.


        G: Not doing too bad for a player with only 200-300 games
        B: Not much diversity in the picks for someone with that little amount of games
        (Also makes me sad that i took way longer to get even Normal Skill I suck :p)
        rating as if not a smurf btw so hope you arent

        kvasius # KSVM

          Not smurf.


            ^G:sniper, troll kdas
            B: how do you live with yourself after picking sniper and troll


              G: good furion player
              B: filthy storm picker


                g: good sf player
                B: bad ember winrate

                Greygrey the Sailor

                  G:great storm
                  B:bad rubick

                  Bad Intentions

                    G: Youre winning more recently
                    B: Avg meepo, us servers

                    KGBlue Lives Matter

                      G: You play Veno
                      B: You dont play mid Veno :P


                        G: High win% on many heroes
                        B: Normal skill


                          G: Qop
                          B: not many games played yet


                            G: Positive Winrate
                            B: Normal Skill


                              G: Tittler
                              B: Zeus Ult now

                              kvasius # KSVM

                                G: Dayum stats.
                                B: Too much Dayum.


                                  G: nice records (and cool winrate btw)
                                  B: your KDA is quite low on your top heroes (that meepo game tho :c). Also, not many games played. Fairly good for not being a smurf.


                                    G: high winrate, and high winrates on most of your top played heros.
                                    B: very small sample size! you need to play more games bro, you're clearly a good (or much lower mmr than you should be) player

                                    pretty scared of my review


                                      G: high treant winrate
                                      B: fck ur hoho haha


                                        G: STorm
                                        B RRrrubick

                                        < blank >

                                          G- Vhs always good doto

                                          B- Too much sf

                                          who can tell me what league am i in????

                                          Edited: saw wrong profile :(:(

                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                            Good: Nice winrates. Plays Rubick

                                            Bad: Plays Mirana. :P Lost your game with the most kills.


                                              G: That Warlock winrate, plays lots of different heroes and roles
                                              b: 90% unranked games after > 1000 games even though you play All pick mostly


                                                G: You seem to like playing initiating heroes wp
                                                B: win a game with NP :P


                                                  G: most bought item - TP
                                                  B: Le Shrác unplayed D:


                                                    G: Wow you sure have a lot of games played. You have pretty good winrates on most of your top heroes and you're on a 60+% win streak this month. Also, you play support, something which I love doing. Keep it up!

                                                    B: Maybe work on dying less? Having an average of 8 deaths a game this patch isn't that great I guess (but i'm nitpicking here)

                                                    kvasius # KSVM

                                                      G: Good overall, likes supports.
                                                      B: Unstable bracket. Kind of.

                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                        G: S1ck meepo player
                                                        B: 2nd best streamer


                                                          G: Decent Storm, Good Meppo
                                                          B: Smurf.

                                                          tried, tired and tilted

                                                            G: SF
                                                            B: winrate


                                                              G: 16-1 in the last too weeks. nice
                                                              B: 37% wr with puck

                                                              The Wok

                                                                G: high win rate on top 2 most played
                                                                B: Obvious smurf is obvious


                                                                  G: You seem to have a high win rate with most of your top heroes and you adjust your role quite often I guess (although I do like that you play support). Also you've had a 63% winrate this month, so that's always good

                                                                  B: Some of your top heroes have low winrates (not really bad because you've been winning with them lately anyway, so good job)

                                                                  kvasius # KSVM

                                                                    G: Nice attitude, VHS.... more to come.
                                                                    B: SE Asia... Everybody is like that there... (prob)

                                                                    Natsuki Subaru

                                                                      G: Omniknight player, really great hero to auto win with in pubs
                                                                      B : Sometimes very weak hero picks causing to lose (or item builds)


                                                                        G: fellow storm player, high winrate
                                                                        B:in last 10 matches, 7 were trolls in ranked xD

                                                                        Top Gun on Betamax

                                                                          G: obvious mid player in the VHS, solid KDAs, good storm winrate.
                                                                          B: under 50% winrate in 6/10 of your top played heros, storm picker (but at least you win).


                                                                            G: Non-mainstream heroes played a lot - nice to see a good support player.
                                                                            B: Steer away from too many heroes and few unplayed with almost 3,000 games played.

                                                                            kvasius # KSVM

                                                                              G: Arent spamming one meta hero.
                                                                              B: Some of the games dont have bracket.


                                                                                G: support stats
                                                                                B: in 260 games only 11 with TP in inventory XD


                                                                                  G: first time I've seen someone maining pugna and being effective
                                                                                  B: rubik and kdas in general

                                                                                  Bird BIrd

                                                                                    G: Winrate on np
                                                                                    B: All heroes played pretty farm dependent

                                                                                    Rih (Bot)

                                                                                      G: plays support with more than 50 % WR
                                                                                      B: 90 unplayed heroes xD


                                                                                        Good: Almost 60% ranked winrate.

                                                                                        Bad: Currently in a small loss streak, also plays Mirana.

                                                                                        kvasius # KSVM

                                                                                          G:ZAPPORTS EVERYWHERE!
                                                                                          B: Why no ranked?


                                                                                            G: thats a good cm
                                                                                            B: you dont like blink dagger, do you? 12 times bought


                                                                                              Good- Seem British (like me!) and you have slark as your top hero

                                                                                              Bad- Lost your last 6! :/


                                                                                                G: Winrate with slark and skywrath
                                                                                                B: you have more deaths (8.6) than kills (5.25) on average

                                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                  G: you seem to be branching out from picking mids

                                                                                                  B: still haven't gotten your ranked mmr to match your unranked


                                                                                                    G; current winning streak
                                                                                                    B: plays annoying heros


                                                                                                      G: never picked Troll <3
                                                                                                      B: 27% on PA in 23 games :D