General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: Nice mirana
    Bad : Pudge winrate even tho top 3 mots played heroes


      Good: Strong mid player, with good KDA's and win rates.
      Bad: Avoids ranked games like the plague.

      Hex Sigma

        good: doesnt mind playing with low skilled players
        bad: lost your longest match

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

          Good: Great KDA's on your most played heroes
          Bad: Avoids micro heroes (well it's better to not play them, than play and fail with them like me)


            Good: Seems a nice mid player
            Bad: Razor

            Bad Intentions

              g: lion lich player, supporter
              b: your veno kda and userID


                Good : Decent KDA on most played heroes.

                Bad : Spirit Breaker = gay hero T_T


                  G ` What a win streak.
                  B ` You haven't played much other heroes yet

                  Red Potato

                    G' You love crystal maiden
                    B' You suck with windranger x)


                      Good: Nice pheoniix
                      Bad : low kda on most heroes

                      Forgos ☭

                        Good : That win rate!!!!!Wow

                        Bad: Could be a mid or feed guy :P


                          good: plays a lot sup
                          bad: not so successfully atm


                            G - 61% win rate with CM

                            B - Low KDA on a lot of ur most play hero

                            Forgos ☭

                              third comment of the day

                              G:53.87% win rate... that is good for me + he has friendsss!!!!

                              B: His name prob


                                Good: Rubick most played hero and with positive winraet :3

                                Bad: Shadow Shaman winrate.


                                  g~ dat recent win streak, ur top 13 heroes, top 9 heroes winrate,
                                  b~ most tower dmg, but it doesn't really matter

                                  Horsing around

                                    G: Plays a lot of support
                                    B: Windranger kd and wr


                                      Good: nice invoker

                                      Bad: 39% windranger winrate :facepalm:


                                        Good: 57% winrate on kotl is pretty impressive.

                                        Bad: Low kda on Doom


                                          good:most winrates are quite good. rubick 61% ! cool shit!
                                          bad: less than 3 kda on all top heroes. even carries.

                                          Pos5 Player

                                            good: Raported for communication abuse
                                            bad: I fucked your mom

                                            vini jr

                                              G - Void / Barathrum win rates

                                              B - 5/10 negative win rates in your most played heros


                                                @Steve: what the actual fuck?


                                                  ill do it for 3 people
                                                  Good : Nice faggot void winrate and kda.
                                                  Bad : 48% winrate lmao.

                                                  Good : Ez bristleback and overall winrate.
                                                  Bad: 46% death prophet, kinda weak.

                                                  Good : The hooks, overall winrate, dat dazzle.
                                                  Bad : Poor invoker :(

                                                  Pos5 Player

                                                    Good:Good dog picture
                                                    Bad: Maths - Can't round up or down.

                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                      Good: Nice winrate/kda on bara
                                                      Bad: notsureiftrolling


                                                        Good: Decent Winrate
                                                        Bad: Looks like a smurf


                                                          Good : nice zeus last matches :D

                                                          Bad : KDA ratio with your most played heros


                                                            Good: Nice top heroes winrate
                                                            Bad : furion winrate even its 3rd most picked heroes


                                                              Good: Dire-side 57% wr.

                                                              Bad: U'r mostly playing Normals.

                                                              Forgos ☭

                                                                Good : that win rate in russia servers !!! %56.92

                                                                Bad:He plays in russian servers


                                                                  good: support ftw <3
                                                                  bad:losing streak more than winning streak..


                                                                    Good: Support player with nice KDA's ^^

                                                                    Bad: Most of your records are from one lost match with drow

                                                                    Oh wait, I commented wrong person >.>

                                                                    so zeus, this is for you!

                                                                    Good: Mix of all roles, support, jungler, carry, ganker...

                                                                    Bad: PUDGE

                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                      Hmmm. I'm here again)

                                                                      Good: kawaii profile. lol

                                                                      Bad: I FUCKIN HATE TINKER :D:d;ddddddddldlldla!!!! d

                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                        g: good starting wr, green.
                                                                        b: few games, new to doto? smurf?

                                                                        True Survivor

                                                                          g: really good consistent spirit breaker performance.

                                                                          b: dat winrate tho


                                                                            G: Slark

                                                                            B: Smurf (?)


                                                                              Good: Tinker stats

                                                                              Bad: Tinker and arguably Meepo are your only heroes in your top list with remarkable stats.

                                                                              Yeezy duz it


                                                                                Bad: Lost your game with most last hits D:::::::::::::

                                                                                me + 4 monkeys

                                                                                  Good: 32k exp crystal maiden

                                                                                  Bad: winrate :(


                                                                                    G - amazing win rate with all your friend

                                                                                    B - your most play hero win rate is only 46% (although my most play hero is only 47% also) i guess we're both pretty bad at our most play hero... =)


                                                                                      Good: Overal decent winrate
                                                                                      Bad : Rubick even no 1 most played heroes


                                                                                        Good: Sick as hell mid player, fantastic overall winrate

                                                                                        Bad: Not much diversity


                                                                                          Good: Good overall stats spread across many different roles.

                                                                                          Bad: Might want to practice the Waifuranger a bit.


                                                                                            Good: Very friendly and likeable guy (I think)
                                                                                            Bad: Too much real life


                                                                                              Good: That mirana
                                                                                              Bad : Rubick winrate even top 3 mostplayed heroes

                                                                                              CRAZY BALUBA

                                                                                                G: good winrate and kda on mid heroes, keep going :D
                                                                                                bad: try other heroes :D


                                                                                                  Good: Plays almost every hero
                                                                                                  Bad: Get dat winrate above 50% :)!

                                                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde gelöscht

                                                                                                      Good: Plays a lot of supports decently.
                                                                                                      Bad: Perhaps needs to work on positioning as you seem to die a lot more than you should at times. Still we all need work, not just you. Also I don't know if not maxing dive is wise as its basically a free spell that does 70DPS when maxed so can be good in and out of lane.