General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you teach new players dat certain dota instincts

How do you teach new players dat certain dota instincts in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Lets face it they will be mostly on their own, lucky if they find a decent stack.

    But yea how do you teach certain dota instincts in tutorials.

    Like knowing danger without wards (spidersense? lol) taking hits and staying alive, pushing/counterpushing, knowing when to sacrifice for the team, what hero to focus on, ganking etc etc.

    I know "experience" is the simple answer here, but there must be something valve can do to make creative tutorials that tackles these kinda things.


      Arcane boot for Sniper, Best Doto


        make them watch me play


          just play bots


            more like teach them to stare at the minimap


              You can only predict what other players do, if its something you would do yourself.

              If you don't know what you're doing, you can't predict what other people are doing.


                playing against bots wont train new player about instincts, playing against real people does.


                  Too many things.

                  You need to know the skills of all dota heroes. If you don't, you don't even realize the danger.
                  You need to know all ways to play out all heroes. If you don't know how they gank, how they farm, you get ganked and you get ourfarmed.
                  You need to know how to ward properly. Not just a few wards sitting fucking in the middle of the river that cannot see shit.

                  Now you have a chance to be the mastermind. But you still lose games. When you pin like a mad dog trying to let your carry get back, he is raped by 4 or 5 enemies. When you tried hard to ask your stupid ganker not to go feed their team, yes they lead to your team wiped out. What all you can do is hope the enemies will make the same mistake. So a game means to see how the 9 players fail hard, and non of them could hack the map :)

                  < blank >

                    Only thing that comes to mind is creating vids of when pros back off when they are getting ganked, show vision of player perspective and emphasize warding and timings.

                    Bad Intentions

                      Juke tutorials!


                        i don't think anything but time can teach new players all of these "properties" the difference between noob and pro is having perfect map awarness , having the knowledge of mechanics , and decision making


                          From my experience it's the decision making thing that is right up there as incredibly important. The amount of times I've died attempting to place a ward or because of some incredibly dumb ass idea I had or from standing in bad places...

                          WTB experience pls. anyone?


                            the fast way is by picking only 1-3 heroes for next few months /map awarness and knowledge of mechanics will come with lots of practise then expand hero pool by 1 hero at week/month


                              Sounds like a good idea. I thought of that myself and now have a few supports I feel comfortable playing. I've been trying to think my way through picks and counter picks, (only AP mode), and matching my limited pool of heroes to either my team or as a counter to the opponents...Of course, lacking any significant knowledge of picking/counter picking this hasn't worked out well and I find I normally just go....'WE NEED STUN, PICK VENGE OR LION' as my little, diseased brain can't work it's way through all the shit it needs to, to make a good choice.

                              Normal pool fo' life fo' sho'!

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