General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout Phantom Assassin

About Phantom Assassin in General Discussion

    I like this hero a lot but I almost never played it so if someone can get me into this hero I'd appreciate
    I wanna know when to pick her, what support is best to lane with me and when I shouldn't pick her
    I writed a build in the game for me and I had this:
    Starting Items: Quelling Blade, Tangos, Healing Salve and 3 Ironwood Branches
    Early Game: Phase Boots, Drum of Endurance, Ring of Health and a TP scroll
    Core Items: Battlefury, Black King Bar, Helm of Dominator
    Situational Items: Abyssal Blade, Satanic, Divine Rapier, Monkey King Bar, Boots of Travel

    bum farto

      Honestly, the best PA's I have seen go straight for the fucking battlefury. Also I have found from watching players on this hero the more active and better players max the first and second and don't even blur till much later cause you can harrass with a maxed stifling dagger which causes major butthurt on week supports and if you have maxed your blink strike you can get out and get back in much quicker with the lesser cooldown.

      My amigo plays him quite well so have a look at his stat progression or what ever and I am sure there are hundreds of good PA players out there.


        I honestly think that a safelane farming Phantom Assassin should get atleast a Drum of Endurance, it's the best item within 2000 gold in the game and helps at her survivabillity a lot and you get a lot of stats from it but I'm not sure, I've seen Loda building Drum of Endurance first
        how about when to pick her and her best support duo?


          Drums is a great item, it provides stats (hp), dmg and movement speed.


            get boots then bkb dagger n blade are good if you lane with dazzle its good to get early kills

            DOTA 2 BETA IS OVER

              please, I want answers from decent Phantom Assassin players so if you don't know this hero well I would be grateful if you would stay away from this thread, thank you

              bum farto

                Yes, but loda is professional. I always say this to friends of mine "Just cause pro's do it doesn't mean you can" and because she is such a hard carry I would leave the drums to one of the supports as you are setting yourself off your battlefury so I really wouldn't bother on that particular hero.

                I agree drums are fucking great and nothing better than a marching band of 5-man assholes with a bunch of drums going but in the case of PA I think it is an item worth skipping in favor of the harder carry items you need.

                It also depends on the nature of the game and how good your farm is, as you may have to opt for utility over right click. Like this ass game.


                I am not a hard carry player and I went with tranquil's and a whole load of ridiculous utility items early on which tied me over to late. Even though we lost sadly.


                  im actually awesome with phantom I just like to screw around with her but if you dont think I am good with her than go fuck yourself I told you to get an item I have never gotten first

                  bum farto

                    Have a look at bessa's profile. he is quite an accomplished carry player.


                      phase drums basher = gg

                      DOTA 2 BETA IS OVER

                        indeed, Beesa is a good player but I need to be his friend on Steam so I can watch his Phantom Assassin replays, I can't do it otherwise or if I can please tell me :)
                        looking for more answers about the best support duo that Phantom Assassin loves to play with and when I should pick her or not

                        bum farto

                          "please, I want answers from decent Phantom Assassin players so if you don't know this hero well I would be grateful if you would stay away from this thread, thank you"

                          There is nothing know about the hero, it is a no skill right clicker. It boils down to the competence of the player and not any magic builds or level sequencing on the hero.

                          The top players of this hero have between 20-35 games with the hero so anyone with around that many games with the hero is viable source of info.


                            The main thing is deciding each game when you want to farm and when you will have to fight. The most efficient path to unstoppable on PA is to rush bfury to give you the ability to farm much faster and get several major items sooner. But some games you will be to weak in mid game if you do that will not be able to do anything sitting there with part of bfury while your team loses fights and loses control of the map area you wanted to farm. If you are really good at lasthits and start of quickly that is the best, try to get bfury by 16 min, pros can get it in 10 to 12 on their best games.

                            If you can't farm very well, from lack of skill, or failure of your team to provide enough support, then get something that will let you stay in the lane safely as long as you can and farm with dagger. Drums will let you fight sooner and slow down your farming rate. Don't get lifesteal items until you have serious dmg or it will do very little for you. For PA that means level 11 at least, but if you farm slowly maybe HotD first would fit that bad timing. Don't get bkb until you want to teamfight. If your team is falling apart that might mean get bkb first. But normally you should get a farming tool before bkb.

                            bum farto

                              No one really plays the hero as it offers nothing but right clicks.


                                you guys are so trash. please dont give any advice to those players who are seeking for help.

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                                bum farto

                                  So what you're really looking for is a support player who knows how to support because anyone who plays PA doesn't care who supports him as long as he gets free farm.

                                  PA needs so much free farm, as a support player I would go for a defensive hero as a support instead of an offensive one as PA will not be aggressive so early in the game as heroes like Chaos Knight, Gyrocopter etc.

                                  So your looking at ranged disablers or defensive type support.

                                  Treant (this hero has proven its worth time and time again),
                                  Venomancer (double slow works wonders),
                                  Dazzle (can heal, harass, shallow grave),
                                  Vengeful Spirit (Aura can assist early damage, stun, swap for a save or otherwise)

                                  Avoid support heroes that are unable to protect themselves early as PA can't offer anything to help them if shit goes wrong early.

                                  bum farto

                                    Bebek is right, with his extensive knowledge of PA we should all just leave it up to him.



                                      pa doesnt need free farm, he can offlane solo or mid too. please stop talking.

                                      bum farto

                                        I count 8 games on a smurf account and I am unsure this guy has a stack who will let him drag a PA in mid.


                                          yes because in your small world from dendi streams only butcher and qop can mid, other heroes shouldnt go mid

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                                          bum farto

                                            I don't see any mid PA on your main. Funny, seems you can only get away with that on a smurf account.

                                            Come back tomorrow after going a PA mid on your main.


                                              do you know what a smurf account really is, havoc?

                                              DOTA 2 BETA IS OVER

                                                ok guys stop fighting it's only a thread
                                                I kinda got everything I wanted, I decided to change my build a bit
                                                so now it's Tranquil Boots instead of Phase Boots to sustain my regeneration if I don't go for Drum of Endurance and I rush Battlefury so I can make it to late-game
                                                now I wanna know, when I should pick her and not?


                                                  dude are you serious? I find better players with the other account. this main account is on a horrible mmr ofcourse i can do pa mid.


                                                    PA offlane ,lol. Actually,she can farm from distance. dagger once every 8 seconds, and her escape mechanism. *__*
                                                    Once I played a captains mode game and our cap went void on solo offlane against trilane. Sounds legit.


                                                      also why you are calling me smurf even if i have more than 260 games?


                                                        Me and my friend have run PA + AA countless of times and there wasnt one time we've lost the lane..... since stifling dagger can help out in AA's freeze and also AA 3rd skill and PA blink goes very well tgt especially in the laning phase :)

                                                        bum farto

                                                          A smurf is a low-level account belonging to a player who also has a high level account. The smurf account is matched up with low level players once again because it is a new account. People will make smurf accounts for various different reasons, including:

                                                          Trying non-standard team compositions or strategies.
                                                          Getting an easy win or have fun because the stress of being in high level games is lessened.
                                                          Demoralizing lower-level players or increase feelings of power or importance.
                                                          Creating a backup account in case their main account were to get banned.


                                                            so where's the limit to smurfing? 1000 matches?
                                                            what if you make a new acc but you queue with normal players.

                                                            DOTA 2 BETA IS OVER

                                                              my thread became a place for smurfs and shit like that, really informative and the point I wanna hear guys, thanks

                                                              bum farto

                                                                Listen I am not hating on you at all and I appreciate the various reasons that people would recreate a new account but you can use your new account and polished stats to then return and tell everyone that they are trash because you have a refined stack and clear account stats.

                                                                You main is a reflection of how things were before you new account and I am sure a lot of us would be able to get a great stack going and win loads of games. I personally feel it weakens the credibility of the MM so will avoid doing it. Everyone is free to give advice and it helps the player base build up with higher skilled players if the within the first couple of comments someone doesn't roll in with a "everyone is trash but me" comment.

                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                bum farto

                                                                  @OP when to pick and when to not depends on a lot of things.

                                                                  Do you have a stack lined up with clear positions defined?
                                                                  Are you going to solo queue? etc.


                                                                    i just looked through some of his games and the opponents he met, are these players "new" to you?

                                                                    once again, resorting to the term "smurfing" because somebody has low wins is fucking stupid without looking at the games he played


                                                                      ''You main is a reflection of how things were before''
                                                                      according to this sentence those guys are bad

                                                                      bum farto

                                                                        Once you can the living shit outta genuine new players it almost instantaneously puts you in very high bracket where you will remain. I have checked this out using that thing that murs posted on another topic. If I was to make a new account until it was to reach the same credibility or at least 500 games then I would still define my own as a smurf.

                                                                        It is not a bad term, it is a smurf account as it is not the original account that you started with. Also I remember him posting from that account about two months back when he had about 50 games.

                                                                        Can you deny it is not smurfing. Making new accounts and stacking? Its not bad, no one says you should care about it and you have found a way to beef up your stats and stay there. All I am on about is smurfing with the objective to turn around and say that everyone is trash because you are playing that small niche that everyone knows succeeds.

                                                                        His main is 1% higher win rate so that is definitely not a shittalking free-key card and I respect the main more than I respect the new account even if it has made it to number two (congrats on that....I'm being serious). I can see the struggle on your main where you lose a lot of game as I do but this is what happens to those who started when the game was in early beta and was without smurfs and we had all those imbalance patches and bugs and events that wrecked stats.

                                                                        If you smurf and go high quickly the quality of play does get much better than the majority of the play that I currently go through.

                                                                        Just be more supportive of the community even if your newish account is doing great. Remember where you came from.

                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                        bum farto

                                                                          No that is a reflection of the majority of players who have always had the same account and played through shitty patches and events etc.

                                                                          Starting an account now with the knowledge you have gotten of the past year and avoiding all the shitty events and patch bugs makes you able to start with a leg up.

                                                                          Once someone carves a sculpture it is easy to make casts of it skipping the hard work the original person went through or in this case you. A new account means there is no learning curve or having to deal with the shit that you already dealt with over the last year or so with your old account.

                                                                          DOTA 2 BETA IS OVER

                                                                            no I don't have a stack to play with, I'm mostly solo

                                                                            bum farto

                                                                              I would grab an amigo to support you as this will work out better than having no communication with a laner with map awareness or being overly aggressive or trying things that you just are unable to do early on with PA.

                                                                              Screw this...add me and I will support you a game or two a day.


                                                                                @brolecksie , this thread does not longer belong to you, leave until you can.

                                                                                DOTA 2 BETA IS OVER

                                                                                  I'm afraid you are right LUXON but I got almost what I wanted from it so I can leave it
                                                                                  roger that Havoc Badger


                                                                                    I think PA's biggest weakness are ults that go through bkb. PA needs to kill off two or three supports quickly during bkb time so they can't disable her when its over. If the stunners are dead when bkb is over you will be able to just out dps everyone else. But if they can disable you through your bkb you will be in trouble.

                                                                                    Lategame abyssal blade is very good on PA so you can solo anyone you run into.

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                                                                                    I come from the dark

                                                                                      PA is a shit hero and I leave the game immediately if some fucktard picks her. don't be that fucktard.


                                                                                        ^ take away message...he is a coward who runs if someone picks certain heroes.

                                                                                        But...I do have to agree that PA is a fairly weak carry. She has no real disabling or burst abilities and her average dps is less with given items than most carries. You kind of depend on RNG luck for dmg and depend on your team for control...which in a low level pub is probably not reliable.

                                                                                        By comparison, Luna with manta style does as much dps as if PA got her 4.5x crit on every attack.

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                                                                                          holy shit you don't know what smurfing is

                                                                                          bum farto

                                                                                            holy shit you don't know how to keep on the original topic

                                                                                            DOTA 2 BETA IS OVER

                                                                                              I don't care if she is good or not in public games, with a good support partener (not 5 man stack) I think I can do fairly well in my bracket


                                                                                                You have a totally new account. Any hero should do fairly well.

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                                                                                                DOTA 2 BETA IS OVER

                                                                                                  yeah because I'm trying these heroes and mostly random

                                                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                    played this hero in dota 1 with omni support was a good combo for pa dagger blink heal does alot

                                                                                                    DOTA 2 BETA IS OVER

                                                                                                      managed to get 907 GPM in a solo matchmaking, I know it's low shit bracket but still, it's something for me especially as solo and as my first game with the hero
                                                                                                      got my Battlefury around 14 minutes and then I just farmed like hell
                                                                                                      this hero is nuts, managed to get an Ultra Kill just from one hit