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    Looking for good players who know how to play I am getting tired playing heros that dont have enough skill to win by themselves and its not fun initiating fights with no one to help you only to die by a team that knows how to support their teammate lol anyways if you are decent thats good enough for me

    Pandamonium(You Died)

      top 3 heroes:
      I mean, if you play pub stomping heroes, why not have proper winrate.
      How do you go 44% winrate on riki? Thats like... ultimate pub stomp hero.
      Idk man, for someone who has top 5 pub heroes and doesnt have above 50% you don't sound that awesome.
      just sayin


        Guys who play those heroes would have lower than 50% winrate, because these are pub stomp heroes, and low skilled players (<50% winrate) would get almost always stomped by them, so they start spamming them, still, losing...


          you would be surprised how many games ive played with people who automatically throw the game I would like to see you win a game with constant feed of heros and couriers you really think I would do bad with good players? lol give me a break most of the time I lose because my team tries to deny me gold if I played all my games with people who actually wanted to win id have a higher win rate.. when I first started playing I won all my games then after my 100% win streak I automatically played a game with people who threw the game and spammed to report me I dont know why people need to do this to me but what ever


            did u have mega feeders in more than 50 games?


              im about to reach my under 20 wins from 50% winrate this is when I am playing with horrible people who either suck and dont know how to play or they like to buy a bunch of couriers and feed lol.. but its been awhile since ive played with fountain tree choppers so maybe I'll be playing with them again


                way more than 50 games


                  feeders are okay, mega feeders aren't


                    I just played a game as meepo and my team decided that I was bad and denied me gold right off the start but eventually I just farmed on my own and destroyed their base while they acted as meat shields


                      To break out you have to find ways to win games when you have bad players on your team. I watched a game where you did very well eventually on slark. You would get rolling a lot faster if you worked on your lasthitting. Its really pretty weak for being one of your most successful heroes.

                      I think you could get that winrate up over 50% if you spent some time working on lasthitting better, then better players would notice you more.


                        now im playing with people who are blocking my gold and would rather leave a lane open then allow me to get gold lol


                          I cant always last hit early with slark cuz they can easily kill me


                            If you were better at it, you could, and without a qblade. You should take some time and practice against bot without a qblade until you can do it. Watch a game of Liquid.Kurok playing slark. He is arguably the best slark in the world. He will show you what the hero can really do.

                   Kuroks pub account, in case he plays a game you want to see

                   Kurok plays slark against IG at the G1 LAN Finals.

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                              ive seen people play with those items those are not team wipe items like I said before if I had a team that knew how to play the game I'd be playing better also to say this guy is the best with such a bad score as slark is a joke


                                Ok, well i see not only are you unskilled but unable to recognize excellence on your most played hero. I don't know what can done about that. You need to be able to recognize that you are actually not very good and doing a lot wrong before you have much hope of improving.

                                If you are serious about improving your play watch Kurok and try to understand the diffrences between you. It's not his team vs your team. He is laning that against Ferrari, one the best solo mid players in the entire world...and outcsing him with no qblade.

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                                  again the best in the world crap ive seen these people play its ok ive seen your matches they arn't even close to being good I dont know where you thought you were good but sadly its not I dont want to argue with you it seems like everytime I ask a question about something someone needs to say I am doing something wrong and im bad maybe you are affiliated with these tournaments that you need to dick ride so hard but this games not hard when I first started playing everytime I went slark mid everyone bitched at me saying its not right ya I play differently it doesnt mean that its wrong although I havent shown it on my dota profile ive been no deaths with every hero when it was on frozen throne there are items I get that you might find useless but when I have no team I have to do things that sacrifice slots so that I can escape or cause their team to split apart and like ive been saying before if I had a team that knew what they were doing I'd play differently and just so you know im playing with a broken arm and I play another game at the same time as well as watch tv lol im not actually focused on the game and im not saying im the best but to question my slark playing skills I buy those items to regan mana while I farm so that when my mana is up I can attack again I dont have people to swing by and give me some help


                                    and the qblade isnt only for creeps its for escaping


                                      I got a challenge for everyone

                                      find a coma here
                                      "again the best in the world crap ive seen these people play its ok ive seen your matches they arn't even close to being good I dont know where you thought you were good but sadly its not I dont want to argue with you it seems like everytime I ask a question about something someone needs to say I am doing something wrong and im bad maybe you are affiliated with these tournaments that you need to dick ride so hard but this games not hard when I first started playing everytime I went slark mid everyone bitched at me saying its not right ya I play differently it doesnt mean that its wrong although I havent shown it on my dota profile ive been no deaths with every hero when it was on frozen throne there are items I get that you might find useless but when I have no team I have to do things that sacrifice slots so that I can escape or cause their team to split apart and like ive been saying before if I had a team that knew what they were doing I'd play differently and just so you know im playing with a broken arm and I play another game at the same time as well as watch tv lol im not actually focused on the game and im not saying im the best but to question my slark playing skills I buy those items to regan mana while I farm so that when my mana is up I can attack again I dont have people to swing by and give me some help"

                                      Edit: comma*

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                                        im sure its as hard as you not pissing on your balls


                                          buddy plz
                                          L2P, I raped u 1v1, and u made some excuses no one would even understand them


                                            yea you won a 1 min game good job


                                              ok, u got 2 games in very high bracket
                                              not sure, maybe 1
                                              I am always in very high MMR "if I solo queue"


                                                I'm sorry KrzyMoFo. I was just trying to help you. Stats don't mean much without context. You have decent KDA and win rate against bad players, but when you face people with above average talent you can't compete. Part of this is because you have a rather average ability to click on things and press buttons.

                                                This is what good players notice when they play with you, although they probably can't quite put it into words beyond insults. You are just slow and clumsy compared to talented people. So when it really counts, someone else will click the button before you can. Some of this problem can't be fixed anymore than you can grow 6 inches taller to improve your basketball skills. But some can be fixed if you gain more knowledge than other players. But the first step in improving is to know your own weakness...otherwise you won't be able to do anything different than before. I don't think you have yet reached your personal skill cap on lasthitting. If you spent some time working on it you would improve. This would make a big difference on the kind of snowballing carries you like to play.

                                                Look I saw your posts and thought, maybe I could play with this guy and help him. I watched you play a game and realized you would just feed in my level of games because you are to slow. So I'm trying to help you by explaining what you need to do instead. Anyone who can accurately perceive and process the game would watch Kurok play and think "wow this guy is amazing". Maybe you did not really watch him, but if you did and can't see it...maybe watching games at 0.25 speed would help to show what is really happening. Much of dota is too fast for most people to see. Try watching some of your play at 0.25 speed, then watch a pro player. Watch yourself in a teamfight, see what really happens.

                                                Safe Base

                                                  @Relentless and Mapzor

                                                  It should be obvious from previous topics you shouldn't feed this thread.


                                                    my problem is playing with people who die 9 times in the first 6 mins of my "high skilled" games if this was suppose to be fair my teammates wouldnt be avging 300 exp a min... now I know ive played with some good players but most of the time im playing with people who dont speak english and dont know how to help out I dont even respect the rating system anymore because of this and safe base you can go fuck yourself


                                                      typical american doto..


                                                        Even if you were good, and your losing consistently more than winning was really other random ppls fault...

                                                        Even then you have to approach improving by assuming there are things you could change, things you are doing wrong, things you could do better. If you want to win by others carrying you...people will view you as a leech. This is exactly the opposite of what you want to get good players to play with you. So even if you refuse to believe things are your fault, keep that to yourself and at least pretend you think its your fault. No one wants to play with someone who will never improve because they don't recognize their own mistakes.

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                                                          I'll admit when its my fault and I never said I was perfect im not going to pretend something is my fault when it isnt ive probably rated 82% of my games with 1 star even if I win I just dont like they style of play people think is right

                                                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                            Protip: If you are playing with people that
                                                            a) Feed
                                                            b) Feed couriers
                                                            c) Won't allow you to farm
                                                            chances are you just play in very low skill bracket.
                                                            out of my ~700 games I only had something like that maybe 3-4 times tops.
                                                            so just go get bunch of people who can press buttons and get out of ELO hell