Everyone seems to have a different idea of exactly what a tryhard is. To some people its just takeing the game seriously instead of getting joke builds. To some tryharding means picking the "best" heroes. To some it means warding, counterwarding, smoke ganks. To some grouping up as 5 man is tryhard. But in all cases the epithet is generally applied to opponents who just beat you by doing something you failed to anticipate. The implication is that "I could beat you, but I was not really trying."
Some people also use the term out of an immediate context to indicate that someones success is illegitimate because they had to "tryhard" to get it.
What the hell, too many contextual nonsense. They should just stick to one context, but I suppose that's too much to ask of them.
classic example of smurf
"just want an new account with decent stats"
every new account have decent stats unless owner is pure newb or troll
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^ The title says it all.