General Discussion

General DiscussionUnderestimated heroes

Underestimated heroes in General Discussion

    Which heroes are taken less in pro games and so unpopular?
    IMHO such carries like Razor, Sven or Doom. Or such supports like WD.

    In pubs as well. Some heroes are taken less, and many newfags dont know how to play them properly.


      Sven is one I thought would have been picked more, aoe stun and beast damage plus an escape of sorts with his 'run-fast-whilst-mincing' thing.

      I reckon the fact he's both support and carry is too damn confusing.


        Not sure about "pro" games, but in pub, Undying. Can rape you with decay + zombies early, in late game damage amplification is very nice. Not sure why so unpopular, easy to play, quite situational maybe.

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          Sven is not underestimated. He's a Tier 2 carry pick & very popular in the early-mid game meta. I honestly don't think many heroes are undervalued atm. the heroes that are less often picked just don't fare as well against the popular heroes opponents are drafting. As for pubs, Warlock, Meepo, Treant Protector, Lone Druid, Undying, Clockwerk, Leshrac, & a whole bunch of other heroes are underestimated because they don't have a crit passive or a name like "Dark Assassin" or "Death Knight"


            Because of fun... People like me still playing for fun, that is why pudge is the most picked hero, because its fun to hook people

            Pandamonium(You Died)

              Dazzle- His heal deals damage, which is good harass and heal. Grave is just A+ spell, and ulti can do really good work agaisnt people like lycan, gyro, physical dmg basically. Slow and stun is nice but thats his meh spell.
              Witch Doctor- My personal opinion, casket can stop pushes with 5 seconds of stun on creeps, he can farm using it after getting some mana items, and its good stun during ganks or teamfights. Maledict is very strong, so is his ulti. Witch might be viable against some mids (melee heroes especially) or number 3/4 as a semi-support.


                dazle was picked today by orange


                  Sven isn't really picked anymore because (this is what I heard from a professional broadcast) every team has figured him out and knows exactly what to do against him.


                    sven was picked yesterday by EG

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Omniknight actually. They don't pick him because he is useless as a support but not a strong mid either.


                        6.78 Bara


                          "6.78 Bara". SB is, and always will be a pubstomp hero.

                          Sven used to be a common competitive pick, but people now know how to counter him, and now Gyrocopter and Lifestealer is the current trend.

                          In pubs, the underestimated heroes are the ones that're picked in competitive matches. Like Leshrac, because his stun is pretty difficult to land without any set up (like another stun or slow). Dark Seer is an ungodly teamfight hero, although you might get Ruptured by Bloodseeker, a common pubstar pick.

                          More specifically, any offlaner, because pubs generally do a 2-1-2 lane setup, but if I'm lucky enough to have a jungler, or a good trilane, I will always pick a Treant / Clock / Dark Seer and solo offlane, so that someone else won't mess up and feed.

                          dookie daddy

                            Heroes I play don't seem to be played much at all.

                            Tide, Doom, Beastmaster, Ursa etc.

                            All heroes are great in the hands of the right player.


                              Crystal maiden is picked but highly underestimated. Get a blink dagger + shadow blade. Blink,ulti--> rampage
                              And luna is underestimated too because she isnt easy to play with(Squishy)
                              Ancient app: no one knows how to use ulti
                              Chen: minions :/
                              Bounty hunter is considered crap. I disagree
                              Brood mother : not a regular pick
                              Puck: it sounds gay so even i hate it
                              Timbersaw: only saw one in my whole gameplay
                              Naga: rare