General Discussion

General DiscussionHaving fun

Having fun in General Discussion

    Against tryhards, why am I facing tryhards constantly?
    I don't go tryhard picks, I might pick mag/wisp, but that doens't mean I am a tryhard, just playing the game --> wisp was a tryhard with a 30-1 record (W-L), didn't work with him, and abandoned the account
    I also faced this guy -->
    He abandoned early in like 5 games in a row, Why?
    Because his team picks aren't wut he want, one of these 5 matches I was with him, and I randomed TA, I asked him if he is going to leave, he told me no, TA is fine, then BOOOM, another player randoms SF, I was typing "wut about now?", while typing it, he left...

    God dam u all, why are u getting queued against me ?!?!


      Are you playing regular matchmaking or solo mm? I find many tryhards in regular mm. I don't have the endurance I once did, so I just take it easy now in solo mm.


        picking wisp is tryhard ok

        le charismeur

          pick wisp 1nce, ok

          pick wisp everygame, lowskill euro stackers

          tveni tveni

            why dont u play with merlini anymore murskami-sama2000

            le charismeur

              because i am the one true m god


                calm down


                  Well, get ready to face with the wisp spammer stacks unless you play on solo MM.


                    32 minute arcane mek dark seer player

                    Sōu ka

                      how dare you to insult the mapz0r when you cant even get 900 gpm on am in the normal bracket when your friend babysits you


                        may the fire gods rain ember upon my anus


                          Yes, that's true, I got a 900+ GPM, don't forget the "+"
                          About it being in normal bracket, YES THAT'S TRUE !!
                          Medal for u!!
                          But it was normal bracket not because it's a smurf account, because playing with a RL friend who is new to dota

                          PS, game score was 3-11 (my team kills-their team kills)
                          I am pro, I gets 900s GPM alway the times !!

                          Edit button so sexy, can't handle it, must click it..
                          @jing, I was playing against a smurf stacker, who playd not only wisp, but also slark and ck, in case slark fails, ck is there..

                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                            dont think that's a legitimate excuse for 240 gpm


                              Ok u win, I GPM 200 against gd players, 900 against noobs, happy?
                              I won't involve my self into another endless conversation

                              Sōu ka

                                i dont see a good player in your games eh


                                  I don't see that I give a fuck :D


                                    Thats why i dont play AP mode. It is soooo boring and always tryhard noobs, who pick slark+wisp+tree. I just can't imagine, how they can play they same hero from game to game.


                                      well i just picked tree three games straight


                                        @ReflectionS, I think I will start queueing on other modes, AP gets u tryhards only, for me..
                                        @jing, when exactly, only ur last game is with tree


                                          The good part is these tryhards can play like this only on ap and cm. Avoid these modes, problem solved. Or use solo queue.

                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                          dookie daddy

                                            6_din has a point, since the new patch I usually just que the other modes as it basically shreds everything down to luck of picks and skill and you will find it adds more fun to the game than running head on into a 5 stack that will just pick the same 5 antifun heroes everytime to win games.

                                            My feeling on this is since giving up recently one the tryhard stacking, hero picks, AP/CM etc I have actually enjoyed the game a lot more and find I am winning back some of the disastrous losses I suffered over the last week since the patch.

                                            The game has gone back to being fun, don't try to hard and you will have a better time as the current system favors the mad and crazy instead of planned strategy.


                                              ppl queue on other modes?

                                              dookie daddy

                                                Yeah worked out so far so good haven't queued other modes in ages but it eliminates a lot of the antifun out of the game so win or lose you have a better chance and a funner game.


                                                  winning = fun

                                                  getting 5 man stack to win = fun perma

                                                  dookie daddy

                                                    winning = part of the fun
                                                    playing dota2 = second part of the fun

                                                    getting 5 man stack to win = hit and miss these days

                                                    tveni tveni

                                                      The thing with not queuing AP is that 99% of the good players queue AP which you can see on top games page 1-3 every time. If you wanna play with turdbrains then yeah you can queue something like least played and you'll get decent people once out of 20 games. The tryhard argument is moot since the playerbase that is actually good at the game is like 0,001% of the players and they would beat any of your ''tryhard'' stacks who pick bat nyx magnus even by randoming sniper razor clinkz lineups so instead of blaming it on picks rather skill up and learn to outplay. This isn't pokemon, you can easily win with storm against nyx + silencer if you're good enough but if you go 1-10 and then complain like a scrub that it's their heroes that made you lose well have fun staying shit at dota forever


                                                        Queue times in other modes are crap, at least for australia that is, lol.

                                                        dookie daddy

                                                          As a fellow Aussie most of the gaming there is crazy wierd due to the mix of asian gameplay style and the local AU/NZ players.


                                                            lol u have internets in australia ? :D

                                                            dookie daddy

                                                              They do in my town of about 1000 people surrounded by national parks and waters where everything will kill you.

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                If you don't see a Wisp one out of 3 games, consider yourself lucky. That's how people get to very high level and they will do what they do there too.


                                                                  I bet most of the ppl here won't be able to deal with tryhard wisp+slark+treant
                                                                  I just abandoned the game when I faced slark + wisp (I was DS), but I abandoned rly late, maybe after 2 deaths
                                                                  and also other lanes failed, meepo vs qop at mid, wr+tide+SD vs ck+lina (no idea how a trilane dies to a dual lane)