General Discussion

General Discussionfastest win time?

fastest win time? in General Discussion

    so ive won in 12 mins my team was lycan Chen warlock enchantress and enigma we leveled up then all rushed mid at the five min mark... whats your fastest win time?


      got some 2 min games.


        did u destroy the ancient yourself ?


          The fastest possible way to win is actually with broodmother. Spiders can push in the base and take the throne in less than 3 min. But I have not seen anyone do it since dota 1. How to counter spiderling pushes is so well known Brood has the lowest pub winrate of all heroes most of the time.

 brood push 12:12, non-abandoned game

          Or you could go with fake times likes this.
 1:57 I got FB, gg enemy team all rage quits

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            No I didnt but all enemys left due to rage

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                you had drow, go kill yourself please


                  I dont want rage quits


                    i had krobelus imbecile


                      dont talk bad to me or i call police


                        very sory if i insalt u


                          Krobelus is very good at taking towers because she can clear the creeps out easily and the ult takes the tower down quickly. However this does mean that you have to level up a bit, so its not as fast as an enchantress push, much less a brood push.

                          With level 1 spiders, brood has slightly less tower killing dps than 5 heroes. But with level two she has a good deal more. Brood can push a lot faster than the whole team once she hits level 5 and has level 3 spiders.

                          So if you want to win the game in the minimum time its best to set up a 4 hero push in one lane and let brood solo the opposite lane. If you do that, and for some reason the enemy team all afks in the fountain... The 4 hero lane will get the T2 tower down in about 2 minutes, while brood will have taken the T2 and T3 and be raxing. At that point you are best off all going to hit the T4 towers and the throne...of course this is assuming absolutely nothing is down to stop you.

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