General Discussion

General DiscussionAlchemist with over 1000+ GPM on 8 June 2013

Alchemist with over 1000+ GPM on 8 June 2013 in General Discussion

    Well... as the title says, I have watched a game of alchemist which has around 1000+ GPM on 8 June 2013, I would like to watch the review but the problem is I do not remember any of the players's name nor match ID. What I remember is the alchemist is at dire and got a phantom lancer at radiance which is 600+ GPM. Can anyone give me the player's name or the match ID?


      here you go you can watch my luna who has 1090 gpm and wasnt fed


        wowowowow so pro


          4-0-7 and almost 1100 gpm, wow. Too bad the replay is 20 days old.


            thanks euro trash valikiss ur awful at dota 2


              id 1v1 any euro player and win any matchup



                ^ YajirobeFromDC 2.0


                  lets go tomorow any time 1v1 ur hero

                  EDIT : P.S wouldn't get suprised if murican trash would chicken out to play vs me

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                    Vaikiss plz rape him, I am fed of his attitude (so fucking arrogant !)


                      Enjoy your loss Vaikiss. Mason is the real thing.


                        Vaikiss was #2 in some 1v1 tournament including almost 500-1000 players, I am not sure how mason is going to beat him

                        And there is something weird, I don't remember much of US top players, I mean stackers, have been in the top 50 DBR list with a 57% winrate, because in US servers a 57% winrate means u r a fucking retard who must delete dota

                        FACT CONFIRMED !


                          Vaikiss is very good, but he is not comparable the best players in Europe or the US.


                            Yes because in Europe there are many gd players, most pros are europeans
                            I mean, there are 3 pro teams in US?
                            whereas maybe at least 10 in Europe
                            even china alone got more than US, maybe because their population is almost 4 times of that of US (if not more, geography not my best)

                            Woof Woof

                              please bo3 + stream


                                Well really the US and EU have far more pro teams than that. But yeah more ppl in EU and China play dota and watch dota than in the US. # of people involved is really the only significant difference between the different regions, besides temporary trends in picks.


                                  So obvious yet people are buying it. Love it.


                                    I meant like gd teams, because I won't consider Fnatic being a part of those pro teams


                                      both of them are trash


                                        Wut is obvious?
                                        That vaikiss and mason are just joking around?


                                          Wait, what's this Fnatic loses a few games and you just drop them from the legit EU teams list?

                                          ...on the other hand Fnatic is 15-25 in their last 40 matches. Maybe you are right. Let's see.

                                          Still they are #19 in the world on Gosugamers ranking and #22 on Joindota. You can't say a team in the top #25 in the world is not a legitimate pro team. They are still a TI3 invite. If they keep failing for another month and lose miserably at TI3...then they will really lose fans. But so far they are just in a slump.

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                                            But hey what about South American dota? They are newer to the scene so they are behind, but Artyk is really playing some impressive dota in The Defense 4 and the new American Dota League. I look forward to everyone continuing to improve.


                                              Vaikiss gets this ez


                                                youre a bunch of retards


                                                  maybe they are top 25 on the world, but not top 10 Europe :D

                                                  @superkamisama, no one asked for ur opinion


                                                    ever try pissing with a boner and it hits ur face

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                                                      do u even have one?


                                                        Ez mid, Mason do you approve of this feeding puck?


                                                          ever try rubbing heroin on your anus after eating really spicy food


                                                            ever got a GPM higher than 680 in dota
                                                            @the guy who posted a game against a feeding puck, well, I got to say, u had same deaths as that "feeding" puck, so why were u feeding too?

                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                              LMFAO ^


                                                                no rly, are u that bad to not get above a 700 GPM after 800 games?
                                                                I got it after like 40-50 games

                                                                Sōu ka

                                                                  and all you had to do was making a new account and play with ur ass friend and rice all game in a normal mmr game
                                                                  gratz though


                                                                    good god didn't think i could laugh this hard reading dotabuff forums of all places



                                                                      first game of a smurf i made. solo queue. is that enough?


                                                                        2 kda storm well that's something, better move to USE

                                                                        I guess it's too hard when ur chink friends don't sit in fog for 3 min waiting to snipe a chicken so u can have a shot mid heh

                                                                        I need a goddamn who I've played against search on this site, that's the missing feature

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                                                                          Atleast I dont have a negative score in mid, Come again


                                                                              A guy who loses 56% of his games quotes one loss of mine, humiliating yourself on the forums just so you get a couple of free rides son? Don't worry, I'm sure they'll invite you after 10-11 more asslick posts so you can bump that qop a bit up and not look like a clown

                                                                              And this guy prides on winning me in solo queue with his buttbuddy group, well that's a feat for you I guess


                                                                                Pretty sure I queued solo aswell, that said ez mid


                                                                                  no need for essays buddy


                                                                                    goodness me what has happened to the european educational system!


                                                                                      2 sentences are an essay? Be sure to get me ketchup with those fries pal

                                                                                      And congrats on ur nice win kyh, I hope u can teach me puck someday


                                                                                        Na no can do, I suck at him soz, buy lessons from Merlini


                                                                                          are you blushing hard looking for the right response swiftending? try not to strain yourself too much...


                                                                                            Damn I was looking forward to not having a negative score in mid

                                                                                            edit: do I get a discount for 2 cheeseburgers jing or what's the deal nowadays

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                                                                                              what's a cheeseburger?


                                                                                                What a rhetoric question from our worker of the month


                                                                                                  you might want to consult before using big words like "rhetoric"


                                                                                                    Well I shouldn't have used that word while talking to a guy who considers 2 sentences an essay, my bad idd


                                                                                                      you're excused. try not to do it again


                                                                                                        8/10 would read again.

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!