General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy the F*** did dota 2 keep crashing when i was pawning opponent??

Why the F*** did dota 2 keep crashing when i was pawning opponent?? in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi

    It happen again and again makes my record gone......did it happen to you guys?
    how to fix it? or report to d2 staff?


      Not a expert on things like this, but mby your computer can't take all the action that goes on during fights? You could try turning down the quality on the graphics and see if that works, although kinda boring imo to play with a blurry mess xD


        Nope does not happen to me. If I were you, I would reinstall the game.


          no somethings wrong with SEA. I got 2 games already that all players got disconnected and we cannot reconnect. Also watching a SEA tourney same thing can't reload. Better report this to valve.

          Yoichi Isagi

            Yeah i was playing with SEA server. my game crash when i almost end the game...i was totally speechless at that moment. It was just like WTF?!


              Yeah me and a couple of friends played captains mode, we wiped the enemy but as soon as were about to finish all 5 of our dotas closed and we got an abandon/loss...

              Dota Police -  Colonel Sa...

                same happened to me yesterday

                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                  steam doesnt want you to win

                  dookie daddy

                    @OP, a lot of users crash out when updates or patches are being applied or server maintenance is underway. If this is an on-going problem I would have a look at your settings in DotA2 as well as the drivers you are currently running.

                    E.G. Video Drivers, DirectX, and oddly sound drivers cause crashes.

                    Source: Work in IT