a game gets no recording if it gets abonnended before the 5th minute mark and there are no kills yet. Elsewise it gets recorded
Even if no stats are recorded, if you are the one who abandoned first you will get a loss.
^ no. i wasn't the one who abandoned it. and it was a kill at about 1st minute. so yea. still bullshit rules
Well my policy is simply to never quit the game until the throne dies. You can still have fun trying to micro the leaver heroes and sometimes even win the game.
My record in no-stats recorded games is 47-24. There is no reason to assume the fun is over and there is no hope of winning just because some moron rage quits at FB or there is a power outage.
Level up your important heroes. Get the ults. Get your main dps hero tanky so you can't be focused down. Then win a fight and take some towers. It can be done. Maybe you need a very unconventional build. Be creative.
Or sometimes its just some down to outplaying 1 v 1.
This game I was left with KotL vs Lina. She went for an enormous burst dmg build that could hit me for almost 2800 magic dmg in 2 seconds. But I found a way to beat it. Blocked euls with linkens so I could dodge the stun. Blocked a ton of dmg with pipe. Poped necro and hexed her...she runs oom and can't cast, I heal up with heart. I can reengage if I don't instantly die, she can't and has to run away to the fountain to heal. Meanwhile I take rax.
Lina got over 1,000 gpm and beat me 3-1 on k/d. I still won.
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Seriously. It counted both in game and in dotabuff. Whenever I lose a game like this it counts, whenever I win it it is not a "Real" match. I have about 10 wasted games like this which counted as a loss but about 5 games that was won didn't count..
I am not really pissed much just it is annoying.