I play support competitively, I am looking for a group of people as well... let me know. MrWoods[77] - Steam
woods.sean - skype
not so legit there doctor dave, anyway, woods, added you up, we'll talk on steam, gather up your mates if you can.
Fluff was queuing with some noob friends, 640 wins and 827 loses?
And as u said, H4nn1 with his gf, ie. a girl !!
not saying u r bad, but that was a bad way of proving that u r rly gd :D
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halo gw org indo di Canada, jdi gw main server us west and east.
kalo bisa main sama2. thanks gw bias main role apa pun.
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title explains all
i am a decent carry/mid/initiator, practicing offlaner.
how do i know im decent ?
i pub play and find pros every now and then,
most recent:
http://dotabuff.com/matches/185164407 <-- hann1 as sven and his gf
couple pros i played with are luminousinverse, nth envy ( he was still in nth )