yaa i have no idea how this is working. i have friend that had like all bad scores with windrunner and he has a bad winrate with this hero and he still get on the hall of fame
lol. same players are there for months. No direct link to game and they don't seem to be pros (verified, etc). I think professional dota players should show up there not any random.
It works in respect to ur hidden MMR, it calculates how many wins, and how many MM points u gained with that hero alone, and if u alrdy played 90 games with that hero in ur last 100 matches, then the chance increases, ofc ur hidden "MMR" must be high
Edit between ".."
Not at all..
Predictions, and I think its that way, everything about dota 2 is prediction, the way the report system works, the way MM works, the way u get ur MMR, ur MMR, everything is hidden, so I think nothing can be confirmed atm
Even top farmers will always have a high MMR, and usually in very high skill lvl
Ofc if they r that gd to get 1300 GPM, but maybe I can smurf, play my first game, and get 1300 GPM by feeding on dem noobs
to get high gpm :
cooperate with the enemy, tell them u guise feed me okay!
get fat, fountain camp for 50mins.
bam 3k gpm
It reminds me of the diretide.
Where they feeded a pudge and gave him maybe 2000 kills and his srr was something unknown.
The fountain didnt even let him lose a hit point
after that it got fixed, then people started pulling rosh to the fountain, spam dagon and shit on him, keep him at 1 shot kill hp, then when the timer hits 0:01 , kill him.
BAM instant hall of fame
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wtf , "this player has shown exceptional skill for the following hero : magnus"
yeah ok,
*views his profile, 7 out of 10 games of magnus he feeds, when i say feed, more deaths than kill and assist
what the fuck?