General Discussion

General DiscussionPenalty for DCing/Failing to load-up

Penalty for DCing/Failing to load-up in General Discussion
Sad Sam ;(

    Dear people,

    It'd be good if you could just fix the issue with people not being able to connect to games. You should change the queuing system so that when people find a game, they MUST enter it. There's no fucking 'Accept' or 'Decline' button, because I spend 25 minutes just SITTING HERE searching for a FUCKING GAME!!

    Second of all, when we're waiting for everyone else to connect, there shouldn't be room for them to just NOT CONNECT, and DC, then have all the other 9 Players go back to the lobby to find ANOTHER fucking game, for ANOTHER fucking 25 minutes. They either connect, or disconnect and get an abandonment. If they have a shit connection in the first place, that definitely means they'll have a shit connection later on, through-out the whole game. Save me the pain, save others the pain and time, and get these people with faulty internet at the roots, from the very START of the game. They don't connect, they get an abandonment, and are punished.

    SIMPLIFIED: It's inevitable that they'll disconnect later on in the game if they don't connect at first, so force them to connect, and count it as an abandonment for them if they end up not joining.

    They have to be forced to connect, or get an abandonment otherwise. This leads to my next point.. Abandoning should be taken more seriously. I've lost too many games from someone dropping out due to a bad connection. Why must I deal with that? It's THEIR problem that they won't get better internet, and I shouldn't be LOSING because of them. Either put them with other people with SHIT internet, or ban them for an entire fucking week so I don't get my time wasted, and don't lose for a bad reason.


      Why are you posting this here?

      Gnome Chompski

        i agree with you OP. post on devs forum. nothing more annoying than spending ~20 mins searching game and then some slav shit cant even connect.

        Sad Sam ;(

          I'm posting this here because I need you guys to agree first. Am I the only one that has a person on either team disconnect every single fucking game? Its either they abandon, or take 10 minutes to come back with the game paused.


            It's ~5min to find a game. I noticed that on EU side, west, east there are more disconnect from people then in US East. Most of disconnect are making Russian people. Because usually I see them writing in Russian to wait for him. Crash or whatever. Then they speak about skype. That skype crashed etc. So we wait for ~8min. Then he comes, later disconnect again, so we wait. I see this mostly in EU side, where russians are more then Europe people overall! :D

            Sad Sam ;(

              On the SEA server it's 20.. Seriously. Game after game I have to re-queue till all 10 people actually press accept. Why not just make a server for the other countries with bad net, so people with bad internet can play with each other.

              Would've been better if they just kept the 'Hong Kong' server, because then I'll only be playing with people from Hong Kong. Decent, non-retarded players, very few or no disconnects at all, and good ping with no delay.


                OK now imagine there is no Accept / Decline. Find game, loading.., everyone connected, game started, suddenly someone disconnect (or afk) so someone just pause or "gg remake" = more wasted time than Accept/Decline (Failed to respond)

                But I agree that if someone disconnect during "waiting for everyone else to connect" there should be instant back to the lobby, no waiting


                  They will still connect. If Valve will not put up some IP location server connection, then it will not work. Then Russians will play in RUS server and EU in EU. I would pay for that. I know that I will need longer time to wait for game, but at least I know that I will not get retarted russians and most of EU people will speak English.

                  Sad Sam ;(


                    Finding an actual game I can play will take a bit longer, but at least after a while, maybe a week, all of the people who don't connect frequently are forced into low priority, so I don't have to play with them, OR wait for them.


                      I noticed a lot more not connected people in past month or so, D2 crashed a lot for me during loading screen, but since last patch it hasn't happened once.

                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                        On rare occasions were I do click decline, its for the following reasons:
                        1) Friend just messaged me that wants to play
                        2) I noticed I queued for Russia server
                        I can imagine people click on decline not that often, it feels like they do it everytime however because there is at least 10 people> lots of diferent things can happen. Also, clicking decline too often will put u into LP for 30secs-5mins, which is enough to find a new game without declining idiot.

                        Sad Sam ;(

                          Well, either way, it takes me 20 minutes to find a game because someone always declines, whether or not it's the same person that's doing it.

                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                            Well another problem is that there is probably not that many people playing dota on the servers you are playing. On US or EU servers wait time is 3-5 minutes for example.
                            Plus there is another point: Let's say someone declines all the games> he will get his LP for few minutes. Now lets say people decline not to troll, but because friend messaged them/their food got on fire/their cat just called them and told them that they have 2 hours to live. The accept/decline system was made specifically for those moments, when something happened, and you cant enter the game. Why there is so many of those people? I don't know. Maybe its trollolist organisation, that hires gamers to click decline. Maybe its just human factors that at least 1/10 people will always have something that will make them click decline. I think accept/decline system is pretty decent, removing it wont solve your problem. If anything it will make people more inclinied to troll after they get LP because their cat got set on fire, and they couldnt decline the game.

                            Sad Sam ;(

                              There are lots of people, but everyone presses decline. That's why it takes so long, and I'm tired of it. I shouldn't have to waste so much time waiting just because some idiot can't press yes. This is why we can abandon more than just once before being put into LP. Valve should get rid of it, so that they don't get put into LP for just 5 minutes. Instead, it's a whole day, or 3 days.

                              Plus, no one should be cooking when searching for a Dota game, or INSIDE a Dota game. They should be PLAYING, because some people ACTUALLY want to win.

                              Removing the button will solve my problem. My problem is that too many people are declining, and they aren't being punished hard enough for it. Remove the button, their punishment is given quicker. MY Problem solved.


                                Hmm, I never have this problem queing US servers. Games start in 2 to 5 min depending on time of day and modes chosen. Only Captains and Least played take a long time. If I do get declines the search finds a new game in a few seconds because the same people are still there. Sometimes I even get games that find a match almost immediately and I walked away to get a drink and the 10 sec clock times out before I get back.

                                Have to agree with Terrible...I think it may just be SEA has to few people playing dota 2. You have 1000+ games. Has it always been like this and you only just now started to lose patience?

                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                  Haha poor aussies, so far away not even the internet can bring them together with other people in a satisfying way xD

                                  Sad Sam ;(

                                    It's been like this for the past 100 games or so that I've had.


                                      I dont know how low you are but i play on SEA and it mostly doesnt go past 5minutes


                                        the "cant load part" has nothing to do with the connection u dumb fucktard, its about the pc being wooden, dont throw ur fucking dumb and wrong shit here, want to fix it?

                                        and its also related to dota 2, it pressures the pc like no other game does, all other games can slightly load up with no issues, but dota 2 got some problem with it, if u "by mistake" click twice on the loading screen, the game will get stuck and u will start regreting that u ever clicked or touched ur mouse

                                        think of a gd way and dont come here and whine about it and trying to give some solutions which r more retarded than u

                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                        Crazy Dave

                                          So, there's no way to decline a game. Think about that for a second. First of all, if someone doesn't accept the game, your wait time is going from ~3-4 minutes to ~30 seconds-1 minute. OH SO AWFUL. If there's no option, the game starts, and you have a teammate who isn't at his computer to pick a hero. He abandons after five minutes and bam, more time is wasted than before.

                                          You want people to get an abandon and low priority for two days because they can't connect within one minute? What happens when that happens to you? Let's say you're starting up Dota for the day. You forget to pre-load, and you join a game. You can't connect within that one minute and you're in low priority for two days. That's unbelievable, isn't it? This is out of the persons control. Asking to punish them is just beyond stupid. When someone doesn't connect, what happens? You go to wait in high priority for how long? 30 seconds to one minute.

                                          Then not only do you want them to get low priority, but you expect it to be EXTENDED when they can't connect and take ONE MINUTE of your time? For fucks sake, learn some patience.

                                          Sad Sam ;(

                                            I don't have a problem with being put into low priority if I'm not there to play. As long as others are punished the same way I am for not connecting after they change the system, if they do, I really don't mind at all.

                                            You misunderstood me, too. The game will go on, regardless of whether or not they load-up with everyone else. They'll have 5 minutes to connect, then if they don't connect within those 5 minutes, they get an abandon. Sure, it may take longer, but at least people are getting what they deserve for wasting my time, and everybody else's.


                                              We agree. gtfo.


                                                Follow wut "Bloodbath" said, he made it simple for u :D

                                                Sad Sam ;(

                                                  Not sure if he's saying.. He agrees with me, and that all of you should GTFO? Or.. If he disagrees with me, therefore agreeing with the people disagreeing with me.. and telling me to GTFO.