If you wanna try me out I'm willing to give it a go, I don't always play hard lane solo but I'm more than willing to do anything for the sake of a decent team
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If you wanna try me out I'm willing to give it a go, I don't always play hard lane solo but I'm more than willing to do anything for the sake of a decent team
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Team [UPLZ] (upgrage plz) recruting people for a good set up with goals a good training and then semi-pro / amateur tournaments we want to try out a REALLY GOOD HARDLANER we want a hard laner who can do the difference we start tryouts from today and we are everyday active i am magic_shroom2 on steam so add me
- If u are greek its better for communication otherwise u must speak enough good english for the communication
- I want to know your age and your timetable so find out the time we gonna be online if u get recruted in
the team
- I want to be clean as about the dota gaming we gonna try hard everyday and we need people who are familiar with competitive dota in captain's mode
When the team is full set up we start with almost everyday training and our goal is in 2 months at most to join in a amateur league add me for more info
Magic_Shroom2 steam account