So you play drow and you complain about pl pickers, even though you actually pick him frequently... you just went full retard
You really want to fuck a PL? Learn to counter pick. Lion, DP, PA, AM, TH, or a list of other heroes can really fuck him up. Dust can go a long way too.
PA with a BF will chew a PL apart. Lion can stun then finger the guy into submission. Death prophet destroys the illusions and her ulti can kill him if she has dust. As much as you play, I'm surprised you're sticking to the OPs point.
warlock also counter PL (and also meepo I suppose). chain them together and ult
@{zFg} NofugginwayJosh, wtf r u talking about, AM cant counter PL, he just gets raped from him, if 1 illusion caught him, BOOOOOM, no mana to blink..
but AM can outfarm PL, and PA is a chance hero
i got some heroes/combos who counter PL, void + SK (sandking ofc), void alone, spectre(tp some extent), mag + sven, or any of them alone, medusa ofc, OD sometimes, etc..
I think we're agreeing, but you just don't seem to be using the same language.
With respect to drow, I played her a lot when I started, but not very much in the last few hundred games.
1) You don't see Drow picks in high tier play because shes shit, woah she can obtain high right click damage early game who the fuck cares, buy smoke and gank her lane and its a non issue.
2) PL is not the end all carry, yes he can be annoying be he can also be shut down relatively easily. Here are the heros that are typically picked when a team composition is housed around a PL:
-Gyro (which imo is a stronger carry that contributes more early-mid game than PL)
-Dark Seer
-Earth Shaker
The list goes on and on. If you're getting shit on by PL it's probably because you're allowing him to farm. Stop letting hard carried free farm uncontested like retards and maybe you'll win more games. If you play in a bracket that promotes picks like Drow and PL because they can farm uncontested that's your fault. Get better, play better, get into a better bracket, and stop crying about it.
Try composing a team properly, and playing properly. Just looking at some of the match history team compositions in the faggoty bitchpussies DB Profiles you deserve to lose. Oh yeah we didn't win with Skeleton King, Shadow Fiend, Ursa, Drow Ranger, and Windrunner, OH FUCK must be because PL is broken.
Moral of the story summed up:
Buy consumables, buy fucking smoke for the first time in your miserable low skill lives, gank frequently, carry TPs, and stop bitching about heros that are shut down BY SIMPLY PLAYING PROPERLY. If you can't practice basic fundamentals like this in every game you play with your fucking eyes closed, this isn't the game for you and you will never improve.
@ Yao Fei....thats my policy ....get tiny ,rush aghanims and assault rape a pl who is damn fat
OP is a word from people imagination describing their weakness in dota, there is a good hero against any hero, and yet you can defeat any lineup with any lineup all about skill, PL is op? pick ES or OD and chew him around , or any hero and keep ganking him for the first 15 mins kill him 5 times and its over.
Yeah, but most teams can't kill pl early because he has invisibility, lol.
It's like "OMG! PL has heart/manta/diffusal! We need gem!".
PL...Does he have more power than he actually needs?Yes
PL...Does he unbeliablely powerful that a noob pick him and own player better than himself?No.
So he is overrated.
im sure hell is cousy.
The only way to stop a PL is to work as a team, which does not happen at pub games, so yeah, learn to communicate mr.
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burn in hell