General Discussion

General DiscussionHOw can i download TI2 replays from dotabuff?

HOw can i download TI2 replays from dotabuff? in General Discussion

    i cant download any replays from dota 2 client itself so can anyone help me with downloading TI2 replays?


      get the replay id, go into dota client, find the replay with that id, and download from there


        i have download error 0 and some other error so i cant download :(


          same here


            Run the game with -console command to get the console running.
            Then first hide it using your console key. Go find the replay you want to download in client. Click download and hit the console key again.
            When the download fails it gives you the download link in the console.
            Then copy that link and download it through your browser.

            dookie daddy

              There are several guides online to reproducing video content for games via the steam console, I would have a quick google search on that