General Discussion

General Discussion100% public DBR is an impact into my private profile

100% public DBR is an impact into my private profile in General Discussion

    actually this is MY freaking rating. if you implement a 100% public stats, i will contact valve. this is part of my private profile and i dont wish to have seen it by anybody through a "third party tool or website".

    at least implement a possibility to have some option like
    "general rating (diamond wtc)"
    "nothing at all but things that are allready visible in the dota2-client"

    i am totally serious with contacting valve-support!

    Lajkonik Legendarny Smok

      They wouldn't do anything illegal by making it public. Go ahead!


        you have a 54% WR, no idea why you'd have an issue.


          Suck it up, princess!


            Keep it by defaul on for public, but at least make a option to turn it off, when you logged on into your account.

            This will make more people log on using steam into the page = you'll get more users on the forum.

            I really would wish to not implement this as this will bring only 1 thing:
            - People will just killsteal, 5 man carries because they will want to have the best KDA rating, farming supports a lot of ragequits, because players will refuse to play with low number allies.

            Just a note, unless you dont have the exact MM rank values/ unless its not 100% the same with Valve, then you will just write lies!!!! We can see that the data is not 100% the same as our win/loss is not 100% exact.

            Dont ruin games of dota with the public rating!!! I so love DOTA2 because of no stats.


              I think we dont need to worry that KDA rating will bring the killsteal problem because the importance of kill and assist is the same according to the calculation of KDA ratio. But it may bring the problem of no support game. Ganker and carry are more likely to get more kills and less deaths after all and a support take the job of protecting the carry and is more likely to die.

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                The DBR is not calculated or influenced by KDA ratio.


                  Your DBR isn't a stat from in game. It's completely generated by Dotabuff based on already public stats (win rate).


                    Why not have MMR implemented, and then give the option to display it? That way everyone can see if they have improved or not, but aren't obliged to share it with the world. I for one, would like to know where I stand with my MMR and how much it fluctuates between my matches.


                      All the information on your profile that dotabuff uses is public so valve wont do anything.

                      If it's such a huge issue for your then don't use dotabuff.


                        go commit suicide man

                        SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT


                          are you proud of being a shitty human being?


                            hon2 here we come


                              He wasn't kidding about contacting Valve, LOL

                              Sigma Grindset 屌打哥

                                "Greed is good." -Gordon Gekko, The Romans, Louis XVI, Lehman Brothers, and


                                  we can already see everything except MMR you dumb fuck. what's the difference? i don't really need a number to tell me that you're terrible. in fact, i don't even have to look at your match history. you radiate bad. it's palpable.


                                    what a crybaby

                                    hope this special interest group doesnt prevent the majority of us from having the enjoyment of seeing ratings everywhere

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                                      Calm down old man


                                        what a little crybaby, wahh im calling valve because i suck and i dont want people to see my garbage stats..

                                        terrible normal mode kid


                                          Oh no @xgsdota someone will see your stats on a website , this must mean they have all your info and have stole your credit cards and are coming to kill you ! , we must stop this at all cost..... leave it to some pubstar tryhard to cry because the team he wants to play for sees that he has a 14% win % on Pa.



                                            He has ~54 % win rate and you have 50 %. Lmao, I love the irnoy.


                                              Kabaam, needless to say you are very smart too...

                                              One thing is 750 games with 50% and something else is to have 300 games with 54%. I can bet anytime that when xgsdota will reach 700 games he will be well bellow 50%., but i don't expect you to understand the logic behind all this.

                                              And just to be clear and to be on topic. Dotaleague and dota-licious appeared just because war3 dota had absolutely no kind of statistics and rating system.
                                              This is why those pages had such great success. Because everything was organized. These sites apepared just because on the public matchmaking there were already too many noobs/leavers/flamers/feeders/afkers you name....

                                              If you don't understand this argument, than you my sir are an *****

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                                              The Bad Batch


                                                Win rate has nothing to do with rating


                                                  He was the one who started the argumentation about win rate so shut it ;)
                                                  The idea is a rating system is always good. It makes the game less casual but more organized and respectful, at least in medium-high leagues.

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                                                  Sacred Relics

                                                    So proud of Valve, so happy to see you crying ^^



                                                      DBR has already proved that win % does not indicate skill.

                                                      And not saying that KDA does either, but mine shits on both of yours.

                                                      Kohei Uchimura


                                                        You are probably the saddest, little, ignorant, dumb, most narrow minded person i have ever seen on the internet. why do you care if DotABUFF gets shut down? It is numbers on a webpage from A GAME which you play FOR FUN, i mean nobody really takes pubs seriously anyway... and if you do you need to get a life bro. Does knowing that you have a imaginary number that is higher than other people on the INTERNET make you feel better?

                                                        Let`s Rock!

                                                          you didn't read the eula did you? you own nothing


                                                            Holy shit you act like you own property or some shit. You play on THEIR game who have YOUR stats, they can do what THEY want and you can go cry about it somewhere else.


                                                              y i play valve's game!

                                                              dotabuff =/= valve

                                                              valve >>> dotabuff
                                                              - Added a privacy setting in the UI so that players can specify whether they want to allow external 3rd party websites to be able to access their match history (defaulted to private).




                                                                  Ratings... Ratings EVERYWHERE.


                                                                    rating is awesome and gives you reason to play :) KEEP IT UP DOTABUFF


                                                                      congratz biatch. valve fucked up so princesses like you won't get hurt ...

                                                                      now i must explicitly ask my friends their dbr so i can make fun of them :(

                                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                      qb MagicFingers

                                                                        crying baby public stats is fun. dont thin dbr is based on kda

                                                                        Sacred Relics

                                                                          Valve owned you, now pls Riot or S2 is waiting for you.. bye (rating in dota2 IS NOT a reason to play)


                                                                            To all the whiners and bitches, Dota 2 is a competitive game for competitive players, this isn't spider solitaire. If you are that embarrassed of your ratings perhaps you shouldn't be playing?


                                                                              Nice necro post

                                                                              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                                oh wow, i wonder how deep the faggot dug to post that comment on this thread. idk , 50 pages?



                                                                                  GET EM




                                                                                      YOU signed up for dotabuff, YOU asked for this.

                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!