General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to go back to normal tier ._.

How to go back to normal tier ._. in General Discussion

    I always play with this real life friend of mine. All of our games recently seems to be going in the high tier, he is doing well but I'm not. I was wondering why my win rate is really sucky but I presume is because of this. I was wondering if there is a way for us to play in a lower skill bracket because it seems so unfair. >_>

    No, he won't use his subs to play.


      learn it the hard way


        What do you mean?


          you cant go back


            You could probably just play supports and learn while playing supports since if you suck as a carry you're probably going to throw a game

            The only way to drop down that I know of is lose with low win friends and that drops is like crazy, I went from like avg of 200 win players to like sub 100 from losing a few games with my friends with about 20 wins

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              Trust matchmaking :P
              You have an average chance of 50% to win a game. You can be the worst player on the field, but that means that your teammates are probably better than the opponents. So play a hero that does well when sticking with team mates, while not being counted too much on certain spells at certain times.
              And you can ofcourse try to play a few games by yourself now and then. If your rating really turns out too high, you'll get yourself lower soon enough, and then you get softer opponents when you play with your friend too.


                Ignore my name, I'm not Russian, just trolling.

                Also, why does my opponents mostly ROFLSTOMP their way through our games. It doesn't even seem right. They literally stomp us. >:[ .


                  Well 46.46% of the time they didn't.
                  Maybe you're a pessimistic person and mentally exaggerate your losses, while undervalueing your wins?
                  Ofcourse it could also just be that 5 average players is a better team constitution than 4 above average players and 1 below average player.

                  Also, I feel people were ignoring your name just fine, but now I'm really curious why you brought it up and what you think is russian/trolling about it :P


                    Why don't you go and see some of my last few losses. They're literally STOMP. While the wins are so-so or we stomp them. : l

                    Lord Gough Mortanoth

                      You could both just get another key and make fresh steam accounts. They are pretty easy to come by nowadays. I don't see a way for you to get back into normal otherwise unless you both soloq more.


                        He wants to rush his levels [BP] so he won't be making a new account. Even if I do, the same story will repeat. I guess there is no solution then.


                          rush levels for what lol