General Discussion

General Discussion[Suggestion] Allow us to know if we have played with verified players...

[Suggestion] Allow us to know if we have played with verified players in the past. in General Discussion

    Sometimes you play with a pro and you don't even know unless you are checking a player's profile in the loading screen and suddenly he has 2500 commends (lol Dendi!).

    Wouldn't it be cool if we could track past matches that had a verified player playing against us? So we would know how well we did in that match, would be an interesting fun record to be tracked.

    Dungeon Master







            how to be a verified player?


              @Crisgon Play in an official tournament :)


                lol you don't even have 50% win rate

                you're not going to play against pros anyway


                  You don't need a 50% or higher Win ratio to get matched against a pro... Don't be a jerk if you don't even know the basics of how MM works.

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                  Lord of the Waffle House

                    This won't matter at all unless the match maker gets fixed, and doesn't hold everyone in a giant pool around 50%. Throw it on the back burner until the match maker gets fixed.




                        This would be cool.

                        Could also be an option while browsing any person's dotabuff. Some button that becomes available to show "Matches We've Been In Together".

                        Or being able to see if player X & Y have played with each other. Right now you can only see who a player frequently plays with (within last 2 months).

                        Jobodo ツ

                          "This won't matter at all unless the match maker gets fixed, and doesn't hold everyone in a giant pool around 50%. Throw it on the back burner until the match maker gets fixed."

                          lol! Please let this be a troll.

                          Everyone isn't in a giant pool, you have a 50% win/loss because you're in the skill bracket you're supposed to be in.

                          If there was a perfect MMR system, EVERYONE would be at 50% win/loss, note that doesn't mean they would be in the same bracket


                            Sorry to disappoint you that he is not a troll and he is right.
                            The skill brackets are merely a way of sorting replays.
                            You have an ELO-like rating and you get paired with people with like ELO-ratings.
                            The deviations from 50% are mostly due to fluctuations in skill, trying out new heroes, playing more/less with friends, etc.

                            I don't know if this is a good argument against the OP's idea though. Everyone but the highest level players will have a rating approaching 50% and if there's not a bunch of pro's online, it is completely feasible that pros get matched with that subtop.


                              ^ So? Just because I am suggesting it doesn't mean it is for me. I am pretty sure a lot of people who are in high brackets and etc would be interested to have such option. What is the idea behind pointing out that I have a low ELO and that I would never be matched against a pro? That is just stupid, my suggestion still stands on its own, despite if I will or not play against a pro.

                              And my account is nowhere near magnificent because I share this one with my little brother, I have another account on my own.

                              So, would you guys approve or disapprove the suggestion for once instead of clicking my profile to boast your e-peen? *Facepalm*


                                Why are you so interested if knowing if you played a "pro" or not? It's funny because you're telling people not to stroke their e-peens, when that's all this suggestion is doing.

                                In your mind: "Omg I'm good enough to be against a pro!"
                                If you win: "OMG I BEAT A PRO!"
                                If you lose: "Well they are pro, understandable."

                                Playing with pro (verified) players isn't all that exciting. Most of the time they are just out to have fun or just plain troll. Very few games I have played in with some verified players or even people on the top 50 players list (lolwut, not important anyway) are special in any way...

                                All this asking about ELO and pros and W/R is so amusing to read. People actually think they're good just because their replays are in the "Very High" bracket. 90 percent of the people in there are still terrible at the game.


                                  What? You are getting it completely wrong, it's not about "omg i played against a pr0zz omgg soo good!".

                                  I'll quote from OP: "Wouldn't it be cool if we could track past matches that had a verified player playing against us? So we would know how well we did in that match, would be an interesting fun record to be tracked."

                                  It's just a way to evaluate yourself and compare about how good you are doing against professional players. There's a lot of cool features that can be implemented to this website, the more it has the better. It never hurts to have such option, does it?

                                  And just because you don't find interesting the random fact that you have played against a pro player, it doesn't mean others don't as well. I am sure someone would be interested to know if they played against Ferrari or Dendi mid, just the for the curiosity in itself it is worth the implementation, the fact that you can watch the replay and learn from your mistakes against players "who are actually good" is just icing on the cake.

                                  If these curious random facts are not important, then why does it even track our longest match? Highest healing amount, highest damage to towers and etc? The flavor you can get with interesting facts are amazing. Tsk tsk.

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                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!