Filter:ZeitAlle Diese Woche Dieser Monat ──────── Ranked Season 4 Ranked Season 3 Ranked Season 2 Ranked Season 1 ──────── Patch 7.38 Patch 7.37 Patch 7.36 Patch 7.35 Patch 7.34 Patch 7.33 ──────── Letzte 3 Monate Letzte 6 Monate Letzte 12 MonateZeitNiveauBeliebiges Niveau ──────── Normaler Skill Hoher Skill Sehr hoher SkillNiveauLobbyBeliebige Lobby ──────── Normal Matchmaking Ranglisten-Matchmaking Battle Cup ──── Nicht verwendet: ──── Team-Matchmaking Solo Matchmaking BenutzerdefiniertLobbySpielmodusBeliebiger Modus ──────── All Pick Turbo Mutation Captains Mode Random Draft Single Draft Captains Draft ──────── 1v1 Solo Mid Ability Draft All Random All Random Deathmatch Least Played Limited Hero PoolSpielmodusFraktionJede Fraktion ──────── Radiant DireFraktionDauerBeliebige Dauer ──────── > 12 Min > 20 Min > 30 Min > 40 Min > 50 Min > 60 Min ──────── < 20 Min 20 - 30 Min 30 - 40 Min 40 - 50 Min 50 - 60 MinDauerTrueSightBeliebiger Status ──────── Nur analysierte Spiele Ohne analysierte SpieleTrueSightSolo/GruppeJede Party Größe ──────── Solo Queue Gruppen-Warteschlange (2+) ──────── 2-stack 3-stack 4-stack 5-stack ──────── 3 oder mehr 4 oder mehrSolo/GruppeCaptainBeliebiger Status ──────── Nur Spiele mit Captains Ohne Spiele mit CaptainsCaptainZufallBeliebiger Status ──────── Nur zufällige Spiele Ohne zufällige SpieleZufall
Gefiltert nach Helden, Rollen, LanesSpieler: HeldAlle Helden ──────── Abaddon Alchemist Ancient Apparition Anti-Mage Arc Warden Axe Bane Batrider Beastmaster Bloodseeker Bounty Hunter Brewmaster Bristleback Broodmother Centaur Warrunner Chaos Knight Chen Clinkz Clockwerk Crystal Maiden Dark Seer Dark Willow Dawnbreaker Dazzle Death Prophet Disruptor Doom Dragon Knight Drow Ranger Earth Spirit Earthshaker Elder Titan Ember Spirit Enchantress Enigma Faceless Void Grimstroke Gyrocopter Hoodwink Huskar Invoker Io Jakiro Juggernaut Keeper of the Light Kez Kunkka Legion Commander Leshrac Lich Lifestealer Lina Lion Lone Druid Luna Lycan Magnus Marci Mars Medusa Meepo Mirana Monkey King Morphling Muerta Naga Siren Nature's Prophet Necrophos Night Stalker Nyx Assassin Ogre Magi Omniknight Oracle Outworld Destroyer Pangolier Phantom Assassin Phantom Lancer Phoenix Primal Beast Puck Pudge Pugna Queen of Pain Razor Riki Ringmaster Rubick Sand King Shadow Demon Shadow Fiend Shadow Shaman Silencer Skywrath Mage Slardar Slark Snapfire Sniper Spectre Spirit Breaker Storm Spirit Sven Techies Templar Assassin Terrorblade Tidehunter Timbersaw Tinker Tiny Treant Protector Troll Warlord Tusk Underlord Undying Ursa Vengeful Spirit Venomancer Viper Visage Void Spirit Warlock Weaver Windranger Winter Wyvern Witch Doctor Wraith King ZeusHeldRolleBeliebige Rolle ──────── Support CoreRolleLaneBeliebige Lane ──────── Sichere Lane Schwere Lane Mitte Jungle RoamingLaneBelegungBeliebige Anzahl ──────── Sololane (1) Duallane (2) Trilane (3) Quad Lane (4) Pent Lane (5) ──────── Belegung >= 2 Belegung >= 3 Belegung >= 4BelegungMit Teammitglied: HeldAlle Helden ──────── Abaddon Alchemist Ancient Apparition Anti-Mage Arc Warden Axe Bane Batrider Beastmaster Bloodseeker Bounty Hunter Brewmaster Bristleback Broodmother Centaur Warrunner Chaos Knight Chen Clinkz Clockwerk Crystal Maiden Dark Seer Dark Willow Dawnbreaker Dazzle Death Prophet Disruptor Doom Dragon Knight Drow Ranger Earth Spirit Earthshaker Elder Titan Ember Spirit Enchantress Enigma Faceless Void Grimstroke Gyrocopter Hoodwink Huskar Invoker Io Jakiro Juggernaut Keeper of the Light Kez Kunkka Legion Commander Leshrac Lich Lifestealer Lina Lion Lone Druid Luna Lycan Magnus Marci Mars Medusa Meepo Mirana Monkey King Morphling Muerta Naga Siren Nature's Prophet Necrophos Night Stalker Nyx Assassin Ogre Magi Omniknight Oracle Outworld Destroyer Pangolier Phantom Assassin Phantom Lancer Phoenix Primal Beast Puck Pudge Pugna Queen of Pain Razor Riki Ringmaster Rubick Sand King Shadow Demon Shadow Fiend Shadow Shaman Silencer Skywrath Mage Slardar Slark Snapfire Sniper Spectre Spirit Breaker Storm Spirit Sven Techies Templar Assassin Terrorblade Tidehunter Timbersaw Tinker Tiny Treant Protector Troll Warlord Tusk Underlord Undying Ursa Vengeful Spirit Venomancer Viper Visage Void Spirit Warlock Weaver Windranger Winter Wyvern Witch Doctor Wraith King ZeusHeldRolleBeliebige Rolle ──────── Support CoreRolleLaneBeliebige Lane ──────── Gleiche Lane ──────── Sichere Lane Schwere Lane Mitte Jungle RoamingLaneBelegungBeliebige Anzahl ──────── Sololane (1) Duallane (2) Trilane (3) Quad Lane (4) Pent Lane (5) ──────── Belegung >= 2 Belegung >= 3 Belegung >= 4BelegungGegen Gegner: HeldAlle Helden ──────── Abaddon Alchemist Ancient Apparition Anti-Mage Arc Warden Axe Bane Batrider Beastmaster Bloodseeker Bounty Hunter Brewmaster Bristleback Broodmother Centaur Warrunner Chaos Knight Chen Clinkz Clockwerk Crystal Maiden Dark Seer Dark Willow Dawnbreaker Dazzle Death Prophet Disruptor Doom Dragon Knight Drow Ranger Earth Spirit Earthshaker Elder Titan Ember Spirit Enchantress Enigma Faceless Void Grimstroke Gyrocopter Hoodwink Huskar Invoker Io Jakiro Juggernaut Keeper of the Light Kez Kunkka Legion Commander Leshrac Lich Lifestealer Lina Lion Lone Druid Luna Lycan Magnus Marci Mars Medusa Meepo Mirana Monkey King Morphling Muerta Naga Siren Nature's Prophet Necrophos Night Stalker Nyx Assassin Ogre Magi Omniknight Oracle Outworld Destroyer Pangolier Phantom Assassin Phantom Lancer Phoenix Primal Beast Puck Pudge Pugna Queen of Pain Razor Riki Ringmaster Rubick Sand King Shadow Demon Shadow Fiend Shadow Shaman Silencer Skywrath Mage Slardar Slark Snapfire Sniper Spectre Spirit Breaker Storm Spirit Sven Techies Templar Assassin Terrorblade Tidehunter Timbersaw Tinker Tiny Treant Protector Troll Warlord Tusk Underlord Undying Ursa Vengeful Spirit Venomancer Viper Visage Void Spirit Warlock Weaver Windranger Winter Wyvern Witch Doctor Wraith King ZeusHeldRolleBeliebige Rolle ──────── Support CoreRolleLaneBeliebige Lane ──────── Gegnerische Lane ──────── Sichere Lane Schwere Lane Mitte Jungle RoamingLaneBelegungBeliebige Anzahl ──────── Sololane (1) Duallane (2) Trilane (3) Quad Lane (4) Pent Lane (5) ──────── Belegung >= 2 Belegung >= 3 Belegung >= 4Belegung
GegenstandGold pro MinuteErfahrungspunkte pro MinutePossessed Mask826876Ascetic's Cap826876Ceremonial Robe826876Philosopher's Stone826876Aghanim's Blessing808940Recipe: Swift Blink768943Recipe: Satanic764722Aghanim's Blessing - Roshan761882Swift Blink757950Eye of the Vizier754900Blast Rig754900Moon Shard748671Recipe: Aghanim's Blessing742937Boots of Travel 2735658Recipe: Disperser721953Disperser712896Divine Rapier706724Recipe: Khanda706858Khanda706858Recipe: Revenant's Brooch704818Revenant's Brooch704818Satanic702749Recipe: Eye of Skadi702881Abyssal Blade701715Recipe: Abyssal Blade701748Recipe: Phylactery700842Eaglesong699733Eye of Skadi695711Butterfly693724Bloodthorn690731Recipe: Monkey King Bar688878Recipe: Bloodthorn684744Recipe: Daedalus683790Arcane Blink674893Overwhelming Blink673807Recipe: Overwhelming Blink671803Seeds of Serenity671818Recipe: Arcane Blink666943Reaver662732Aegis of the Immortal661694Parasma661901Daedalus658716Recipe: Manta Style653691Recipe: Parasma652850Nullifier651726Phylactery651786Battle Fury648687Recipe: Crystalys645737Recipe: Heart of Tarrasque644720Demon Edge643692Recipe: Skull Basher642714Cornucopia640803Monkey King Bar638679Recipe: Mjollnir638683Recipe: Refresher Orb638785Tiara of Selemene638917Manta Style634671Skull Basher634689Sacred Relic634655Recipe: Yasha633680Recipe: Battle Fury633752Mjollnir632668Hyperstone631669Recipe: Maelstrom631628Octarine Core631742Gleipnir631770Diadem629786Recipe: Linken's Sphere628701Removed Item: Diffusal Blade (level 2)628665Spark of Courage627774Assault Cuirass626670Recipe: Gleipnir625770Silver Edge624693Recipe: Silver Edge624702Dragon Lance623619Faerie Fire623619Yasha621653Claymore621679Recipe: Assault Cuirass621671Crystalys618685Radiance618636Quarterstaff616641Heart of Tarrasque616672Recipe: Orchid Malevolence615660Linken's Sphere613679Recipe: Falcon Blade613739Desolator612636Yasha and Kaya612766Dragon Scale612632Sange and Yasha611663Falcon Blade610754Fairy's Trinket609718Javelin608670Recipe: Hurricane Pike607690Recipe: Helm of the Dominator607620Band of Elvenskin604652Recipe: Radiance600604Ultimate Orb598648Talisman of Evasion597661Recipe: Boots of Travel597668Recipe: Dragon Lance596721Hurricane Pike595666Recipe: Octarine Core594734Recipe: Harpoon593763Recipe: Vanguard593754Boots of Travel592647Kaya and Sange592755Blitz Knuckles589745Recipe: Scythe of Vyse589870Recipe: Diffusal Blade587638Orchid Malevolence587628Refresher Orb587678Titan Sliver587757Penta-Edged Sword587757Recipe: Black King Bar586677Helm of the Dominator586600Maelstrom584644Diffusal Blade584632Mask of Madness584635Ethereal Blade584683Blade of Alacrity583647Broadsword583653Dragon Lance583628Echo Sabre583627Recipe: Armlet of Mordiggian583628Recipe: Mask of Madness583596Perseverance582644Dagon (level 5)581674Recipe: Iron Talon581583Black King Bar580659Recipe: Shiva's Guard580699Soul Booster579692Mithril Hammer578645Poor Man's Shield578592Timeless Relic578696Cheese576665Armlet of Mordiggian576616Harpoon575746Slippers of Agility573614Oblivion Staff573626Recipe: Wraith Band572618Recipe: Sange571675Dagon (level 4)571663Morbid Mask569619Ring of Aquila568588Hand of Midas567599Sange567649Helm of Iron Will567618Shadow Blade566616Mystic Staff566667Recipe: Bloodstone566687Recipe: Eternal Shroud565689Orb of Venom563590Gloves of Haste562613Wraith Band562602Wind Waker562860Recipe: Wind Waker562860Shiva's Guard561662Recipe: Kaya561710Eternal Shroud561687Recipe: Orb of Corrosion560727Mage Slayer560713Broom Handle560735Recipe: Hand of Midas559590Kaya557705Recipe: Witch Blade557705Voodoo Mask557729Recipe: Mage Slayer556708Belt of Strength555617Scythe of Vyse554637Orb of Corrosion553719Ring of Tarrasque553674Great Healing Lotus552728Witch Blade552698Robe of the Magi550613Bloodstone550653Point Booster548629Platemail548627Ogre Axe547619Blades of Attack547605Necronomicon (level 3)546565Power Treads544602Ring of Basilius544582Ring of Health544608Recipe: Dagon544636Vitality Booster543627Cloak of Flames543683Witless Shako543784Quelling Blade542587Tier 1 Token542653Tier 2 Token542653Iron Talon541543Dagon (level 3)541637Refresher Shard540699Vanguard535603Dagon (level 2)534630Clumsy Net532822Aghanim's Shard528692Recipe: Blade Mail528655Recipe: Helm of the Overlord527658Stout Shield526559Phase Boots526577Ring of Protection526570Aghanim's Scepter526619Recipe: Rod of Atos526622Void Stone525615Helm of the Overlord525653Sage's Mask523575Tango (Shared)523591Necronomicon (level 2)523556Witchbane523681Grove Bow523681Flicker523681Circlet522579Orb of Blight522576Necronomicon522548Recipe: Lotus Orb522698Tier 3 Token522679Orb of Destruction521656Greater Healing Lotus520738Vladmir's Offering519580Recipe: Necronomicon516555Rod of Atos515602Aeon Disk515654Recipe: Aeon Disk514652Spell Prism514667Vambrace514667Dagon513598Healing Salve512559Tango511566Boots of Speed509564Iron Branch509566Chainmail509582Recipe: Buckler507608Heaven's Halberd507609Quickening Charm507721Town Portal Scroll506563Clarity502579Recipe: Ethereal Blade502705Headdress501544Recipe: Veil of Discord501592Recipe: Ring of Basilius501636Recipe: Headdress500550Buckler500588Recipe: Heaven's Halberd500673Bottle498577Magic Stick497567Blink Dagger497584Recipe: Null Talisman497578Staff of Wizardry496584Faerie Fire496589Shadow Amulet496568Mantle of Intelligence496573Veil of Discord496582Tier 4 Token496667Drum of Endurance495544Recipe: Force Staff495588Recipe: Drum of Endurance494545Crimson Guard493568Recipe: Magic Wand491587Recipe: Vladmir's Offering490563Magic Wand489554Enchanted Mango489550Null Talisman489555Lotus Orb488626Recipe: Crimson Guard488563Blade Mail487570Infused Raindrops486556Fluffy Hat485633Recipe: Guardian Greaves483568Pupil's Gift482605Paladin Sword482605Hood of Defiance480556Recipe: Soul Ring480557Guardian Greaves480549Crown479572Recipe: Pipe of Insight479561Soul Ring478548Pipe of Insight478562Holy Locket477550Gem of True Sight476578Recipe: Arcane Boots475605Recipe: Bracer472551Recipe: Eul's Scepter of Divinity472570Ring of Regen470530Helm of the Undying470612Gauntlets of Strength469547Ghost Scepter469569The Leveller469743Eul's Scepter of Divinity467561Meteor Hammer467521Recipe: Holy Locket467541Energy Booster463573Recipe: Mekansm463540Bracer462527Solar Crest461556Force Staff460548Healing Lotus456457Mekansm454510Recipe: Aether Lens452584Recipe: Solar Crest451571Wind Lace450534Aether Lens447563Cloak443533Medallion of Courage441516Boots of Bearing439601Recipe: Boots of Bearing438601Spider Legs437545Observer Ward436539Dust of Appearance436529Recipe: Meteor Hammer436498Keen Optic435438Tranquil Boots429503Arcane Boots426514Tome of Knowledge426536Faded Broach423473Smoke of Deceit420521Sentry Ward420525Wraith Pact418625Recipe: Wraith Pact412604Urn of Shadows408489Spirit Vessel408514Forebearer's Fortune406411Recipe: Spirit Vessel400505Observer and Sentry Wards391510Recipe: Urn of Shadows390491Blood Grenade384506Essence Ring384571Removed Item: Flying Courier378410Enchanted Quiver361684Pavise359480Glimmer Cape353471Recipe: Glimmer Cape353500Recipe: Pavise346458Arcane Ring346600Royal Jelly341297Gossamer Cape331517Animal Courier314368Trusty Shovel230271