Neue Matchergebnisse verspäten sich etwas, da die Dota 2 API derzeit ausser Betrieb ist.
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7 Kommentare

    <<< By far, far away, a great distance from the others, The Best Old School Dota2 Player


      While not directly touched by b patch, Earthshaker have seen buffs in the 7.34 patch and now has a significant pickrate and winrate(52%) in pubs across all levels.

      I Am Steve

        I'd pick brood here

        Sir Gareth SouthGOAT

          this is a lovely patch that arrived just in time for TI


            Venge is rising, but it's mixed emotions because some of her fans now seldom play

            Just Noob Roofik!!!

              in archon/ legend bracket spectre is played once per 20 game. so she is really strong :D