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    Quick note: some of the verifications are still off and will be dealt with once the qualifiers for MDL Major are over. Thank you for your patience

    CD | Pussssshhhhhhhherrrr

      any update on our old liquid boys? its so silent about them other than leaving liquid


        Ya, we are waiting for our old liquid boy champ.

        Brünk Hüll

          There are more than a few teams that are absent from the auto invited teams on current lists. Secret, OG, PSG LGD, these are respected names with active rosters (active or not, we all know who is really on OG). Clearly to me the organization matters as much as, if not more than, the collection of players when it comes to the longevity of the competitive Dota scene fan interest (eventually the old guard will actually, finally retire), but I can't ignore the importance specific players sitting out as well. Dendi, S4, aforementioned OG players, Black^, a couple VP players I think, and of course all of the TI9 Liquid crew.

          I fear this means teams and players alike are toying with the 'scrape by' mentality OG took last season. Whether the entire team is just taking a break or a player is taking a relaxed approach to finding a squad with points looking for an upgrade later in the season, it seems like the best of the best right now don't feel the pressure. After all, who but the most dedicated of fans can remember even five major winners from two or more years ago? Better yet....who of us care about who wins majors once the season ends?

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            Can't wait for the part 3


              Your TI9 predict sucks


                NiP has the ability to choose to play in either EUW or NA, right? They're an org from Europe but they have 3 NA players

                Brünk Hüll


                  You have to live in a region to compete in their qualifiers. There was a team a while ago that tried to live in one region, then fly down to compete in SA. They were caught and disqualified. There is no restriction on where you play based on the nationality of the players, all that matters is where the house is.

                  мейби бейби



                      liquid without miracle is not liquid


                        Does it matter where the players are from in certain region? See football teams roster. How many of the top teams has a roster of full 11 players from the same country?