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    The single worst part of this patch is going to be people rushing Agh's on heroes that absolutely shouldn't be getting it, like Lycan or whatever.


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    3k scrubs

      They change it but dota is still dota. Supps life easier, late game more interesting, dk back to meta, necro hc viable if u consume ur aghas and go mael, templar agha op, viper utility nerfed badly




          none of the heroes that got ags actually want to build ags before most of their items lol

          Yami Yugi

            Rupture is GREAT again!


              Yeah I already had some moron rush aghs on lycan, 4200 gold for absolutely zero impact. In fact, it just fed AM more.


                So, I'm confused on the roshan scepter buff. Does this mean you get a free aghs? Or do you need to already have an aghs and it's just the 2k recipe? Honestly this patch isnt as huge as everyone makes it out to be.


                  So, I'm confused on the roshan scepter buff. Does this mean you get a free aghs? Or do you need to already have an aghs and it's just the 2k recipe? Honestly this patch isnt as huge as everyone makes it out to be.

                  Hes dropping the 2k recipe wich are needed to consume your already bought aghs.


                    er no... he drops the actual aghs upgrade (you get the aghs upgrade with no stats).

                    Alr tested it..

                    I picked it up and i got agha upgrade when I didnt have it initially


                      Wind is completely insane now.

                      She just received a buff worth of almost 4k gold - no need to go for aghs. As well, without a need to go for aghs you can actually get an item to skip the lvl 10 mana regen talent, go directly for orchid (which provides more damage, int and mana regen than talent+aghs did) and can have the talent for lower CD. It costs even less than aghs and there is actually upgrade into bloodthorn.

                      The only downside is in tankiness.

                      Generally talents offers endless 100% evasion and almost permastun - and if you get octarine, you have endless both with 15 sec CD on ulti.


                        I think that Morph should be removed from Captain's Mode for the time being until most of the bugs and broken interactions with his ulti are resolved. His new aghs as well as others are just gonna cause even more issues (e.g. with dark willow). Yes it's fun to watch in the pro scene but these issues which were evident in TI8 (not gaining stats while leveling in morphed hero form) and Disneyland Major finals (infinity stones when morph into ES) make the game seem less refined and unbalanced.

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                          first pick mid then rush aghs everyone


                            broodmother agh is fking broken


                              Slowly but surely we are getting back there with trialnes and solo offlaners

                              Yes I too miss trialneses


                                Rupture is trash again actually

                                Brünk Hüll

                                  I'm thinking DP might be running under the radar right now, her new aghs gives her parts of other items she could never get fast enough before. There's possibly an argument for fast tracking it ahead of euls or atos, but the fact that it gives an INSANE level of combined lifesteal and damage output, it's hard to imagine not getting it somewhere within her build.

                                  Yami Yugi

                                    Rupture is trash again actually

                                    Ouch... the distant cap... yeah...

                                    Джай Хинд

                                      7.22b will be out soon.


                                        People commenting “first” on this posts are annoying, like what are u guys trying to say ? Your grade ? Oh ooh new post imma let people now im in first grade