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    finally the meta post, lets read it




        next patch waiting room ResidentSleeper

        Erase Humanity

          Void as a position 1-2 has a very lackluster DPS. As a position 3 Chrono synergies with very few heroes.

          Sir GueL

            This TI affecting pub so hard, especially the appearance of earthshaker.

            Олегсей киборг

              next patch plssssssss plsssssss


                they need to buff arc warden- for example his ult color should be the same as main hero. Small change but i will do a lot. Now you know which to attack.


                  Don't nerf Earthshaker.


                    "The next update probably won’t come soon"
                    You broke my heart.


                      don't nerf my nyx :(
                      re-design to cement him as an offlaner, but don't just nerf him...


                        The author should really work on his vocabulary. Right now, it's way too limited.


                          worth to read, but please don't nerf earthshaker. :(


                            I also wonder how Clockwerk becomes less popular than the earlier TI.


                              next patch BabyRage


                                What PPD said: Stats are not everything. The low winrate heroes could be because bad teams bring the numbers down, the high winrate heroes can be bad with good drafting. Its all about how well you play your heroes (Nahaz pointed out that Liquid played a variety of heroes, of which most were not considered meta compared to the whole tournament) and not which heroes are OP this patch.


                                  The next nerf list


                                    I think what is op in team fight it's Def not earthshaker.. Venomancer and AA is pretty lethal...


                                      i also hope nyx doesnt get nerfed, i agree if his agham would be reworked, but justs pls no nerf to his skills :(

                                      Sleight of My Fist In You...

                                        bring back track back


                                          Really looking forward to a few Meepo buffs

                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde gelöscht

                                              Offlane void has such a low winrate because:
                                              Slippers of agility no longer available in side shop.(most important)
                                              He's weak on lane because armor and damage nerfs.
                                              And especially diffusal blade nerfs... just killed him.

                                              aikyu3 SuBi ♪

                                                ^ agreed.
                                                As a offlane player, clockwerk and void may need a change to its talent tree.


                                                  or just make him hard carry like he was used to.

                                                  Ash Blossom

                                                    C'mon after new hero released there will be no balance at all just like past patchs

                                                    white boy summer

                                                      how long did it take to balance mk? 2 motnhs? thats not a big deal imo. if TI is as diverse as ever, why not release new heroes before? yea it might give you cancer in pubs but who the fuck cares when the game is not about pubs


                                                        Yes please buff my sandking.....giff old caustic /longer range on lvl 1 stun

                                                        Brünk Hüll


                                                          PPD is right, but to believe only that part of the equation is also misguided. Good teams can bring to light the OP parts of a hero, i.e. kotl aghs + buyback this year, fountain hooking during Ti3, Vacuum working during Naga sleep in TI2, the list goes on. Bad teams can prove that the hero brings too much value to a team for too little effort (Bristleback quill spray having a larger distance than Lina can attack from, Undying tombstone before nerf, I'd argue Necro + Magic Stick). In theory if you put those two together, you get winrate.

                                                          I personally like to cross reference the winrate with the percentage of games played. A classic case of high pro winrate and low number of games played is Broodmother, because she is so easily countered and only played in games she is extremely likely to succeed. A hero that has both a high winrate and a high pickrate is probably providing too much bankable value, while a low winrate with a low pickrate means no matter how well you play the hero, you're fighting an uphill battle.

                                                          Again, PPD is right. Stats are certainly a suggestion of overall strength instead of complete proof. You pick what you think will work. But to ignore stats altogether is throwing away a wealth of information.


                                                            really? nerf sven?
                                                            don't dare to do this
                                                            sven was a underrate hero after patch 7.00 then after several patches they buff him with str and then again they start to nerf him. first they reduce his ulti strng and damage , then they changed base attack time , then they increase warcry coldown, and still you want nerf? maybe he should go 40th popularity and 48% win rate again?


                                                              I really don't know how Bane did not see any sort of attention. WK, I can understand, because of the prevalence of mana-burners and relatively high amounts of illusion heroes. Spectre as well, just isn't fast enough for the meta. But Bane? 2 single target disables that last pretty long, one of which is BKB piercing, a servicable pure damage nuke, and a damage reduction spell that cripples right click carries pre-manta or bkb.
                                                              Lion and Tiny were banned but never picked. Lion is slightly understandable; he's a weaker Rasta. Tony is also weak, but still surprising, nobody dared to go Io-Tiny?

                                                              Travi$ $cott!

                                                                We need to talk about the new mask of madness, it has been a frequent pick up for carries, sven, ursa, sniper, lycan, faceless. Some of the heroes would not even be in this meta without this item being changed. A silence and armor reduction is nothing when these heroes combo, such as sven giving gods strength and warcy or ursa with his enrage or faceless in the safety of his chrono. Maybe you don't need to nerf the heroes maybe the nerf this item. Maybe highten the cost? 1975 seems cheap for a hero that can flash farm all jungles.


                                                                  Does anyone felt Ti 6 was better than Ti 7 ? with EG vs Ehome or final games ?

                                                                  Keep Awake

                                                                    Wow!!! ^^^ Actual discussion instead of 30+ numbered comments and something about mango win rates :)

                                                                    Nice write up, I don't read these much any more but keep up the good work Mr. Kawaiisocks.

                                                                    Brünk Hüll


                                                                      It happens more often than you think, often kept alive by a select few names (ETd and Nixon come to mind) but you can't expect every comment to be mind blowing.

                                                                      Murdoc Niccals™

                                                                        What about tusk ????

                                                                        MR FLAMER

                                                                          they r gonna nerf bs arent they

                                                                          ♂️Altered fitter♂

                                                                            спасибо за перевод

                                                                            no self

                                                                              night stalker is sick


                                                                                I don't know if you can quote here so let's just do this
                                                                                "But Bane? 2 single target disables that last pretty long, one of which is BKB piercing, a servicable pure damage nuke, and a damage reduction spell that cripples right click carries <pre-manta or bkb>."

                                                                                Enfeeble cannot be purged. So if you get enfeebled you're going to deal up to 120 less damage for the next 20 seconds, and probably more considering the cooldown is 8.

                                                                                STOP! In the name of the ...

                                                                                  FIRST XDXDXDXD


                                                                                    dont believe this game.. so nice